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Mrs. Winiarski-Kuzdak Health

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1 Mrs. Winiarski-Kuzdak Health
October Mrs. Winiarski-Kuzdak Health

2 Tues, Oct. 1 Do Now If your ID is not on – put it on – wear it at all times. Pull out planner page, index cards Pull out all of your definition cards (including today, you should have 18 definitions - do NOT include your P/R/S. Turn in your definition cards. They MUST have your name and hour on EACH card to be counted

3 Tues, Oct. 1 Definitions: Lifecycle – the stage of life Journal: #13 – What is the purpose of studying? Why is it so important? P/R/S: (R) Cellul– (Cell) Class work: Complete case study #2 - Pam Homework: Complete journal & P/R/S Objective: Students will demonstrate the ability to use goal-setting and decision-making skills to enhance health.

4 Do Now (Please Read) Be Good
Wed, Oct. 2 Do Now (Please Read) Be Good You are to be in your assigned seat and work with your team and stay at your tables. 1.1 Section Review – 1 per team 1.2 Section Review – 1 per person Remember teams receive one point for each correct answer and lose two points for each incorrect answer. I’m asking the sub to leave names of helpful & problem students and to let me know which class was the best behaved. The sub is a guest in our classroom. Treat them as you would a guest in your home.

5 Wed, Oct. 2 Definitions: Consequence – a result. Journal: NONE P/R/S: (R) tom (cutting) Class work: 1.1 Section Review 1.2 Section Review Homework: P/R/S and journals need to be current. They will be checked this week. Objective: access valid health information (and appropriate health promoting products and services)

6 Turning in your work Wed, Oct. 2 1.1 Section Review – 1 per team
Print all names, in alphabetic order, by last name. Don’t forget the date and hour. 1.2 Section Review – 1 per person Staple papers together in alphabetic order by last name. Place your papers in the correct tray on my desk. Clean up after yourself – leave no papers/garbage on tables or on the floor 5th hour – put the chairs on the tables. Thank you, Mrs. Winiarski-Kuzdak

7 Thur, Oct. 3 Do Now If your ID is not on – put it on – wear it at all times. Pull out planner page, index cards Pull out all of your P/R/S cards (including today, you should have do NOT include definitions. Turn in your P/R/S cards. They MUST have your name and hour on EACH card to be counted.

8 Thur, Oct. 3 Definitions: Cost – the cons or disadvantages of a consequence. What you give up to have a consequence. Journal: NONE. P/R/S: (R) infer- (Below). Class work: Finish case study #2. Finish case study #1, if time allows Homework: Complete all journal entries. Bring reading materials. Objective: Students will demonstrate the ability to use goal-setting and decision-making skills to enhance health.

9 Fri, Oct. 4 Do Now If your ID is not on – put it on – wear it at all times. Pull out journal, book to read, index cards & planner page Count the complete number of journal entries you have To be complete you must have the questions/statement and the correct response. Flag (on my desk) the last journal with the number of completed journal entries. Journal 13

10 Fri, Oct. 4 Definitions: Alternative - choices. Journal: Journal Check. P/R/S: -ode (Shaped) (S) Class work: DEAR Complete case studies Complete w/s. Homework: Complete Defns, P/R/S & journals. Objective: Students will demonstrate the ability to use goal-setting and decision-making skills to enhance health. access valid health information (and appropriate health promoting products and services)

11 Do NOW Get Case Study #3 off of my desk Get Rubric
Mon, Oct. 7 Do NOW If you do not get organized and get to work right away you will not get to your exit quiz and you will receive a ZERO Get Case Study #3 off of my desk Get Rubric Get Planner Page off of my desk Do Talk To The Text – including questioning/statements on case study.

12 Mon, Oct. 7 Definitions: Social Support: deriving positive feelings from sharing life situations with others. Journal: NONE. P/R/S: (S) –osis – abnormal condition of Class work: Case study #3 – Julia – Individual work. Homework: Defns, P/R/S & Journal Objective: Students will demonstrate the ability to use goal-setting and decision-making skills to enhance health.

13 Pull out your P/R/S cards Get quiz Turn in upon leaving class.
Mon, Oct. 7 Exit Ticket Pull out a pen/cil Pull out your P/R/S cards Get quiz Turn in upon leaving class.

14 Tues, Oct. 8 Do Now If you do not get organized and get to work right away you will not get to your exit quiz and you will receive a ZERO Get Case Study #3 off of my desk Complete all steps, having each step checked as you go.

15 Tues, Oct. 8 Definitions: Physical Activity – is any body movement produced by skeletal muscles that results in an expenditure of energy and health benefits. Journal: NONE P/R/S: (R) Cardi (heart). Class work: Complete case study #3 – Julia If time allows go back to #1 and complete. Homework: Defns, P/R/S & Journal Objective: Students will demonstrate the ability to use goal-setting and decision-making skills to enhance health.

16 Put everything else away and out of sight Get quiz
Tues, Oct. 8 Exit Ticket Pull out a pen/cil Put everything else away and out of sight Get quiz Turn in upon leaving class.

17 Wed, Oct. 9 Do Now One person from each team get the 2.1 worksheet from my desk (1 per person)

18 Wed, Oct. 9 Definitions: Intermediate Goal – a goal which can be accomplished in a few months to one year. Journal: NONE. P/R/S: Carp (R) - wrist. Class work: 2.1 Section Review Begin taking notes. Homework: Defns, P/R/S & Journal. Objective: Students will demonstrate the ability to use goal-setting and decision-making skills to enhance health.

19 Take out your notes from yesterday; Values & Decision-Making
Thur, Oct. 10 Do Now Take out your notes from yesterday; Values & Decision-Making If you were absent yesterday, take out some line paper – do NOT use your journal

20 Thur, Oct. 10 Definitions: Life expectancy: the number of years a person can reasonably be expected to live. Journal: NONE. P/R/S: Uni- (P) one. Class work: Values & Decision-Making Notes. Homework: Defns, P/R/S & Journal. Objective: Students will demonstrate the ability to use goal-setting and decision-making skills to enhance health. Important note: Test Thursday, October 17

21 Do Now Pull out your planner page Complete your planner page
Fri, Oct. 11 Do Now Pull out your planner page Complete your planner page Get (1) one 2.2 Section Review for each person at your table. Work as a team – one point for each correct answer – 2 points taken off for each incorrect answer – all answer must be the same; a group consensus

22 Fri, Oct. 11 Definitions: Long Term Goals: a goal which can be accomplish in one or more years.. Journal: One of Mrs. Winiarski-Kuzdak’s rules is to treat the substitute teacher as you would a guest in your home. Write one paragraph explaining how you will accomplish this. P/R/S: -ism (S) condition of being. Class work: 2.2 Section Review – team work – one per person. Homework: Have a good weekend. Objective: Students will demonstrate the ability to use goal-setting and decision-making skills to enhance health. Important note: Test Thursday, October 17

23 Turning in your work Fri, Oct. 11 2.2 Section Review – 1 per person
Staple papers together in alphabetic order by last name. Place your papers in the correct tray on my desk. Clean up after yourself – leave no papers/garbage on tables or on the floor 5th hour – put the chairs on the tables. Thank you, Mrs. Winiarski-Kuzdak

24 Get a planner page from my desk. Take out your writing implement.
Mon, Oct. 14 Do Now Get a planner page from my desk. Take out your writing implement. Wait for instructions

25 Mon, Oct. 14 Objective: Review concepts learned Definitions:
Lifestyle: the way in which we live our lives. Journal: NONE. P/R/S: Hypo (P) - deficient. Class work: Write a test Sign up and review for Research Topic. Homework: Defns., journal, P/R/S, study for test Thursday Objective: Review concepts learned

26 5 fill in the blanks questions 5 multiple choice question
Mon, Oct. 14 Write a test You may use the following: Chapters 1 & 2, cards, notes, w/s to write 5 true/false questions 5 fill in the blanks questions 5 multiple choice question 5 matching questions Highlight the answers Due today – turn into the tray

27 Pull out your planner page Get one (1) BINGO card (on computer cart)
Tues, Oct. 15 Do Now Pull out your planner page Get one (1) BINGO card (on computer cart) Each Table get one plastic bag of markers – match the color with your team member if you can

28 Tues, Oct. 15 Objective: Review concepts learned. Definitions:
Communicable disease: a disease that is passed from person to person by an organism. Journal: NONE P/R/S: Hyper- (P) excessive. Class work: BINGO review. Homework: HW Asst. #1 Defns., journal, P/R/S, Study for test Thursday Bring Black/Blue pen or pencil Objective: Review concepts learned.

29 Get your assigned computer Work on your homework assignment #1 and #2
Wed, Oct. 16 Do Now Get your assigned computer Work on your homework assignment #1 and #2

30 Wed, Oct. 16 Objective: MEAP TESTING Definitions:
Physical Fitness: a state in which your body can meet daily life demands. Journal: NONE P/R/S: Epi- (P) - upon. Class work: Research HW Asst. #1 & #2 Homework: Study for test. Objective: MEAP TESTING

31 Get your assigned computer Log on Wait for directions for your test
Thur, Oct. 17 Do Now Get your assigned computer Log on Wait for directions for your test

32 Get your assigned computer Log on Wait for directions for your test
Thur, Oct. 17 Unit #1 Get your assigned computer Log on Wait for directions for your test Anyone who takes the wrong computer will be yelled at!! Anyone who leaves their cord hanging will be yelled at!!

33 Unit #1 Test Passcode = 79681 Thur, Oct. 17
1 Space Last Name Comma Space First Name Passcode = 79681

34 Unit #1 Test Passcode = 79681 Thur, Oct. 17
2 Space Last Name Comma Space First Name Passcode = 79681

35 Unit #1 Test Passcode = 79681 Thur, Oct. 17
3 Space Last Name Comma Space First Name Passcode = 79681

36 Unit #1 Test Passcode = 79681 Thur, Oct. 17
4 Space Last Name Comma Space First Name Passcode = 79681

37 Unit #1 Test Passcode = 79681 Thur, Oct. 17
5 Space Last Name Comma Space First Name Passcode = 79681

38 Thur, Oct. 17 Objective: Review concepts learned Definitions:
Cholesterol – a waxy, fatlike substance that can block the arteries and cause heart disease. Journal: NONE. P/R/S: Humer- (R) – upper arm. Class work: Unit #1 Test – 2 parts Homework: Journal, defns., P/R/S. Objective: Review concepts learned

39 Do Now (Please Read) Be Good
Friday, Oct. 18 Do Now (Please Read) Be Good You are to be in your assigned seat and work with your team and stay at your tables. 7.1 Section Review – 1 per person 7.1 Reteaching – 1 per person (if needed) Remember teams receive one point for each correct answer and lose two points for each incorrect answer. I’m asking the sub to leave names of helpful & problem students and to let me know which class was the best behaved. The sub is a guest in our classroom. Treat them as you would a guest in your home.

40 Fri, Oct. 18 Objective: SWBAT:
Definitions: High blood pressure – a condition in which the blod pushes harder than normal against the inside of the blood vessels. Journal: Do you think you are already physically fit? Why/why not? What could you do to improve your fitness (1 paragraph). P/R/S: Circulat (R) – little circles. Class work: 7.1 Section Review 7.1 Reteaching (if needed). Homework: Journal, defns., P/R/S. Objective: SWBAT: List the characteristics of a mentally healthy person. List qualities that can lead to happiness.

41 Turning in your work Friday, Oct. 18 7.1 Section Review – 1 per person
Staple papers together in alphabetic order by last name. Place your papers in the correct tray on my desk. Clean up after yourself – leave no papers/garbage on tables or on the floor 5th hour – put the chairs on the tables. Thank you, Mrs. Winiarski-Kuzdak

42 Do Now (Please Read) Be Good
Monday, Oct. 21 Do Now (Please Read) Be Good You are to be in your assigned seat and work with your team and stay at your tables. 7.1 Section Review – 1 per person 7.1 Reteaching – 1 per person (if needed) Remember teams receive one point for each correct answer and lose two points for each incorrect answer. I’m asking the sub to leave names of helpful & problem students and to let me know which class was the best behaved. The sub is a guest in our classroom. Treat them as you would a guest in your home.

43 Mon, Oct. 21 Objective: SWBAT
Definitions: Endorphin – a substance that is produced inside the brain and has pleasurable effects. Journal: NONE. P/R/S: Hem- (R) - bleeding. Class work: 7.2 Reteaching 7.3 Section Review Homework: Journal, defns., P/R/S. Objective: SWBAT Describe the purpose of defense mechanisms and how they can be helpful. describe the differences among eating, organic, personality, somatoform, mood, and dissociative disorder.

44 Turning in your work Monday, Oct. 21 7.2 Reteaching – 1 per person
Print all names, in alphabetic order, by last name. Don’t forget the date and hour. 7.3 Section Review – 1 per person Staple papers together in alphabetic order by last name. Place your papers in the correct tray on my desk. Clean up after yourself – leave no papers/garbage on tables or on the floor 5th hour – put the chairs on the tables. Thank you, Mrs. Winiarski-Kuzdak

45 Turn to the next blank page. Wait for directions
Tues, Oct. 22 Do Now Pull out your journal Turn to the next blank page. Wait for directions

46 Tues, Oct. 22 Definitions: Aerobic fitness – the ability to endure at least 10 minutes of moderate activity. Journal: Investigative Reports “Teenagers Under the Gun”. (I will explain the directions P/R/S: -ary (S) – referring to. Class work: Movie. Homework: HW Asst. #2. Objective: access valid health information (and appropriate health promoting products and services)

47 Wed, Oct. 23 Objective: YMCA

48 Thur, Oct. 24 Objective: Review concepts learned.
Definitions: Muscular strength & endurance - the muscles’ ability to push against a very heavy force over a short period of time (strength) or to apply force over a sustained period (endurance). Journal: NONE. P/R/S: -emia (S) – blood, condition of Class work: Complete chapter 7 worksheets. Homework: Bring your book for DEAR – we will be reading at least 30 minutes. Bring your journal – we will begin our reading log Objective: Review concepts learned.

49 Fri, Oct. 25 Definitions: Flexibility – the ability to move muscles and joints through their full range of motion. Journal: NONE P/R/S: Angin (R) - strangling. Class work: READ 20 minutes Reading Log. Homework: Defns., P/R/S, & Journal. Objective: access valid health information (and appropriate health promoting products and services)

50 Mon, Oct. 28 Objective: YMCA

51 Congrats to 3rd hour for the best class average
Tues, Oct. 29 Do Now Find your new seat. Pull out your journal Turn to your reading log – if you were absent for the reading log ask one of your team members. Wait for directions Congrats to 3rd hour for the best class average

52 Hour Percentage 1st 68.3 2nd 62.7 3rd 69.7 4th 64.3 5th 64.6
Tues, Oct. 29 Hour Percentage 1st 68.3 2nd 62.7 3rd 69.7 4th 64.3 5th 64.6

53 Tues, Oct. 29 Definitions: Body composition - the division of the total body weight into fat weight and muscle weight. Journal: NONE. P/R/S: Spirat (R) - breathing. Class work: Reading Log. Homework: HW Asst. #3 Signs/Symptoms. Objective: access valid health information (and appropriate health promoting products and services)

54 Read all information before doing anything Get your ASSIGNED COMPUTER
Wed, Oct. 30 Do Now Read all information before doing anything Get your ASSIGNED COMPUTER Place plug on your shelf Log in Go to the Internet Wait (QUIETLY) for instructions

55 Chapter 3 Pre-test Passcode = 91243 Wed, Oct 30
1 Space Last Name Comma Space First Name Passcode = 91243

56 Chapter 3 Pre-test Passcode = 91243 Wed, Oct 30
2 Space Last Name Comma Space First Name Passcode = 91243

57 Chapter 3 Pre-test Passcode = 91243 Wed, Oct 30
3 Space Last Name Comma Space First Name Passcode = 91243

58 Chapter 3 Pre-test Passcode = 91243 Wed, Oct 30
4 Space Last Name Comma Space First Name Passcode = 91243

59 5 Space Last Name Comma Space First Name Passcode = 91243
Wed, Oct 30 Chapter 3 Pre-test 5 Space Last Name Comma Space First Name Passcode = 91243

60 Wed, Oct. 30 Objective: SWBAT
Definitions: Aerobic exercise – physical activity that increases the supply of oxygen to the muscles, and that can be continued for a period of time without resting. Journal: NONE P/R/S: Ventil (R) – fanning or blowing. Class work: Chapter 3 Pre-test Turn in definitions Complete Reading Log 1.1 Reading Log 1.2 Homework: HW Asst #4 Cure &/or Treatment. Objective: SWBAT access valid health information (and appropriate health promoting products and services)

61 Thur, Oct. 31 Objective: SWBAT
Definitions: Anaerobic exercise – physical activity that increases speed and muscular strenth, and the cannot be continued for a few minutes without stopping. Journal: NONE P/R/S: Ox (R) - oxygen. Class work: Chapter 3 Pre-test Turn in P/R/S Complete Reading Log 1.1 Reading Log 1.2 (pp ) Homework: HW Asst #4 Cure &/or Treatment. Objective: SWBAT access valid health information (and appropriate health promoting products and services)

62 Hour Percentage 1st 68.5 2nd 62.9 3rd 70.0 4th 64.4 5th 64.6
Thus, Oct. 31 Hour Percentage 1st 68.5 2nd 62.9 3rd 70.0 4th 64.4 5th 64.6

63 Happy Halloween!

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