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Cold War at Home.

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Presentation on theme: "Cold War at Home."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cold War at Home

2 1950’s at Home

3 Cause Spread of communism and Soviet control over various regions in the world lead to another period of fear known as the “Red Scare”

4 Domestic Effects Truman enacts the loyalty review board
HUAC – House of Un-American Activities Committee Senator Joe McCarthy – Red Scare Alger Hiss, government employee named a Soviet spy Ethel and Julius Rosenberg – arrested for selling secrets to the USSR, sentenced to death for treason

5 McCarthyism

6 “ That’s one small step for man and….one giant leap for mankind.”
Foreign Effects Berlin Wall Hotline - direct phone link between US President Kennedy in the White House, and Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev in the Kremlin Space Race – April 1961 Soviet Union was the first to put a man in Space July 20th 1969 – US put Neil Armstrong on the Moon “ That’s one small step for man and….one giant leap for mankind.”

7 President Eisenhower and the Arms race
Push for more powerful weapons US decided it should be first to create a Hydrogen bomb (67 times more power than an Atomic bomb) did this in 1952

8 Cold War Brinkmanship Created by Secretary of State John Foster Dulles
Eisenhower Doctrine Massive Arms Race Soviets launch an ICB’s = Intercontinental Ballistic Missile into space carrying a Satellite US panics and establishes the National Aeronautics and Space Administration = ? Domino Theory Applied to Asia What countries?

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