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Raquel Rogers May 23, 2013 Mr. Porter

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Presentation on theme: "Raquel Rogers May 23, 2013 Mr. Porter"— Presentation transcript:

1 Raquel Rogers May 23, 2013 Mr. Porter
Beginning to End Raquel Rogers May 23, 2013 Mr. Porter

2 Childhood Influences Grandmother My two brothers

3 “ giving respect will get you father then what you think”
Grandmother Lived to be 89 Stood up for what she be believe in “ giving respect will get you father then what you think”

4 My brothers Michael Jackson Been in jail
Work hard in the streets to provide Ricky Jackson football player Fought for me

5 Childhood experiences
Got held over the bridge Lost my grandmother in 4th grade Got kicked out my home

6 Present influences My daughter Friends Family

7 My daughter Destiny Ja’nae

8 Friends/family Caring Advice Making you feel important

9 Present experiences Got pregnant at the age 17 About to lose my mom
Became a mother at 18

10 Future !! R.N Daughter College Travel married

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