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Writing a Trailer Transcript Tips

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1 Writing a Trailer Transcript Tips
PREMISE - What is the image, brief scene or quick dialogue exchange that will tell the audience what your story is? DOUBLE JEOPARDY had that great line where Roma Moffat tells Ashley Judd that she can kill her scumbag husband in Times Square in broad daylight and there's not a thing the police can do about it. That's the whole premise in one line of dialogue!  CHARACTER - What is the image, brief scene or dialogue exchange that will tell the audience who your protagonist is? Will this scene make us LIKE your protagonist, too? CHARACTER ARC - What is the image, brief scene or dialogue exchange that will show us your protagonist's emotional conflict?

2 Writing a Trailer Transcript Tips
GREAT LINES - Even if your film is a drama or thriller, you need a handful of really great lines for your trailer. If you don't have 5 kick-ass memorable lines of dialogue in your script, you're in trouble. What are the 5 lines of dialogue in your script that would make great bumper stickers? SPECTACLE SHOTS - Movies are larger than life experiences... what are the larger than life scenes in your script? The big amazing cool scenes that make me want to grab my place in line right now. It might be a huge action set piece or an amazing exotic location or a an amazing comedy set piece. What are the scenes that the audience just HAS to see on the big screen? The scenes so big and amazing that they will be diminished on video? Okay - what are the 3 single kick-ass SHOTS (not scenes) in your script? DRAMATIC MOMENTS - Do you have a couple of scenes where the actors get to act?

3 Writing a Trailer Transcript Tips
ROMANCE, HUMOUR, THRILLS - These are popular story elements that audiences look for in trailers. Even a drama needs some humour, even a comedy needs a few thrilling moments, every film could use a little romance. An image or brief scene that shows us any of these elements will help get those butts in the seats. THE ORDINARY & EXTRAORDINARY - What is the shot in your script that shows ordinary life shattered by the extraordinary events of your story?

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