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Local data Final version 2005-10-13.

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1 Local data Final version

2 Chapter 1 LAU

3 Local Administrative Units
LAU 1 = previous NUTS level 4 (districts) Not defined in BE, DK, ES, FR, IT, NL, AT, SE, RO LAU 2 = previous NUTS level 5 (communes, municipalities, wards) Codes are set by Eurostat First part of the code is the NUTS level 3 code Frequent changes in some countries

4 Lists of LAU Request for list of LAU will be sent by Eurostat to NSI:s in November/December each year Only EU 25 countries Use national codes Preferable to include data on: Surface area Population estimate (annual, if possible) Stored on Eurostat’s RAMON server

5 CONC/MODA Structured format to describe changes to LAU 1 and LAU 2
“Concordance” / “Modification” Predecessor – successor relations between LAU over time Base for the creation of LAU codes by Eurostat Please send CONC/MODA files each year!

6 Chapter 2 SIRE database

7 The SIRE database Oracle 9i Snapshots of NUTS and LAU codes
Census data at local level 1981, 1991, 2001 Surface area (official land and total area) Annual population estimates where available Eligibility status for Structural Funds

8 Census data Table 29 in the 1991 Census Programme
Tables in the 2001 Population Census Programme + urban tables 41-42 Agreed in WP “Demography - Census” More tables expected from many countries: BE: several population tables (38b-g) missing Table 40 (commuting flows) is missing for: BE, DK, DE, IT, LV, LT, PL, BG, RO, CH, IS, NO

9 Creation of LAU codes NPS – Nomenclature Preparation System
Originally used in External Trade statistics Needs CONC/MODA files as input Contains history of LAU codes Begin dates and end dates

10 Subcontracted work Database maintenance
Validation and uploading of data to SIRE Processing CONC/MODA files in NPS Creation of LAU codes Ad hoc extractions New 3-year contract is in preparation New contract will cover EU25+AC+EFTA

11 PHARE projects PHARE 2000 grant: Workshop in Nuremberg, Germany
Collection of data from previous census Collection of CONC/MODA files PHARE 2003 contract: Informatics expert processes and uploads all data collected previously Workshop for NSIs in Budapest 3-4 Oct 2005

12 Other countries Cyprus and Malta: LTU project within “Transition Facility 2004” Turkey: USST project. LAU are defined Croatia: maybe in later PHARE project

13 Chapter 3 Use of Local data

14 Internal use of Local data
Link to GISCO, digital maps Total population the most important variable Rural development policy Calculate the OECD rural/urban typology Degree of Urbanisation (LFS) Internal users: DG REGIO, DG COMP, DG AGRI, Eurostat

15 Thanks for listening ! Any Questions ?

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