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“In this classroom, mistakes are… expected, inspected, and respected.”

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Presentation on theme: "“In this classroom, mistakes are… expected, inspected, and respected.”"— Presentation transcript:

1 “In this classroom, mistakes are… expected, inspected, and respected.”
Welcome to Mrs. Henderson’s 4th Grade Math Class Welcome to 4th grade Math! I am excited about working with all of 4th grade this year. This will be my 10th year teaching and my 4th year at DCES. I have a Bachelor’s in Early Childhood Education and a Master’s in Reading and Mathematics K-6. Teachers and parents must work together as a team in order to help students be successful. When a student enters my class they become one of my children. I would treat them the same as I would treat my two (soon to be three) children. Luckily this year, I get to be a “school mom” to almost 100 children! I look forward to building lasting relationships with you and our children. Grading: Test/Projects 40% Quiz 35 % Classwork 25% Assignments that are more than 5 days late will NOT be accepted. 10 Points will be deducted from your grade each day that it is late. After 5 days it will remain a 0 in the grade book. 10 Points will automatically be deducted for not having your name on your paper. Unclaimed papers will go in the trash at the end of each week Re-takes will NOT be given. What will happen is that once a test is given back, you have 2 days to correct your answers on a separate sheet of paper, explain where you made your mistake/thinking, and have your parents sign off on it. Then and only then will I reward half the points back for each question. School phone: Remind101: to 81010 Have the app? Code Class Website: Infinite Campus will be something that you need to check weekly or daily. They have an app or you can log into the website. There is a link to parent portal on my class website. I will mark late, missing, and put in comments. If you do not have a login for parent portal please see the front office. Please make sure to sign up with REMIND101. It is an app that is user friendly. It makes communication with each other extremely easy. In the app, simply click join a class and You can also sign up and receive reminds through texts by to “In this classroom, mistakes are… expected, inspected, and respected.” -anonymous

2 Expectations and Procedures:
Students are expected to come to class prepared and on time. ( homework, books, paper, and pencil) Backpacks will be asked to be placed under your desk for safety while moving around the room. In the hallway, student must be SILENT! No exceptions. Their hands should be in their pockets, have their arms crossed, or have their hands by their side not touching anyone or anything. We will be respectful to other classes as we move through the halls. At lunch, you may talk. You must remember your table manners. Good table manners consist of talking to your neighbor, not the student at the other end of the table, keeping your volume low, chewing with your mouth closed, sitting properly, and being respectful of others around you. Students will use the restroom at set times during class time. If the student needs to use it at other times during my class, I ask that they hold off while in the middle of lesson in order to not interrupt, cause a distraction, and to not miss instruction time. Once we move to individual work, I will allow it. Emergencies are the exception. Students should remain seated in class. There should be no reason to be out of your seat unless I have called on you. Trash cans are at each group. If you need your pencil sharpened, we will have a silent code and I will trade your unsharpened pencil for a sharpened pencil. Please do not use mechanical pencils. Students take them apart, argue over them, the lead breaks constantly, and then they are up looking for more lead or they take lead from other pencils. As silly as it sounds, they really do end up being more of a distraction than a simple writing tool.

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