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Argumentative Strategies

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Presentation on theme: "Argumentative Strategies"— Presentation transcript:

1 Argumentative Strategies
How can I persuade others?

2 Logical Argument (Claim)
State your claim Example: The town needs money. A skating rink will bring in money. Therefore, we should build a rink.

3 Statistics (Logos) Facts, numbers, and information can be very convincing. Example: Eighty percent of the voters support a rink.

4 Expert Opinions (Big Names)
Important people or experts can make your argument seem more convincing. Example: Professor Irving Hud argues that public recreational facilities will improve business in our town.

5 Personal Observation Personally observing evidence or situations that would support your argument. Example: Every day, I see kids hanging out with nothing to do. A skating rink will give them an outlet.

6 Charged Language and Striking Images
Getting people to feel happy, sad, or angry can help your argument. Example: Our “sleepy little town” is starting to wake up. We can turn over and go back to sleep- or we can get up and do what needs doing.

7 Appeals to Ethics Stating what should be done simply because it is the right thing to do We can turn over and go back to sleep- or we can get up and do what needs doing.

8 All of this can’t be done without doing a little…RESEARCH!
In order to convince your reader you need to look at reliable research.

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