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Presentation on theme: "LEADER KEYS EFFECTIVENESS SYSTEM"— Presentation transcript:

LKES Orientation Teacher and Leader Effectiveness Division Welcome to the Leader Keys Effectiveness System Orientation. The Leader Keys Effectiveness System provides a common evaluation system for school leaders in all LEAs throughout Georgia. This system helps to ensure consistency and comparability across LEAs, based on a common definition of leader effectiveness. 7/1/2018 7/1/2015

2 Today’s Learning Targets
Introduce and explain all four components of the Leader Keys Effectiveness System. Provide expectations and Orientation for implementation by school leaders. Today’s Orientation will introduce you to Leader Keys Effectiveness System (LKES) and provide a common understanding of the overall system and its four components. This Orientation will provide clear expectations for the LKES implementation by school leaders. As with the Teacher Keys Effectiveness System, the Leader Keys Effectiveness System has Performance Standards that help to outline a school based leader’s expected practices. 7/1/2018 7/1/2015

3 Resources and Materials
Leaders will need the following resources found on the GADOE TLSD Electronic Platform which is now housed in the Student Longitudinal Data System (SLDS): Leader Keys Effectiveness System Handbook LAPS Reference Sheets Performance Standards and Indicators Performance Standards and Rubrics As we work through the Orientation today, there are resources that may be useful to our discussion. For your reference throughout this Orientation, please locate the Leader Keys Effectiveness System Implementation Handbook, and the two LAPS Reference Sheets (green and goldenrod cards). The Leader Keys Implementation Handbook outlines the process for implementing LKES and will serve as an important resource for you throughout the school year. The LAPS Reference Sheets provide a summary of the Performance Standards and sample Indicators, as well as the Performance Appraisal Rubrics for use by leaders and evaluators throughout the evaluation cycle. Please take a few minutes to ensure that you have all of the materials and resources listed on the slide. 7/1/2018 7/1/2015

4 School Climate Star Rating
June 1, 2014 Leader Keys Effectiveness System Leader Keys Effectiveness System Generates a Leader Effectiveness Measure School Climate Star Rating 10% CCRPI School Climate Star Rating Student Growth 40% School Mean Growth Percentile Leader Assessment on Performance Standards 30% Documentation of Practice Combination of Additional Data 20% Achievement Gap Reduction  Beating The Odds CCRPI Data We will begin our discussion today by talking about the purpose of LKES. The intent of the Leader Keys Effectiveness System is to establish consistency and comparability across the state based with a common definition of leader effectiveness. As we ensure the effectiveness of our school leaders to support and enrich instructional practice, we should also focus on the leader’s continued growth and development, as it will enable greater student growth and academic achievement. The Leader Keys Effectiveness System relies on multiple sources of data so that both the full scope of a leader’s work is considered and the richest picture of professional practice can be obtained. 7/1/2018 June 1, 2014

5 School Climate Star Rating
June 1, 2014 Leader Keys Effectiveness System Leader Keys Effectiveness System Generates a Leader Effectiveness Measure School Climate Star Rating 10% CCRPI School Climate Star Rating Student Growth 40% School Mean Growth Percentile Combination of Additional Data 20% Achievement Gap Reduction  Beating The Odds CCRPI Data Leader Assessment on Performance Standards 30% Documentation of Practice The four components of LKES include the Leader Assessment on Performance Standards (commonly referred to as LAPS). 7/1/2017 June 1, 2014

6 School Climate Star Rating
June 1, 2014 Leader Keys Effectiveness System Leader Keys Effectiveness System Generates a Leader Effectiveness Measure School Climate Star Rating 10% CCRPI School Climate Star Rating Student Growth 40% School Mean Growth Percentile Leader Assessment on Performance Standards 30% Documentation of Practice Combination of Additional Data 20% Achievement Gap Reduction  Beating The Odds CCRPI Data The second component is Student Growth which consists of a School Mean Growth Percentile (Georgia Milestones in grades 4-8 ELA/Reading and Math and high school End Of Courses in ELA and Math). 7/1/2018 June 1, 2014

7 School Climate Star Rating
June 1, 2014 Leader Keys Effectiveness System Leader Keys Effectiveness System Generates a Leader Effectiveness Measure School Climate Star Rating 10% CCRPI School Climate Star Rating Student Growth 40% School Mean Growth Percentile Leader Assessment on Performance Standards 30% Documentation of Practice Combination of Additional Data 20% Achievement Gap Reduction  Beating The Odds CCRPI Data The School Climate Star Rating is the third component. 7/1/2018 June 1, 2014

8 School Climate Star Rating
June 1, 2014 Leader Keys Effectiveness System Leader Keys Effectiveness System Generates a Leader Effectiveness Measure School Climate Star Rating 10% CCRPI School Climate Star Rating Student Growth 40% School Mean Growth Percentile Leader Assessment on Performance Standards 30% Documentation of Practice Combination of Additional Data 20% Achievement Gap Reduction  Beating The Odds CCRPI Data And the final component is Combination of Additional Data. 7/1/2018 June 1, 2014

9 School Climate Star Rating
June 1, 2014 Leader Keys Effectiveness System Leader Keys Effectiveness System Generates a Leader Effectiveness Measure School Climate Star Rating 10% CCRPI School Climate Star Rating Student Growth 40% School Mean Growth Percentile Combination of Additional Data 20% Achievement Gap Reduction  Beating The Odds CCRPI Data Leader Assessment on Performance Standards 30% Documentation of Practice Let’s begin by looking at the multiple components of LKES. The first of the four components of the Leader Keys Effectiveness System, the Leader Assessment on Performance Standards, or LAPS, provides a qualitative, rubrics-based evaluation method by which evaluators can measure a leader’s performance related to Performance Standards. Multiple data points including Documentation of Practice will provide evaluators with information to rate all eight Performance Standards. 7/1/2017 June 1, 2014

10 LAPS Domains and Standards
SCHOOL LEADERSHIP 1. Instructional Leadership 2. School Climate ORGANIZATIONAL LEADERSHIP 3. Planning and Assessment 4. Organizational Management HUMAN RESOURCES LEADERSHIP 5. Human Resources Management 6. Teacher/Staff Evaluation PROFESSIONALISM AND COMMUNICATION 7. Professionalism 8. Communication and Community Relations 4 Domains 8 Standards The eight Performance Standards outline the major actions, behaviors, and responsibilities that school leaders must demonstrate to be effective. These Standards are grouped into four overarching Domains: School Leadership, Organizational Leadership, Human Resources Leadership, and Professionalism and Communication. While there are many discrete behaviors that could be identified within each of these Domains, these eight Standards provide clear expectations for leader effectiveness. Evaluators and leaders may collect data which support these Standards in a variety of ways such as documentation provided by the evaluator and leader to gathering information through an actual observation of the leader in authentic settings. Each of these eight Standards will eventually be rated to provide an assessment of the leader’s actions in relation to effective practice. The eight Standards are rated based on a Performance Appraisal Rubric signifying how well the leader performed effective practice, actions, and behaviors in relation to the specific Standard. 7/1/2018 7/1/2015

11 Performance Standard 1: Instructional Leadership
The leader fosters the success of all students by facilitating the development, communication, implementation, and evaluation of a shared vision of teaching and learning that leads to school improvement. Performance Standard 1: Instructional Leadership focuses on the ways in which the leader fosters the success of all students by facilitating the development, communication, implementation, and evaluation of a shared vision of teaching and learning that leads to school improvement. Effective leaders do this in several ways by creating a vision for the school community, by sharing leadership so that responsibilities are distributed, by leading a learning community, and by monitoring curriculum and instruction. 7/1/2018 7/1/2015

12 Performance Standard 2: School Climate
The leader promotes the success of all students by developing, advocating, and sustaining an academically rigorous, positive, and safe school climate for all stakeholders. Performance Standard 2: School Climate relates to how the leader promotes the success of all students by developing, advocating, and sustaining an academically rigorous, positive, and safe school climate for all stakeholders. When you enter the school’s front office, how does it feel? As you walk down the halls, what behaviors do you notice? What is the energy level of teachers and students in classrooms? Does the school community work as a team? All of these questions relate to school climate. 7/1/2018 7/1/2015

13 Performance Standard 3: Planning and Assessment
The leader effectively gathers, analyzes, and uses a variety of data to inform planning and decision-making consistent with established guidelines, policies, and procedures. Performance Standard 3: Planning and Assessment demonstrates how the leader effectively gathers, analyzes, and uses a variety of data to inform planning and decision-making consistent with established guidelines, policies, and procedures. Careful planning as well as the selection and analysis of assessment and data help to create consistent, data-based decision-making that supports the school's vision and Goals for continual improvement. 7/1/2018 7/1/2015

14 Performance Standard 4: Organizational Management
The leader fosters the success of all students by supporting, managing, and overseeing the school’s organization, operation, and use of resources. Performance Standard 4: Organizational Management captures how the leader fosters the success of all students by supporting, managing, and overseeing the school’s organization, operation, and use of resources. These responsibilities include but are not limited to: (1) coordinating a safe and orderly school environment, daily operations, and facility maintenance; (2) using data in organizational management; (3) seeking and managing fiscal resources; and (4) organizing and managing technology resources. 7/1/2018 7/1/2015

15 Performance Standard 5: Human Resources Management
The leader fosters effective human resources management through the selection, induction, support, and retention of quality instructional and support personnel. Performance Standard 5: Human Resources Management involves how well the leader fosters effective human resources management through the selection, induction, support, and retention of quality instructional and support personnel. Effective leaders select quality teachers and staff, provide induction support for new teachers, mentor novice teachers, provide professional growth opportunities, and consistently work to retain quality staff. 7/1/2018 7/1/2015

16 Performance Standard 6: Teacher and Staff Evaluation
The leader fairly and consistently evaluates school personnel in accordance with state and LEA guidelines and provides them with timely and constructive feedback focused on improved student learning. Performance Standard 6: Teacher and Staff Evaluation examines how the leader fairly and consistently evaluates school personnel in accordance with state and LEA guidelines and provides them with timely and constructive feedback focused on improved student learning. The leader’s fair and consistent implementation of the Teacher Keys Effectiveness System is considered in the evaluation of this Standard. 7/1/2018 7/1/2015

17 Performance Standard 7: Professionalism
The leader fosters the success of students by demonstrating professional Standards and ethics, engaging in continuous professional development, and contributing to the profession. Performance Standard 7: Professionalism focuses on how the leader fosters the success of students by demonstrating professional Standards and ethics, engaging in continuous professional development, and contributing to the profession. As a role model for teachers and staff, the effective school leader engages in professional practices that exhibit such attributes as respect, understanding, and a professional demeanor toward staff while maintaining confidentiality and a positive attitude. 7/1/2018 7/1/2015

18 Performance Standard 8: Communication and Community Relations
The leader fosters the success of all students by communicating and collaborating effectively with stakeholders. Performance Standard 8: Communication and Community Relations examines the ways in which the leader fosters the success of all students by communicating and collaborating effectively with stakeholders. Effective leaders unite the various stakeholders into a cohesive group moving toward the same quality goal of educating all students and increasing student success and learning. 7/1/2018 7/1/2015

19 Performance Indicators Performance Appraisal Rubric
Domain Performance Standard School Leadership Performance Standard 1: Instructional Leadership The leader fosters the success of all students by facilitating the development, communication, implementation, and evaluation of a shared vision of teaching and learning that leads to school improvement. Articulates a vision and works collaboratively with staff, students, parents, and other stakeholders to develop a mission and programs consistent with the district’s strategic plan. Analyzes current academic achievement data and instructional strategies to make appropriate educational decisions to improve classroom instruction, increase student achievement, and improve overall school effectiveness. Level IV Level III Level II Level I The leader actively and continually employs innovative and effective leadership strategies that maximize student learning and result in a shared vision of teaching and learning that reflects excellence. (Leaders rated as Level IV continually seek ways to serve as role models and collaborative leaders.) The leader consistently fosters the success of all students by facilitating the development, communication, implementation, and evaluation of a shared vision of teaching and learning that leads to school improvement. The leader inconsistently fosters the success of students by facilitating the development, communication, implementation, or evaluation of a shared vision of teaching and learning that leads to school improvement. The leader does not foster the success of all students by facilitating the development, communication, implementation, or evaluation of a shared vision of teaching and learning that leads to school improvement. Performance Indicators Performance Appraisal Rubric All eight Performance Standards are organized and designed to provide specific language that ensures a common understanding between the evaluator and leader. For each Standard, there are several distinct parts that help define the expectations and behaviors for leaders. Each part of Leader Assessment on Performance Standards, or LAPS is labeled. The Domain provides clarity on the leadership addressed through the two Standards within the domain. The domain, School Leadership, is identified in this graphic. Beneath each domain are two Performance Standards. The Standard shown is Standard 1, Instructional Leadership. The language of the Standard outlines the expected level of performance and is written so that the consistent practice of the Standard would be considered a Level III rating. Following the Standard are the Performance Indicators. These Indicators provide a sample or example of effective leadership behaviors that might be observed or captured in documentation for that particular Standard. These Indicators are not meant to be exclusive or exhaustive. Rather, the Indicators provide an illustration of common behaviors that could be observed or exhibited by an effective leader in performance of that Standard. Finally, each Standard is supported by a Performance Appraisal Rubric. Each rubric establishes the level of practice demonstrated by the leader, and each of the descriptions contains language that is descriptive of the eight Standards. 7/1/2018 7/1/2015

20 Formative Assessment Process Mid-Year Conference --- December/January
LAPS Process Overview Formative Assessment Process Documentation of Practice  Observation Formative Assessment Summative Assessment Orientation Self-Assessment Summative Conference Mid-Year Conference Pre-Evaluation Conference As part of the Leader Assessment on Performance Standards process, feedback and ratings on each performance Standard will be provided on an ongoing basis throughout the year; additionally, there are specific times during the year when evaluators will conduct required conferences with their assigned leader(s) and, as part of the Formative process, the evaluator will provide ratings and feedback on all eight Performance Standards. An overview of the entire LAPS process is illustrated here. The LAPS process includes steps that are sequential and must be completed, as identified, by either the evaluator or the leader. The beginning of the LAPS process typically occurs during July-August. Familiarization July – August September – April Mid-Year Conference --- December/January April – May DOE Deadline June 15 7/1/2018 7/1/2015

21 Beginning the LAPS Process July - August
Evaluator Provides Orientation using presentation in TLSD platform Leader Selects Evaluator/completes Orientation Completes Self-Assessment (all Standards) Evaluator and Leader (at Pre-Evaluation Conference) Identify Multiple Sources of Documentation The LAPS process begins with an Orientation of each school leader being evaluated through Leader Keys Effectiveness System. Evaluators must ensure that the Orientation is provided each year prior to beginning the LAPS process. 7/1/2018 7/1/2015

22 Beginning the LAPS Process July - August
Evaluator Provides Orientation using presentation in TLSD platform Leader Selects Evaluator/completes Orientation Completes Self-Assessment (all Standards) Evaluator and Leader (at Pre-Evaluation Conference) Identify Multiple Sources of Documentation Another action that occurs within the beginning steps of the process is Evaluator Selection. The leader selects his or her evaluator in the GaDOE TLSD Electronic Platform and completes and signs-off on the Orientation Following the Evaluator Selection and Orientation, the leader will complete a Self-Assessment for all eight Standards.  7/1/2018 7/1/2015

23 Beginning the LAPS Process July - August
Evaluator Provides Orientation using presentation in TLSD platform Leader Selects Evaluator/completes Orientation Completes Self-Assessment (all Standards) Evaluator and Leader (at Pre-Evaluation Conference) Identify Multiple Sources of Documentation Finally, as the LAPS process begins, the evaluator and the leader meet for a required Pre-Evaluation Conference. Prior to the Pre-Evaluation Conference, the leader will prepare to discuss current practice and any needs for clarification with his or her evaluator. During the conference, leaders share their completed Self-Assessments, and evaluators will discuss any specific expectations and needed clarifications regarding the Performance Standards. The leaders and evaluators will come to a common understanding of expected documentation and outline any additional performance expectations. 7/1/2018 7/1/2015

24 Formative Assessment Process Mid-Year Conference --- December/January
LAPS Process Overview Formative Assessment Process Documentation of Practice  Observation Formative Assessment Summative Assessment Orientation Self-Assessment Summative Conference Mid-Year Conference Pre-Evaluation Conference As we complete the beginning steps of the LAPS process, we move on to the Formative Assessment Process. The Formative Assessment Process occurs immediately following the completion of the Pre-Evaluation Conference. Let’s look at the Formative Assessment Process. Familiarization July – August September – April Mid-Year Conference --- December/January April – May DOE Deadline June 15 7/1/2018 7/1/2015

25 Formative Assessment Process
Leader and Evaluator Collect documentation from multiple data sources aligned to Standards Submit documentation for review Evaluator Reviews all documentation from multiple sources Rates and provides specific commentary (highly recommended) on each of the 8 Standards using the Performance Appraisal Rubrics Evaluator and Leader (at Mid-Year Conference) Review ratings and commentary for all 8 Standards Identify areas for improvement and strategies for achieving proficiency on each of the 8 Standards Throughout the Formative Assessment process, the leader and the evaluator will collect and submit documentation that supports the leader’s performance in relation to all eight Standards. Documentation of the leader’s practice contains evidence that can be anecdotal, observational, or by report. The leader is responsible for submitting documentation to the evaluator showing evidence related to each Standard for consideration in the Formative Assessment. Evaluators can submit documentation including observations, walkthroughs, or site visits of leaders during the regular administration of duties. The evaluator can also use evidence that he or she collects in the form of notes or comments that support an eventual rating of the leader for the Performance Standards. 7/1/2018 7/1/2015

26 Multiple Data Sources Totality of Evidence and Consistency of Practice Leaders provided with opportunity for input into evaluation Evaluator determines format (electronic and/or hard-copy) Documentation reviewed prior to Formative Assessment Conference Evaluators may use own documentation (notes/running records) for consideration in Formative Assessment Evaluators review all documentation from multiple data sources. Documentation submitted by the leader and evaluator should be considered when making decisions related to the Formative ratings of each Standard. By looking at and reviewing the full scope of documentation – totality of evidence and consistency of practice – the evaluator will rate and provide specific commentary (please note that specific commentary is highly recommended) on the level of performance the leader has exhibited. For each of the Performance Standards, evaluators will use the Performance Appraisal Rubrics for the purpose of rating. Cut off last part 7/1/2018 7/1/2015

27 Formative Assessment Process
Leader and Evaluator Collect documentation from multiple data sources aligned to Standards Submit documentation for review Evaluator Reviews all documentation from multiple sources Rates and provides specific commentary (highly recommended) on each of the 8 Standards using the Performance Appraisal Rubrics Evaluator and Leader (at Mid-Year Conference) Review ratings and commentary for all 8 Standards Identify areas for improvement and strategies for achieving proficiency on each of the 8 Standards Evaluators review all documentation from multiple data sources. Documentation submitted by the leader and evaluator should be considered when making decisions related to the Formative ratings of each Standard. 7/1/2018 7/1/2015

28 Rating Performance Standards
Level IV Level III Level II Level I The leader actively and continually employs innovative and effective leadership strategies that maximize student learning and result in a shared vision of teaching and learning that reflects excellence. (Leaders rated Level IV continually seek ways to serve as role models and collaborative leaders.) The leader consistently fosters the success of all students by facilitating the development, communication, implementation, and evaluation of a shared vision of teaching and learning that leads to school improvement. The leader inconsistently fosters the success of students by facilitating the development, communication, implementation, or evaluation of a shared vision of teaching and learning that leads to school improvement. The leader does not foster the success of all students by facilitating the development, communication, implementation, or evaluation of a shared vision of teaching and learning that leads to school improvement. The language of the Performance Appraisal Rubric specifies the performance level by assessing the leader’s work in terms of frequency and effectiveness of behaviors. The expected level of performance for each of the eight Standards is Level III. 7/1/2018 7/1/2015

29 Formative Assessment Process
Leader and Evaluator Collect documentation from multiple data sources aligned to Standards Submit documentation for review Evaluator Reviews all documentation from multiple sources Rates and provides specific commentary (highly recommended) on each of the 8 Standards using the Performance Appraisal Rubrics Evaluator and Leader (at Mid-Year Conference) Review ratings and commentary for all 8 Standards Identify areas for improvement and strategies for achieving proficiency on each of the 8 Standards Evaluators must conduct a Mid-year Formative Assessment Conference and provide leaders with a Formative Assessment which indicates a rating for all eight Standards and includes feedback on those Standards. Cut off last part 7/1/2018 7/1/2015

30 Formative Assessment Process Mid-Year Conference --- December/January
LAPS Process Overview Formative Assessment Process Documentation of Practice  Observation Formative Assessment Summative Assessment Orientation Self-Assessment Summative Conference Mid-Year Conference Pre-Evaluation Conference Following the Mid-Year Conference, both the evaluator and the leader continue to collect and submit documentation that will inform the final ratings on all eight Standards in the Summative Assessment. Dialogue should continue between the leader and evaluator throughout this process, and appropriate feedback should be provided by the evaluator as a regular practice. Familiarization July – August September – April Mid-Year Conference --- December/January April – May DOE Deadline June 15 7/1/2018 7/1/2015

31 Summative Assessment Completed by June 15
Leader and Evaluator Collect documentation aligned to Standards Submit documentation for review Evaluator Reviews all documentation Rates and develops specific commentary on each of the 8 Standards based on multiple sources of data Evaluator and Leader (at the Summative Conference) Review ratings on all 8 Performance Standards Review specific commentary on Performance Standards Identify areas for improvement and strategies for achieving proficiency in Standards The next step in the LAPS process is the Summative Assessment. To complete the Summative Assessment, the evaluator reviews all documentation and rates the leader on all 8 Performance Standards. The ratings and commentary are based on multiple sources of data including the Formative Assessment. The Summative Assessments must be completed by June 15th. 7/1/2018 7/1/2015

32 Formative Assessment Process Mid-Year Conference --- December/January
LAPS Process Overview Formative Assessment Process Documentation of Practice  Observation Formative Assessment Summative Assessment Orientation Self-Assessment Summative Conference Mid-Year Conference Pre-Evaluation Conference The final step of the LAPS process is the Summative Conference. During the Summative Conference, both the evaluator and the leader will review the results of the Summative Assessment. Familiarization July – August September – April Mid-Year Conference --- December/January April – May DOE Deadline June 15 7/1/2018 7/1/2015

33 Summative Conference Completed by June 30
Leader and Evaluator Collect documentation aligned to Submit documentation for review Evaluator Reviews all documentation Rates and develops specific commentary on each of the 8 Standards based on multiple sources of data Evaluator and Leader (at the Summative Conference) Review ratings on all 8 Performance Standards Review specific commentary on Performance Standards Identify areas for improvement and strategies for achieving proficiency in Standards In the Summative Conference, the evaluator and leader will meet, and the evaluator will discuss the ratings and commentary on all eight Performance Standards. The evaluator should identify areas for improvement and establish strategies for any Standard or Standards. The Summative Conference must be completed by June 15th. 7/1/2018 7/1/2015

34 School Climate Star Rating
June 1, 2014 Leader Keys Effectiveness System Leader Keys Effectiveness System Generates a Leader Effectiveness Measure School Climate Star Rating 10% CCRPI School Climate Star Rating Student Growth 40% School Mean Growth Percentile Leader Assessment on Performance Standards 30% Documentation of Practice Combination of Additional Data 20% Achievement Gap Reduction  Beating The Odds CCRPI Data The second component of the Leader Keys Effectiveness System is Student Growth. This component is based on a School Mean Growth Percentile for teachers of SGP grades and courses and are based on the Georgia Milestones End Of Grades in grades 4-8 ELA/Reading and Math and high school End Of Course in ELA and Math). 7/1/2018 June 1, 2014

35 School Climate Star Rating
June 1, 2014 Leader Keys Effectiveness System Leader Keys Effectiveness System Generates a Leader Effectiveness Measure School Climate Star Rating 10% CCRPI School Climate Star Rating Student Growth 40% School Mean Growth Percentile Leader Assessment on Performance Standards 30% Documentation of Practice Combination of Additional Data 20% Achievement Gap Reduction  Beating The Odds CCRPI Data The third component of LKES is the School Climate Star Rating. 7/1/2018 June 1, 2014

36 CCRPI School Climate Star Rating
The CCRPI School Climate Star Rating shows how well a school is fostering an atmosphere where students feel welcomed, safe, and respected. Points are awarded for each of the four dimensions: Perception of School Climate (Survey), Student Discipline, Safe and Substance- Free Learning Environment, and Attendance. The CCRPI School Climate Star Rating is a lagging measure on a leader’s component rating. The School Climate Star Rating shows how well a school is fostering an atmosphere where students feel welcomed, safe, and respected. The 1 – 5 star rating provides school-level data on the following components: Perception of School Climate Survey, Student Discipline, Safe and Substance-Free Learning Environment and Attendance. The CCRPI School Climate Star Rating is a lagging measure on a leader’s component rating. 7/1/2018

37 CCRPI School Climate Star Rating Rubric
The rubric below will be used to determine the rating level for this component. Level IV Level III Level II Level I The school earned 4 or 5 Stars on the CCRPI School Climate Star Rating. The school earned 3 Stars on the CCRPI School Climate Star Rating. The school earned 2 Stars on the CCRPI School Climate Star Rating. The school earned 1 Star on the CCRPI School Climate Star Rating. This rubric will be used to determine the rating for this component. A rating of Level IV will be given if the school earned 4 or 5 stars on the CCRPI School Climate Star Rating Survey, a rating of Level III will be given if the school earned 3 stars, a level II if the school earned two stars and a Level I will be given if the school earned 1 star. 7/1/2018

38 School Climate Star Rating
June 1, 2014 Leader Keys Effectiveness System Leader Keys Effectiveness System Generates a Leader Effectiveness Measure School Climate Star Rating 10% CCRPI School Climate Star Rating Student Growth 40% School Mean Growth Percentile Leader Assessment on Performance Standards 30% Documentation of Practice Combination of Additional Data 20% Achievement Gap Reduction  Beating The Odds CCRPI Data The Combination of Additional Data component consists of an Achievement Gap Reduction measure, data from Beating The Odds and/or CCRPI. Each district determines how to combine these additional data components that will generate a final rating of Level I, II, III, or IV. For additional information, concerning this component, please refer to the LKES Implementation Handbook. 7/1/2018 June 1, 2014

39 District Roster Verification
District Roster Verification processes will be determined and facilitated by the LEA. The GaDOE State Data Collection process will ensure accurate student/teacher linkages for teachers of SGP grades and courses. It is highly recommended that districts provide teachers the opportunity to periodically verify their rosters. This may be part of the district FTE verification process. Roster verification is a critical part of the TKES and LKES process. Accurate data entry, review and verification of student rosters by teachers and leaders is necessary to ensure the correct student/teacher linkages for the purpose of evaluating teacher effectiveness. Teacher and Leader growth ratings depend upon the accuracy of the student rosters reported in the LEA’s Student Information System. Roster Verification will not be in platform!!!!!! 7/1/2018

40 90% Attendance Students shall attend 90% of the instructional length of the course in order for the student’s data to be included in the growth score for evaluation. This attendance requirement will be phased in over a three year period. Phase In Plan for 90% Attendance Requirement Applicable high school courses only Applicable middle and high school courses only Applicable elementary, middle, and high school courses only Read slide as written. 7/1/2018 7/1/2016

41 90% Attendance The first official TEM and LEM will not be produced until there is at least one full data set to use for a preliminary run. As a result, is the “dry run” for official TEM and LEM results, and the first official TEM and LEM will not be calculated until   Districts may determine if ISS, field trips, athletic events, etc. are to be considered absences. GaDOE recommends district-wide determination and not school by school determination. Additionally, GaDOE will apply attendance only to the tested grades and courses that generate SGPs. This will be ELA and math only. Read slide as written. It is recommended that LEAs also consider teacher attendance when determining whether student growth should be included in teachers’ evaluations. 7/1/2018

42 School Climate Star Rating
June 1, 2014 Leader Keys Effectiveness System Leader Keys Effectiveness System Generates a Leader Effectiveness Measure School Climate Star Rating 10% CCRPI School Climate Star Rating Student Growth 40% School Mean Growth Percentile Leader Assessment on Performance Standards 30% Documentation of Practice Combination of Additional Data 20% Achievement Gap Reduction  Beating The Odds CCRPI Data Today’s Orientation provided a detailed overview of the Leader Keys Effectiveness System. Now we will move into the new rule changes concerning teachers’ and leaders’ certification made by the Georgia Professional Standards Commission. 7/1/2018 June 1, 2014

43 Georgia Professional Standards Commission Professional Learning for Recertification
The next few slides outline the changes made by the Georgia Professional Standards Commission to the state’s certification renewal process. 7/1/2018

44 GaPSC – Professional Learning for Recertification
Professional Learning Goals (PLGs) are designed to enhance professional performance. Professional Learning Plans (PLPs) are designed to address the needs of educators including those with Remediation Plans due to summative ratings below Proficient (Needs Development or Ineffective). Remediation Plans that include a PLP is required for any educator receiving a rating that must be reported to the GaPSC (Level I or II on the TAPS or LAPS Summative Assessment, or an Unsatisfactory rating). Based on recommendations from various stakeholders, the following changes were incorporated to Georgia’s certificate renewal rule: All GA educators will be required to have a Professional Learning Plan (PLP), a Remediation Plan that includes a (PLP), or Professional Learning Goal(s) (PLG). 7/1/2018

45 Professional Learning Goals
Professional Learning Goals (PLGs) will be developed by all educators: 1. with summative performance ratings of Proficient (Satisfactory) or Exemplary 2. who do not fall into one of the six categories that require a Professional Learning Plan (PLP) Most Georgia educators will develop PLGs rather than PLPs. This means those who have good to excellent performance (proficient, satisfactory, or exemplary)and do not fall into one of the six categories that require PLPs will create one or more goals to support continued good to excellent performance. These goals will be developed by the teacher and approved by the school administration. The template for the Professional Goal is located in the TLSD Electronic Platform. Teachers are encouraged, but not required, to seek colleague input in the development of their goals since educators work collaboratively in the Professional Learning Community. 7/1/2018

46 Professional Learning Plans
Required for all educators who fall into one of these categories: Induction Teaching out-of-field New position Out of the profession for a period of time Moving into the state Evaluation performance of Needs Development, Ineffective, or Unsatisfactory Teachers who fall in one of these categories: Induction – required for all three years the educator holds the Induction certificate; teaching out of field; new position – for example, a teacher becomes a media specialist and must develop a PLP for 1-3 years depending upon the educator’s needs; out of the profession for a period of one year or more – a PLP will be required for 1-3 years depending upon the educator’s needs; or moving into the state - a PLP will be required for 1-3 years depending upon the educator’s needs. The sixth category requiring a PLP involves educators with low performance and is addressed on the next slide. 7/1/2018

47 Professional Learning Communities
Professional Learning Communities are an integral part of the GaPSC professional learning expectations. All individuals who hold a GaPSC certificate are required to participate in Professional Learning Communities as part of the recertification requirements. For a number of years, research has indicated that student performance is more easily raised and sustained when the school is organized as a learning community. In learning communities, educators work together and support one another in identifying and seeking solutions to challenges that impact teaching and learning. Teachers are empowered to work on problems of practice in learning communities by sharing expertise, seeking help from one another, collaboratively designing lessons and assessment, and engaging with others to build trust and take responsibility for the learning of all students. GaPSC and GaDOE are working together to help school districts move toward full implementation of Professional Learning Communities. 7/1/2018

48 GaPSC – Professional Learning for Recertification
Questions regarding content should be directed to Angie Gant, GaPSC, Director of Program Approval – Questions regarding the use of the TLSD Electronic Platform in the PL processes should be directed to the Platform Training and Development Specialist assigned to your district. GaPSC sets all content requirements for professional learning as related to recertification. Questions regarding content should be directed to Angie Gant, at the GaPSC. GaDOE TLSD provides technology support for the platform. Questions regarding the use of the TLSD Electronic Platform in the PL processes should be directed to the Platform Training and Development Specialist assigned to your district. 7/1/2018

49 For more information, please visit:
Thank you for participating in the Leader Keys Effectiveness System Orientation. For additional information, questions, or concerns regarding the Leader Keys Effectiveness System, please visit the Teacher and Leader Effectiveness website at and the GaDOE TLSD Electronic Platform which is now housed in the State Longitudinal Data System. Have a wonderful school year! 7/1/2018 7/1/2015


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