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By Brae Anderson and Ciara Lewis

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Presentation on theme: "By Brae Anderson and Ciara Lewis"— Presentation transcript:

1 By Brae Anderson and Ciara Lewis
Solarization By Brae Anderson and Ciara Lewis

2 What is Solarization Solarization is an artistic way to change an image to look like a negative.

3 Materials Photoshop Camera An image you created

4 How to solarize an image
Take a photograph that has even contrast between light and dark Upload your image to a computer Open the image in Photoshop Duplicate the layer by right-clicking on the background layer and choosing duplicate layer Turn your photo into a black & white image by going to image/adjustments/black & white Invert the image to a negative by going to image/adjustments/invert

5 More steps Select the history brush from the tool bar on the left.
Click on the mode option on the tool bar above the image. Select difference as your blend mode.

6 Last steps Merge the 2 layers by holding the ctrl key while clicking on each of the background layers and right click on one of the layers to get the drop down menu. Choose merge layers. Select the filter tab from the tool bar at the top of the screen and choose stylize/solarize.

7 Tips Make sure your picture has good contrast.

8 examples By Dustin Phillips from
By John H. Siskin from

9 Our own examples

10 Sources Student tutorial by Martin Guerrero.
in-Photoshop-Elements photoshop/

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