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Unit #1 Transformations

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1 Unit #1 Transformations
1.1 Functions and Graphs Functions vs. Relations Relations An algebraic relationship between two variables (usually x and y) Functions A relation illustrating one-to-one or many-to-one mapping (think vertical line test)

2 1.1 Functions and Graphs cont.
Review of Pure Math 20 Functions Domain Range x-intercept y-intercept none

3 1.1 Functions and Graphs cont.
Pure Math 20 Function Skills Finding the x-intercepts Finding the y-intercepts Find the x-intercepts of the function Find the y-intercepts of the function Workbook pg 3 Workbook pg 3

4 1.2 Translating Functions
Translating – movement left/right (horizontal) or up/down (vertical) Horizontal Translation Examine the three functions shown below, and the resulting graphs based on (The function f is simply cubing a value (x) Examine the changes;

5 1.2 Translating Functions cont.
Vertical Translation Examine the three functions shown below, and the resulting graphs based on Examine the changes;

6 1.2 Translating Functions cont.
Translation Conclusions is a translation of h units to the left is a translation of h units to the right is a translation of k units down is a translation of k units up

7 1.2 Translating Functions cont.
To graph any of the functions, create a stat plot, and choose correct lists for x and y. EXAMPLE #1 Class example #4, page 16 Given sketch Graphing Shift original function 2 units to the right Repeat this process to create the third graph by moving the original graph 3 units left and 2 units down. Enter y-values in a list Enter x-values in a list Set appropriate window Graphing

8 1.2 Translating Functions cont.
EXAMPLE #2 The following translations are based on the function Describe how the function relates to The new function is a translation 2 units up and 1 unit left If represent a function in terms of f which is translated 1 unit left.

9 1.3 Reflecting Functions There are three categories of reflections to examine. Reflections around a horizontal line (often the x-axis) Reflections around a vertical line (often the y-axis) Reflections around the line y = x (called the inverse from Pure Math 20)

10 1.3 Reflecting Functions cont.
Reflections around a horizontal line Beginning with the function examine the transformation Consider and describe the transformation Conclusion Is a reflection about the y-axis with all x coordinates multiplied by -1.

11 1.3 Reflecting Functions cont.
Reflections around a vertical line Beginning with the function examine the transformation Consider and describe the transformation or Conclusion Is a reflection about the x-axis with all y coordinates multiplied by -1.

12 1.3 Reflecting Functions cont.
The special case of inverse Beginning with the function examine a transformation which reflects the function about the line y = x. Conclusion Is a reflection about the line y = x. All elements of each ordered pair are interchanged. Thus, the ordered pair (a, b) become (b, a)

13 1.3 Reflecting Functions cont.
Reflection Conclusions A horizontal reflection about the y-axis with all x coordinates multiplied by -1. A vertical reflection about the x-axis with all y coordinates multiplied by -1. A reflection about the line y = x, with all ordered pairs interchanged. A specific type of inverse reflection where the result of the inverse is also a function.

14 1.3 Reflecting Functions cont.
Invariant Points Any point(s) on an image, that when transformed, remain unchanged are called invariant point(s). Examine the two functions shown below, where one is a transformation of the other. Notice, the transformed function can be described by two type of transformations. If the transformed function is a translation 4 units to the right, there are no invariant points. If the transformed function is a reflection about the y-axis, (0,1) is an invariant point. When (0,1) has it’s x-value multiplied by -1, the result is unchanged.

15 1.3 Reflecting Functions cont.
EXAMPLE #1 Class example #1, pg. 29. Enter all x-coordinates in L1 and all y-coordinates in L2 Create a STAT-PLOT with the appropriate window settings. Multiply all L2 by -1, and store new values in L3. Re-plot using L1 (x) and L3 (y) Multiply all L1 by -1, and store new values in L4. Re-plot using L4 (x) and L2 (y) The x and y values must be interchanged. Simply re-plot using L2 (x) and L1 (y).

16 1.3 Reflecting Functions cont.
EXAMPLE #2 Class example #4, pg. 34

17 1.4 Stretching Functions When examining expansions and compressions of functions, we call both a stretch. Stretches can occur about any line, although we will examine stretches about the x-axis, y-axis, and line parallel to either axis. Stretches about the y-axis As in a reflection about the y-axis caused by a change in x, the same holds true for a stretch about the y-axis. Examine the function and its transformation We can express this as Conclusion Is a stretch by a factor of ½ about the y-axis. Must be a stretch by a factor of 2 about the y-axis.

18 1.4 Stretching Functions cont.
Stretches about the x-axis As in a reflection about the x-axis caused by a change in y, the same holds true for a stretch about the x-axis. Examine the function and its transformation We can express this as Conclusion Is a stretch by a factor of ½ about the x-axis. Must be a stretch by a factor of 2 about the x-axis.

19 1.4 Stretching Functions cont.
Stretches about any horizontal or vertical line The function is stretched by a factor of 2 about the line What does this look like, and how can it be done? We first need to know some information. What is the function we are stretching? Where is the line about which we are stretching? What is the factor of the stretch? Notice the creation of three points, A, B and C. Each of these points are twice the distance from the line of stretch (factor of 2) relative to their original location. Points on the line are invariant. And now, we can create the transformed image.

20 1.4 Stretching Functions cont.
Stretching Conclusions A horizontal stretch by a factor of 1/k about the y-axis where all x values are multiplied by 1/k. A horizontal stretch by a factor of k about the y-axis where all x values are multiplied by k. A vertical stretch by a factor of 1/k about the x-axis where all y values are multiplied by 1/k. A vertical stretch by a factor of k about the x-axis where all y values are multiplied by k. When stretching an object about a fixed horizontal or vertical line, choose key point to re-plot. Determine the distance those point lie from the line about which the stretch occurs, and apply the appropriate stretch factor. Pay attention to invariant points.

21 1.4 Stretching Functions cont.
EXAMPLE #1 Class example #1, pg. 44. Write the replacement for x or y and write the equation of the image of y=f(x) after each transformation. a. A stretch by a factor of 6 about the y-axis. b. A stretch by a factor of 1/5 about the x-axis. c. A reflection and stretch by a factor of 3, both in the x-axis. d. A stretch about the y-axis by ½ and a stretch about the x-axis by ¼.

22 1.4 Stretching Functions cont.
EXAMPLE #2 Class example #4, pg. 45. This is a reflection about the y-axis and a stretch by a factor of ½, also about the y-axis. Enter all x-values in L1 and y-values in L2. Create a STAT-PLOT using the appropriate window. Both changes are horizontal, so multiply all x-values (L1) by -1/2 and store in L3 Re-plot using L3 (x) and L2 (y).

23 1.5 Combination Transformations
So far, we have examined transformations (translations, reflections and stretches) each of which have occurred one at a time. Is it possible for these to occur in combination? Yes. But, we must pay attention to the following; what are the actual transformations that occur and, what order to they occur in? Let’s build a series of transformations to examine how the order of the transformations might be important. We’ll start with and define it as Reflect the function about the x-axis Stretch about the x axis by a factor of 1/2 Stretch about the y-axis by a factor of 3. Translate 4 units to the left.

24 1.5 Combination Transformations cont.
Here is the rule to follow, particularly when you are looking at a set of horizontal transformations or a set of vertical transformation, and you must decide the order they occur. If the stretch is factored from the translation, perform the stretch first, then the translation (read left to right). If the stretch is blended with the translation (expanded through multiplication), then perform the translation before the stretch. It will be to your advantage to factor any stretches before analyzing the result.

25 1.5 Combination Transformations cont.
Combination Transformation Examples Stretch factor of 1/3. This is factored out, so we read left to right. Stretch factor of 4. This is not factored out, so we read right to left. Translate 1 unit right. Stretch about the y-axis by 4 Stretch about the y-axis by 1/3 Translate 2 units left

26 1.5 Combination Transformations cont.
Recognizing Similar Transformations Function #1 Function #2 Conclusion Although the order of transformation is different, the result is the same. The order of the transformations are different, and the result based on those transformations is different. The order of the transformations are different, and the result based on those transformations is different. The rule does apply to vertical changes as well.

27 1.5 Combination Transformations cont.
Recognizing two different transformations with the same result Examine the following transformation, applied to the function Stretch by ½ about the y-axis Translate 1 unit right. Translate 2 units right Stretch ½ about the y-axis Although the order is different, the result is the same.

28 1.5 Combination Transformations cont.
The best way to handle combination transformations FACTOR THE STRETCH! Factor and use Factor and use Factor and use

29 1.5 Combination Transformations cont.
EXAMPLE #1 Class example #4, pg. 69 First, enter all x-values in L1 and y-values in L2. Plot the function. Re-arrange the expression to ensure easier ordering. Decide the order you will perform the transformations. In this case; Vertically translate 8 units down (L2-8) and store in L4. Stretch by a factor of 2 about the y-axis and translate 6 units left (2*L1-6) and store in L3 Re-plot using L3 (x) and L4 (y).

30 1.6 Reciprocal Transformations
From Pure Math 20 The transformation we must examine is This is NOT the same as the inverse Here are the steps, as reviewed from Pure Math 20; Locate all x-intercepts on f(x). These are the locations of your asymptotes. Locate all ordered pairs on f(x) which contain a y-value of 1 or -1. These are your invariant points. As the function f(x) approaches the x-axis, its reciprocal moves away from the x-axis. As the function f(x) moves away from the x-axis, its reciprocal moves away from the x-axis.

31 1.6 Reciprocal Transformations cont.
EXAMPLE #1 Class example #2 (ii), pg. 88 Locate the asymptotes. Locate any invariant points. In this figure, they are represented by A, B, C and D. Sketch the reciprocal, keeping in mind the function must stop at x = -4 and 5.

32 1.6 Reciprocal Transformations cont.
EXAMPLE #2 Class example #3 (ii), pg. 89 a. Information from g(x) will help to find f(x). Specifically, Minimum: y-intercept b. Use y = x2 as the base equation, and determine the solution.

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