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Free-Soiler: someone who opposes the spread of slavery into the west

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1 Free-Soiler: someone who opposes the spread of slavery into the west
OBJECTIVE DO-FIRST You will be able to explain the Kansas-Nebraska Act and map its effects. The U.S. has one of the highest rates of divorce among married couples—almost 50% of marriages end in divorce! What are some reasons why a marriage might end in divorce? Why do you think this rate is so high? VOCABULARY Free-Soiler: someone who opposes the spread of slavery into the west Pro-Slavery: someone who supports slavery and wants it to spread to the west.

2 Irreconcilable Differences
Does this sound familiar? MTY Psychology Today, a national magazine, cites the following as top reasons for divorce: Lack of Communication Unresolved Conflicts Irreconcilable Differences (differences that you just can’t get over)

3 North vs. South = Irreconcilable Differences!
As compromise after compromise fail between North and South, Americans start to realize that the issue of slavery is an irreconcilable difference!

4 The Kansas-Nebraska Act
In 1854, Senator Stephen Douglas introduced a bill to Congress proposing to make 2 new territories in the U.S.—the territories of Kansas and Nebraska. In his bill, he wanted settlers to be able to decide whether or not they wanted slavery by voting. He supported the use of popular sovereignty to determine if slavery should spread to this region

5 Check your Understanding
Take a look at the map to the right. On this map, circle the Missouri Compromise Line (latitude 36°30). Are the territories of Kansas and Nebraska north or south of this line? According to the Missouri Compromise, should these territories be slave or free?

6 When northern states heard about Douglas’ Kansas-Nebraska Act, they were outraged! They were angry that this act violated the Missouri Compromise Line and were terrified that slavery would continue spreading throughout the nation if they didn’t take action to stop it. Unfortunately for northern states, the Kansas-Nebraska Act was passed and settlers began moving west to settle the new territory. Because of this act, the territories of Kansas and Nebraska would be allowed to vote on whether or not they wanted slavery in their state.

7 Check your Understanding
No cards today, we are writing a 1 sentence summary of what we just learned!

8 Bloodshed in Kansas While most of the settlers who arrived in Kansas were peaceful farmers looking for fertile land, some people moved to Kansas either to support or to oppose slavery. Southern states raised money to send more slave-owning settlers out into the new territory. Northern states raised money to send weapons to arm the anti- slavery settlers in Kansas. Tensions increased between these two groups of pro-slavery and anti-slavery settlers.

9 Check your Understanding
Make a prediction: So far, compromises have not worked very well. What do you think is going to happen between the pro-slavery and anti-slavery groups?

10 It didn’t take long for violence to break out
It didn’t take long for violence to break out. On May 21, 1856, pro-slavery settlers from Missouri invaded the town of Lawrence, Kansas—the home of the anti-slavery government in Kansas. The invaders burned a hotel, robbed from people’s homes, and destroyed the newspaper offices of two abolitionist organizations in Kanas.

11 This act of violence angered the North
This act of violence angered the North. They raised money to repair the damage that the pro-slavery invaders had done and they sent more “free-soilers” (anti-slavery settlers) to Kansas. Abolitionist John Brown started plotting revenge. Two days after the attack on Lawrence, Brown and his seven abolitionist followers invaded the pro-slavery town of Pottawatomie. They captured 5 pro-slavery men, dragged them out of their homes, and chopped them to death with their swords.

12 Bloodshed in Kansas & John Brown
As we watch the video clip on increasing violence between North and South, think about how these events will eventually lead up to the Civil War Tonight, you will be reading more about John Brown, famous abolitionist (and terrorist), who tried to attack the South by seizing their weapons. The video will preview what you will read more about tonight! America Story of Us: 33:45-41:00

13 Map Analysis Activity Work with your groups to analyze the maps on your activity page for today. You have 8 minutes to work through the front side with your groups!

14 After the Missouri Compromise, what determined whether a western territory was free or slave?
Which territories were free? Which territories were open to slavery? How did the Compromise of 1850 change what was decided in the Missouri Compromise? Which western territories were free? Which western territories were open to slavery?


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