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Definitions for Units 1-7 Vocabulary Test

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1 Definitions for Units 1-7 Vocabulary Test
For your enjoyment! 

2 Words from Lesson 1 Divulge: to tell; to reveal (as a secret)
Abet: to assist or encourage, especially in wrongdoing Insipid: lacking flavor; dull; not at all stimulating Coerce: to force by using pressure, intimidation, or threats Jaundiced: prejudiced; hostile Meticulous: extremely, sometimes excessively careful about small details; precise

3 Words from Lesson 2 Heresy: the crime of holding a belief that goes against an established doctrine Docile: easy to teach or manage Banter: teasing; playful conversation Ignominy: public shame, disgrace, or dishonor Motley: made up of dissimilar parts; being of many colors Emaciated: extremely thin; wasted away

4 Words from Lesson 3 Avarice: greed; desire for wealth
Furtive: stealthy; secretive Extradite: to turn over or deliver to the legal jurisdiction of another government or authority Copious: numerous; large in quantity Irascible: easily angered Mercenary: a professional soldier hired by a foreign army Bastion: a strong defense or fort (or one likened to it) Jettison: to cast overboard; to discard Ostracize: to banish; to shut out from a group or society by common consent

5 Words from Lesson 4 Negligence: careless neglect, often resulting in injury Appease: to calm; to make satisfied (often only temporarily) Chaos: complete disorder Augment: to enlarge; to increase in amount or intensity

6 Words from Lesson 5 Rancor: extreme hatred or ill-will
Diffident: lacking in self-confidence; shy Opus: a creative work, especially a numbered composition Disparity: inequality; difference

7 Words from Lesson 6 Apathy: lack of interest; state of not caring
Officious: excessively eager to deliver unasked-for or unwanted help Dilettante: one who merely dabbles in an art or science

8 Words from Lesson 7 Cynical: doubtful or distrustful of the goodness or sincerity of human motives Ambivalent: having opposing attitudes or feelings toward a person, thing, or idea; unable to decide Demagogue: a leader who appeals to citizens’ emotions to obtain power Demure: quiet and modest; reserved Destitute: extremely poor; lacking necessities like food and shelter Culmination: the highest point of attainment; the end or climax Concur: to be of the same opinion; to agree with

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