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Person centred care and failure free activities in a ward setting

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1 Person centred care and failure free activities in a ward setting
What change can we make that will result in an improvement? Occupational Therapy Project Maximising skills/abilities, recovery focused and promoting well being Cognitive Disability Model Key in approach Greater understanding of global cognitive functioning in everyday tasks Focuses on both remaining abilities and deficits so therapist can adapt approach and environment to keep someone participating in everyday things. Situation: All Male extended assessment ward for older People with mental illness. Patients with very complex needs, meeting the continuing health care criteria. Identified Problem: Previous high incidence of aggression High incidence of falls High levels of pharmlogical interventions High levels of staff observations needed Level 2 & 3 Staff very stressed, low morale, unhappy Outcomes Staff Attitude – becomes patient centred – warm, empathic and open (Rogers) Staff/patient/carer relationships – provide more understanding of a patient’s personhood (Kitwood) considering and knowing a patients likes, dislikes and capabilities. Reduction in anxiety, agitation and aggression Reduction in prescribing and administering of Anx-iolytic and Antipsychotic medication Reduction in falls References Alzheimer’s Australia (2017) Agitated Behaviours. Available at: ( changes/agitated behaviours)  Allen Cognitive Network (2017) Brief History of the Cognitive Disabilities Model and Assessments. Available at: ( Allen, Claudia kay, Earhart Catherine T. and Blue, Tina (1992) Occupational Therapy treatment goals for the physically and cognitively disabled, AOTA, Bethesda MD. Team members: Rebecca Hanmer, Joanne Hollyman, Rebecca Taylor, Daniel Beuse-Evans Reflection New staff settling in. Not being based on ward context of spot checks, 15 steps project and understanding staff feelings Could have raised understanding of project more with ward based staff. Some patients overseen by several OTs-Link OT for all patients Remaining optimistic and positive

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