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Late Pliocene fossiliferous sedimentary record and the environmental context of early Homo from Afar, Ethiopia by Erin N. DiMaggio, Christopher J. Campisano,

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Presentation on theme: "Late Pliocene fossiliferous sedimentary record and the environmental context of early Homo from Afar, Ethiopia by Erin N. DiMaggio, Christopher J. Campisano,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Late Pliocene fossiliferous sedimentary record and the environmental context of early Homo from Afar, Ethiopia by Erin N. DiMaggio, Christopher J. Campisano, John Rowan, Guillaume Dupont-Nivet, Alan L. Deino, Faysal Bibi, Margaret E. Lewis, Antoine Souron, Dominique Garello, Lars Werdelin, Kaye E. Reed, and J Ramón Arrowsmith Science Volume 347(6228): March 20, 2015 Published by AAAS

2 Fig. 1 Geographic and geologic setting of the Lee Adoyta hominin site
Fig. 1 Geographic and geologic setting of the Lee Adoyta hominin site.(A) The LAV (yellow square), Afar Depression (gray area), Ethiopia. Geographic and geologic setting of the Lee Adoyta hominin site.(A) The LAV (yellow square), Afar Depression (gray area), Ethiopia. RS, Red Sea; GOA, Gulf of Aden; MER, Main Ethiopian Rift. (B) LAV project areas and the approximate mapped extent of the Hadar Formation senso stricto. The Busidima Formation is largely exposed in the areas of Hadar, Gona, and Dikika. (C) Sediments and volcanic rocks in the eastern LG research project area are cut by two sets of faults striking NW and NNE, indicating the influence of both the RS and MER extensional systems, respectively. At Lee Adoyta, NW-trending faults are most significant and appear to cross-cut NNE faults. Regions referred to in the text are labeled in black. Erin N. DiMaggio et al. Science 2015;347: Published by AAAS

3 Fig. 2 Geologic map and cross section of the Lee Adoyta hominin site
Fig. 2 Geologic map and cross section of the Lee Adoyta hominin site.(A) Geologic map of the region surrounding the Lee Adoyta hominin site (yellow star) showing NW-SE–oriented faults dissecting sedimentary packages into discrete blocks. Geologic map and cross section of the Lee Adoyta hominin site.(A) Geologic map of the region surrounding the Lee Adoyta hominin site (yellow star) showing NW-SE–oriented faults dissecting sedimentary packages into discrete blocks. We mapped the 900 × 500–m area in the field using high-resolution (1 m) stereo imagery and Global Positioning System technology. (B) West-to-east cross section of Lee Adoyta. The older Bulinan and Gurumaha fault blocks are uplifted relative to the younger adjacent Lee Adoyta and Garsalu fault blocks. Erin N. DiMaggio et al. Science 2015;347: Published by AAAS

4 Fig. 3 Stratigraphy and magnetostratigraphy of the sedimentary packages at Lee Adoyta.The dip and sense of motion along each fault bounding the sediment packages are shown to separate the packages and thus establish relative ages. Stratigraphy and magnetostratigraphy of the sedimentary packages at Lee Adoyta.The dip and sense of motion along each fault bounding the sediment packages are shown to separate the packages and thus establish relative ages. Section locations (numbered) are provided in Fig. 2. Erin N. DiMaggio et al. Science 2015;347: Published by AAAS

5 Table 1 Preliminary faunal lists for the Gurumaha (GU), Lee Adoyta (LA), and Garsalu (GA) sedimentary packages from the Lee Adoyta Drainage.Key: X, present; 0, absent; *, taxa shared with the Kada Hadar submember 2; +, species previously unrecorded in the LAV, including chronospecies. Preliminary faunal lists for the Gurumaha (GU), Lee Adoyta (LA), and Garsalu (GA) sedimentary packages from the Lee Adoyta Drainage.Key: X, present; 0, absent; *, taxa shared with the Kada Hadar submember 2; +, species previously unrecorded in the LAV, including chronospecies. Erin N. DiMaggio et al. Science 2015;347: Published by AAAS

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