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Shoutout to Mr. Naple’s class in New Haven

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1 APUSH Review: Video #39: The Growth Of Cities (Urbanization) (Key Concept 6.2, I, A - E)
Shoutout to Mr. Naple’s class in New Haven. Thanks for the support, good luck! Everything You Need To Know About The Growth Of Cities To Succeed In APUSH

2 The Growth Of Cities In the late-19th century, cities will see tremendous growth Factories and businesses International migrants move to cities Asia - Chinese immigrants (pre- 1882) settle on the West Coast, RR workers “New Immigrants” - Southern and Eastern Europe - Italy, Poland, etc. 10,000,000 between 1860 and 1890

3 International Migration
Why did migrants move here? Escape poverty Religious persecution - Jews in Russia fled to the US Little social mobility in home country - “Rags to riches” stories in the US Horatio Alger

4 Internal Migration Many African Americans moved within and out of the South To escape sharecropping This will increase in the 20th century - The “Great Migration”

5 Characteristics Of Urban Neighborhoods
Often based on ethnicity, race, and class “Little Italy” Provided new cultural opportunities

6 Debates Over Assimilation
Assimilation - adapting or “becoming American” Was a result of: International migration Led to: Nativism (again) American Protective Association (APA) - sought to limit immigrants and keep Catholics from holding office Similar to Know-Nothing Party of 1850s Immigrants often compromised between their own cultures and US culture: 2nd generation were more likely to assimilate than 1st generation Public schools only taught English

7 Political Machines Emerged in cities
Political organizations that provided jobs and services to constituents and received support in return Tammany Hall in NYC Boss Tweed

8 A Growing Middle Class Caused by:
Need for managers at the corporate level Increased access to education Growing leisure time that expanded consumer culture: Vaudeville shows, baseball, consumer goods

9 Quick Recap Reasons for the growth of cities
Reasons for international migration Characteristics of cities Assimilation and nativism Political machines Emerging middle class

10 See You Back Here For Video #40: Transcontinental RRs, Westward Settlement, & Native Americans
Thanks for watching Best of luck!

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