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VFD and HVAC testing update

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Presentation on theme: "VFD and HVAC testing update"— Presentation transcript:

1 VFD and HVAC testing update
Parag Mitra Sr. Engineer Anish Gaikwad Sr. Project Manager

2 VFD and HVAC testing Testing of VFD Testing of HVAC
Find a piece-wise linear fit of Active and Reactive power as a function of voltage. Identify protection drop outs Testing of HVAC More accurate stall thresholds for reciprocating compressors, identifying the dependence on the nature of voltage sag and dependence on ambient temperature Characterize the behavior of scroll compressors, and understand and document the performance differences as compared to reciprocating compressors. Characterize the behavior of the VFD connected A/Cs

3 VFD Test Matrix and data collection
End application type LVRT mode of inverters Both have impact on the performance of the drive during a fault

4 HVAC Test Matrix and Data Collection
VFD/Non-VFD Scroll/Reciprocating


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