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STRUCT to build.

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Presentation on theme: "STRUCT to build."— Presentation transcript:

1 STRUCT to build

2 What is built; buildings that are created or produced
construction What is built; buildings that are created or produced

3 construction Our new home is currently under construction.
My uncle is a construction worker.

4 DESTRUCTION the act of taking down or destroying something that was built

5 DESTRUCTION Natural disasters can cause massive destruction.
Destruction from the Northridge earthquake caused several people to become homeless for a few days.

6 infrastructure the parts of a city on which the rest of the city was built around: roads, communication, transportation, and schools

7 infrastructure Before we build the infrastructure for the new playground, we must make a plan. There were a lot of water main breaks in Los Angeles because of aging infrastructure.

8 instruct to build knowledge

9 instruct Mom is trying to instruct Abigail on new vocabulary words by using flashcards. Teachers will instruct you in all academic subjects.

10 instructor a person who helps someone build knowledge

11 instructor Ms. Oculam is our classroom instructor.
Yoga instructors teach students how to properly practice yoga moves.

12 misconstrue to build the wrong meaning ; to misunderstand; to interpret the wrong way

13 misconstrue I misconstrued what your directions were and ended up at the wrong address. It is important that we do not misconstrue his thoughts here.

14 obstruction something that blocks the way of things being created or built; something in the way

15 obstruction Workers need to use machines to clear the obstruction in the road caused by the boulder. With the obstruction removed, water plunged down the creek bed, dragging debris with it.

16 reconstruct to build again

17 reconstruct After the big earthquake, the people began to reconstruct their broken homes. With the aid of latitude and longitude it is possible to reconstruct maps.

18 substructure The base, support, or foundation of a building

19 substructure Homes begin with a substructure underneath the ground.
Concrete substructures create bridges over water.

20 Superstructure Something built on top of something else; the part of the building that was built on top of the foundation base

21 superstructure Houses are the superstructure above the foundation.
The ship’s superstructure split into the sea.

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