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Welcome to the assembly of the 160th Ave. Church of Christ!

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to the assembly of the 160th Ave. Church of Christ!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to the assembly of the 160th Ave. Church of Christ!
We gather Sunday at 9 a.m.(class), 10 a.m., p.m., & Wednesday at 7 p.m. Check the bulletin for various announcements

2 Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life, to which you were also called and have confessed the good confession in the presence of many witnesses. (1 Timothy 6:12 NKJV) I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. (2 Timothy 4:7 NKJV)

3 The Good Fight Against Bitterness
Distribute handout with all verses and room for notes or comments (3 pages)

4 Bitterness Conflict Among the world (Jn. 18-19) Family (Gen. 16)
Religion (Mt. 5:20; 15; 21-23) I. Conflict A. among the world 1. friendships, school, work, driving, and any public place a. Jesus and Pilate Jn b. Have you ever thought about how objective the gospel writers were (Holy Spirit was) in what they say about Pilate? Not “Pilate, the good-for-nothing scumbag” 2. no surprise—they typically are playing by their own rules B. family (spouse, siblings, potential family [dating]) 1. necessary conflict a. Abraham, Sarah, Hagar in Gen. 16 b. When husbands do not lead in love or wives do not submit themselves, conflict is certain but bitterness does not have to accompany conflict. 2. unnecessary conflict (Joseph and brothers) C. religion a. Jesus and religious leaders Mt. 5:20; 15; 21-23 b. We should be angry that the Lord’s churches have been divided (by things such as we studied Wed night, i.e. churches donating money to camps and colleges), but we cannot teach our erring brethren if we are bitter and ignore them. 2. unnecessary conflict (Jesus’ disciples for “greatest in kingdom”) D. Is it possible to avoid bitterness during and after conflict?

5 Bitterness Faith What God says Eph. 4:31; Heb. 12:14-15
Faith that works (active) Jer. 10:23; Js. 2:14; Prov. 15:22 Faith that works (success) 1 Jn. 5:4 II. Faith (believing God) A. What God says about bitterness 1. all put away from you Eph. 4:31 a. we can be angry without sin, but we cannot not be bitter without sin b. how much is all? 2. Heb. 12:15 bitterness a. causes us to fall short of the grace of God b. grows, like a plant---what do you think it feeds on? c. causes trouble d. rarely remains a private problem B. Faith that works—is active 1. Seeks God’s help Jer. 10:23 2. Do what I am able Js. 2:14 3. Seek help I need from others Prov. 15:22 4. Accept that I cannot force others to change (many Proverbs)—if I’m going to be bitter until they change, I am giving them too much influence on my soul and relationship with God C. Faith that works—is successful 1 Jn. 5:4 1. We don’t have to like what God requires of us by faith, but it is always for our benefit and to please God. 2. When faith and bitterness collide, faith always wins—if bitterness ever wins, I stopped walking by faith.

6 Bitterness Little by Little
Identify the reason Js. 1:14-15 Pray daily and specifically 1 Jn. 1:9; Heb. 4:16 Change my thoughts Phil. 4:8 Change my words Js. 1:19-20 Change my deeds Js. 3: (Rom. 12:14-21; Heb. 12:14-15) III. Little by little (Ex. 23:29-30) A. Identify the reason (cause) 1. Rom. 12:21 I don’t mean “What did someone else do”---what someone else did may have affected you, but you let bitterness in to stay. 2. Js. 1: what did you think bitterness would accomplish? did it satisfy? a. did it change what happened? b. did it help your spouse humble himself and see his error? c. or, did you not think soberly but enjoyed the feeling of dwelling on their error? B. Pray daily, very specifically 1. confess your sin (implying repentance) 1 Jn. 1:7, 9 2. confess your need for help Heb. 4:12 describe every action and reaction 3. 1 Cor. 10:13 seek the way of escape when the same thoughts, feelings, and desires return C. Change my thoughts Phil. 4:8 1. it may be true that they were wrong but dwell on the truth of what bitterness will do to you 2. what is the noble response to what has happened 3. what is the just response from you (you don’t have the right to get revenge Rom. 12) D. Change my words 1. Js. 1: be slow to speak, esp when angry and when wrong words come to mind, do not let them out 2. Eccl. 3:7 learn from God about “the time to keep silence”—this is a “little” step of progress 3. If I have spoken bitter words, confess that to those who know E. Change my deeds Js. 3:13-18 (Rom. 12:14-21; Heb. 12:14) 1. usually, my deeds won’t change before (A-D) 2. good conduct in meekness, gentle, sow peace 3. did these ever make problems worse? sometimes the best you can do is not cause more problems 4. could this help our families? resolve private conflicts among us? prevent additional conflicts?

7 Bitterness Armor of God
Waist with truth (Heb. 12:15; Mt. 16:26; Jn. 3:16) Breastplate of righteousness Eph. 4:32; Ps. 25:19-21 IV. Armor of God A. waist with truth 1. When fighting this battle, keep the truth about bitterness “attached to your hip” (Heb. 12:15, comments above) 2. ‘’ ‘’ , keep the truth about the value of that one’s soul nearby (Mt. 16:26) 3. ‘’ ‘’ , keep the fact that whatever they cost you is less than you cost God (Jn. 3:16) B. breastplate of righteousness 1. I must choose between righteousness and bitterness a. can’t wear them both even if I’ve been baptized in the name of the Lord, provide for my children, and worship in spirit and truth. b. the world will not see Christ in me when I am mistreated and bitter 2. Ignoring sin is not the solution to bitterness Eph. 4:32 a. deciding to ignore my spouse’s sin does not help their soul, nor is it the solution to avoid bitterness b. God was not bitter while He waited for and worked to help us to repent before forgiving us. 3. No matter how miserable someone makes you, God will preserve you by righteousness Ps. 25:19-21 a. no personal conflict or false teaching has ever been resolved by bitterness, but Christians have let that further distance them from each other. b. we will only defeat Satan when wearing righteousness and truth

8 The Good Fight Against Bitterness

9 The Good Fight Against Sin

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