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Quarterly Monitoring Report 3
Presentation to the Select Committee on Labour and Public Enterprises 20 April 2011 Quarterly Monitoring Report 3 1st April – 31st December 2010 Overall Responsibility Acting Director General: Sam Morotoba
Programmes / Branches of the DoL 2
Programme 1: Administration Chief Operations Officer Internal Audit Risk Management Security Services Communication Human Resources Management Chief Information Officer Legal Services Chief Financial Officer Programme 2: Inspection and Enforcement (IES) Programme 3: Public Employment Services (PES) - Unemployment Insurance Fund (UIF) - Compensation Fund (CF) Programme 4: Labour Policy and Labour Market Programmes (LP & LMP)
DoL KEY RESULT AREAS The Strategic Plan (2010–2015) consists of the following Strategic Objectives or Key Result Areas (KRA’s): KRA 1: Contribution to Employment Creation KRA 2: Promote Equity in the Labour Market KRA 3: Protecting Vulnerable Workers KRA 4: Strengthening Multilateral and Bilateral Relations KRA 5: Strengthening Social Protection KRA 6: Promoting Sound Labour Relations KRA 7: Strengthening the Capacity of Labour Market Institutions KRA 8: Monitoring the Impact of Legislation KRA 9: Strengthening the Institutional Capacity of the Department
Programme 1: Administration
4 Programme 1: Administration
KRA 9: Strengthening the Institutional Capacity of the Department 5
SUB-PROGRAMME OUTPUT PERFORMANCE MEASURES ACTUAL STATUS TARGET (YEAR 1) Chief Operations Officer 1. Department’s service delivery model and structures reviewed for effective service delivery 2. Department’s labour centre model developed and core business areas strengthened. 3. Frontline staff trained in customer care to comply with Batho Pele Principles 1.1 Phase 1 of the structure Implemented 2.1 Develop the service delivery model and source funding 3.1 Phase 1 of the training Focusing on the DG Service Line Partially Achieved
KRA 9: Strengthening the Institutional Capacity of the Department 6
SUB-PROGRAMME OUTPUT PERFORMANCE MEASURES ACTUAL STATUS TARGET (YEAR 1) Chief Operations Officer 4. Service Delivery Improvement Programme (SDIP) developed and Implemented 5. Department- Wide Monitoring and Evaluation Framework and system developed 6. 100% compliance with the Auditor-General (Performance Information) 4.1 Launch of the DG Service Line and service delivery standards rolled out to all labour centres 5.1 Explore strategy monitoring system and implement the Executive Dashboard 6.1 90% compliance with the AG recommendations Not achieved Partially Achieved
KRA 9: Strengthening the Institutional Capacity of the Department 7
SUB-PROGRAMME OUTPUT PERFORMANCE MEASURES ACTUAL STATUS TARGET (YEAR 1) 2. Internal Audit 1. Approved strategic 3year rolling plan for by 30 June of the financial year 2. Final reports issued as per timeframes indicated in the annual audit plans 3. Approved annual plan for 2010/11 by 30 June of the financial year 4. Approved internal audit charter by 31 March 2011 5. Internal Quarterly Assurance Review (QAR) performed and report provided to the AC by 31 March 2011 1.1 Approved strategic 3year rolling 2.1 Final reports issued 3.1 Approved annual plan for 2010/11 4.1 Approved internal audit charter 5.1 Internal QAR performed and report provided Achieved In progress
KRA 9: Strengthening the Institutional Capacity of the Department 8
SUB-PROGRAMME OUTPUT PERFORMANCE MEASURES ACTUAL STATUS TARGET (YEAR 1) 3. Risk Management 1. Risk assessment conducted reviewed and reports updated 2. By-monthly updates on the risk control matrix (operational) 3. Quarterly updates on the risk control matrix. 4. Monthly data analysis 80% of cases received detected finalised 1.1 Risk assessment conducted 2.1 By-monthly updates on the risk control matrix (operational) 3.1 Quarterly updates on the risk 4.1 Provide monthly analysis reports % of cases received detected finalised 4.3 25% of the labour centres 4.4 60% conducted in provincial offices/head office. Achieved In Progress In progress Achieved (62%) Achieved (100%)
KRA 9: Strengthening the Institutional Capacity of the Department 9
SUB-PROGRAMME OUTPUT PERFORMANCE MEASURES ACTUAL STATUS TARGET (YEAR 1) 4. Security Services 1. Approved security strategy implemented in 5 provinces by 31 March 2011 2. Vetting strategy approved by 3. Implementation of Security Risk assessments, Information security audits and physical security appraisals In 5 provinces 1.1 Approved security strategy implemented in 5 provinces. 2.1 Implement vetting strategy 3.1 Information security audits and physical security appraisals Achieved KZN, Limpopo, Mpumalanga, N. West and N. Cape) (355 vetting requests received 223 requests finalised 32 requests outstanding) (Implemented in 7 Provinces – Limpopo, N Cape, Gauteng, N West, KZN and Mpumalanga)
KRA 9: Strengthening the Institutional Capacity of the Department 10
SUB-PROGRAMME OUTPUT PERFORMANCE MEASURES ACTUAL STATUS TARGET (YEAR 1) 5. Communication 1. Improve usage of intranet 2. Improve awareness about the programmes and services of the dept 3. Improved and better informed public stakeholders 1.1 Improve access to the intranet and other tools 2.1 70%positive coverage of the dept programmes and services 3.1 Increased briefing sessions with stakeholders In progress Achieved (Publications/adverts produced Client Satisfaction Survey CF Communication priorities: Employment Equity, Decent Work, HIV/AIDS, Disability and Domestic Worker’s OHS) Partially Achieved (Exhibited at the HRDE event and in the Small Business expo)
KRA 9: Strengthening the Institutional Capacity of the Department 11
SUB-PROGRAMME OUTPUT PERFORMANCE MEASURES ACTUAL STATUS TARGET (YEAR 1) 6. Human Resources Management 1. Percentage of all funded posts filled within a specified period of time 2. Percentage of women, youth and People With Disability (PwD) employed in line with Employment Equity Plan. 3. Percentage of staff trained in line with approved Work Place Skills Plan 90% of all funded posts filled within 6 months 40% women and 50% youth employed at most levels 5% PwD employed 80% of Dept’s staff trained in accordance with WSP by 31 March 2011 Achieved – (Vacancy rate is 9.68%) Partially Achieved 34.6% women at Senior Management level 42.32% youth employed 2.6% PwD exceeding the national target of 2% Achieved A total of (90.7%) against annual target of 6551 employees were trained
KRA 9: Strengthening the Institutional Capacity of the Department 12
SUB-PROGRAMME OUTPUT PERFORMANCE MEASURES ACTUAL STATUS TARGET (YEAR 1) 6. Human Resources Management 4. Percentage number employees who submitted Performance Agreements (PA) and assessed. 5. Percentage of mandatory posts that are job evaluated 4.1 A total of 95% employees submitted PA and assessed 95% of all mandatory posts evaluated and approved Partially Achieved 98% of Performance Agreements for staff on SR1-12 submitted. 80% Performance Agreements for SMS members received.
KRA 9: Strengthening the Institutional Capacity of the Department 13
SUB-PROGRAMME OUTPUT PERFORMANCE MEASURES ACTUAL STATUS TARGET (YEAR 1) 6. Chief Information Officer (CIO) 1. Develop information technology (IT) systems in support of key business processes 1.1 Develop a labour market management information system to serve as an executive dashboard and the Integrated Client Database 1.2 Finalisation of the development of the IES case management System 1.3 Develop and implement a SAP Financial System for NSF Partially Achieved Not Achieved
KRA 9: Strengthening the Institutional Capacity of the Department 14
SUB-PROGRAMME OUTPUT PERFORMANCE MEASURES ACTUAL STATUS TARGET (YEAR 1) 6. Chief Information Officer (CIO) 1. Develop information technology (IT) systems in support of key business processes 1.4. Enhance the ES system 1.5. Develop and implement a SAP Financial System for UIF 1.6. Develop an integrated claims and revenue management system for CF Not achieved Not Achieved Achieved
KRA 9: Strengthening the Institutional Capacity of the Department 15
SUB-PROGRAMME OUTPUT PERFORMANCE MEASURES ACTUAL STATUS TARGET (YEAR 1) 6. Chief Information Officer (CIO) Integrated client database and interfacing transaction systems developed 7. Identify and document all outstanding items as agreed in the PPP and agree on an implementation plan to finalise these within the contract period 8. ICT Strategy with implementation roadmap developed. 9. Identify future ICT options and determine the best solution for the Department. 10. Appointment of service provide to guide on the development of DoL ICT future scenario by December 2010. Achieved All outstanding matters have been documented. In Progress A request for proposal has been given to SITA for this service and an initiation session completed. The estimated timeframe from SITA is May 2011.
KRA 9: Strengthening the Institutional Capacity of the Department 16
SUB-PROGRAMME OUTPUT PERFORMANCE MEASURES ACTUAL STATUS TARGET (YEAR 1) 7. Legal Services 1. Contracts, Policies, and legislation drafted, edited and amended. Response to clients within 5 working days 1.1 Well drafted and binding contracts submitted to clients within 5 working days 1.2 Well drafted and binding policies 1.3 Well drafted and binding legislation submitted to clients within 10 working days. 1.4 Receive, evaluate merits of cases and give feedback to clients within 5 work days (5 working days has proved to be an ambitious target given the capacity of the legal services – this will be revised in the next planning cycle) Partially Achieved 6 Contracts received 5 Contracts finalised Amendments done to six legislations
Major Challenges & Corrective Measures 17
Challenges: Service delivery model may not be finalised in quarter 4. Funding cannot be sourced from National Treasury instead budget cuts have been instituted. Corrective Measure: The only way forward is to fund the restructuring project within current allocations in the DoL. Challenges: Lack of capacity and ICT System for Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation reporting. Incomplete data from transaction systems and delays development of other systems (ICD, ICM-CF, SAP Financial Systems and IES). Corrective Measure: SITA support solicited by the Department. Challenge: Pre-employment screening and verification of qualifications by SAQA is delaying the filling in of vacancies in time. Corrective Measure: Meeting held between DoL and SAQA.
Major Challenges & Corrective Measures 18
Challenges: Slow co-operation and reluctance to comply as per required time frames with the submission of Performance Agreements. Corrective Measure: Disciplinary process may be instituted Challenges: Inadequate capability in the OCIO to manage implementation of the E&TP. Corrective action: Additional resources need to be sourced to assist with the E&TP and the governance forums have been scheduled for 2011. Challenges: Siemens capacity to deliver as per contract and ceding of PPP contract by Siemens Ltd Corrective action: The KPMG report has been finalised and awaiting adoption by DoL after which recommendations will be implemented. Challenges: HR capacity to implement ICT Strategy Corrective action: SITA will provide this service
Inspection and Enforcement Services
Programme 2: Inspection and Enforcement Services (IES)
KRA 3: Protect Vulnerable Workers 20
SUB-PROGRAMME OUTPUT PERFORMANCE MEASURES ACTUAL STATUS TARGET (YEAR 1) 1. Occupational Health and Safety 1. Reduce the prevalence of silicosis in the non-mining industry 2. Review Legislation 3. Roving Safety Representatives 1.1 Conduct the baseline study to determine the prevalence of silicosis and silica exposure in the non-mining industry 2.1 Amended legislation developed 3.1 Implement the Roving Safety Representatives in Limpopo and Mpumalanga 4.1 Implementation of the IES strategy with its pillars -Professionalisation of the inspectorate. Not Achieved Partially achieved Regulation has been through the public comment phase. In progress Job profiles have been developed for generalists, principals, and specialists.
KRA 3: Protect Vulnerable Workers 21
SUB-PROGRAMME OUTPUT PERFORMANCE MEASURES ACTUAL STATUS TARGET (YEAR 1) 2. Compliance, Monitoring and Enforcement workplaces inspected for compliance to ensure 80% compliance to labour legislation. (annually) (Annual target of ) 1.1 Conduct inspections as per the Breakdown for Q3: Blitz inspections Routine inspections Compliance Audit DG Review Companies applying for Foreign Labour Partially Achieved Total number of inspections: 72% Compliance achieved. Blitz: ; 49% compliance Routine: ; 76% compliance DG Review: 133 Companies applying for Foreign labour: 195; 83% compliance Procedural EE Inspection: 7 889; 72% compliance Compliance audits (Roving Team: 39
KRA 3: Protect Vulnerable Workers 22
SUB-PROGRAMME OUTPUT PERFORMANCE MEASURES ACTUAL STATUS TARGET (YEAR 1) 2. Compliance, Monitoring and Enforcement Conduct blitz inspections (semester target of 5000) 1.1 Targeting the following sectors: wholesale & retail hospitality agriculture & forestry Iron and Steel Chemicals 2.1 Conduct routine Inspections Achieved inspections conducted and 49% compliance was achieved routine Inspections conducted and complied which resulted in 76% level compliance
KRA 3: Protect Vulnerable Workers 23
SUB-PROGRAMME OUTPUT PERFORMANCE MEASURES ACTUAL STATUS TARGET (YEAR 1) 2. Compliance, Monitoring and Enforcement 1. Conduct 20 full compliance audit per sector in a (240 pa) 2. Subject 200 companies to DG review by March 2011 3. 80% of cases received are investigated 1.1 Targeting high risk & problematic sectors 2.1 Conduct DG Reviews on 30 listed companies and 70 designated employers 3.1 Investigate complaints and settle within 90 days of receipt. Not Achieved 39 inspections were conducted Achieved 42 JSE listed companies and 133 designated companies at 74% compliance of complaints received and complaints investigated settled within 90 days at 92% settlement.
Major Challenges & Corrective Measures 24
Challenges: Could not meet the target for inspections - affected by the public service strike. Due to financial constraints, the activities of the roving team had to be trimmed down. Corrective Measure: Ensure that we catch up with our program. Provinces will have to make use of the resource made available to them. The trained roving team members will impart technical expertise to other inspectors in the respective provinces. Challenges: Delays in the development of the IES case management by Siemens. Corrective Measures: SITA working closely with the OCIO to strengthen capacity in this office.
Public Employment Services
Programme 3: Public Employment Services (PES)
KRA 1. Contribute to employment creation 26
SUB-PROGRAMME OUTPUT PERFORMANCE MEASURES ACTUAL STATUS TARGET (YEAR 1) 1. Public Employment Services policy, legislation guidelines developed 2. Public Employment Services Plans & interventions successfully integrated in Govt PoA 3. PES initiatives & interventions communicated through various mediums 1.1 Draft Public Employment Services Policy and Bill finalised for submission to Cabinet by Sept 2010 2.1 Intergovernmental meetings attended and reports presented within 2 days of event 3.1 Number of campaigns, publications; national and local events; articles, website information readily available to the public Achieved In progress In Progress 1 452 advocacy campaigns held
KRA 1. Contribute to employment creation 27
SUB-PROGRAMME OUTPUT PERFORMANCE MEASURES ACTUAL STATUS TARGET (YEAR 1) 4. Jobseekers registered and placed in opportunities % of reporting jobseekers registered on the System 4.2 70% of registered jobseekers referred to career counselling/ guidance, skills development, work placement opportunities, UIF and CF benefits within 30 days Partially Achieved 56% job seekers reported for registration (65%) were registered with a back log of Achieved (81%) jobseekers were referred unemployed were assessed for job opportunities with SpEEX and placed.
KRA 1. Contribute to employment creation 28
SUB-PROGRAMME OUTPUT PERFORMANCE MEASURES ACTUAL STATUS TARGET (YEAR 1) 5. IT infrastructure rolled out to enhance capacity for efficient and effective provision of job- seekers services 6. Employer services provided 5.1 60% by end of March 2011 6.1 60% of companies on the dept’s database and government depts register vacancy by end of March 2011 6.2 40% of existing Private Placement/ Employment Agencies (PEA’s) registered and licensed Partially Achieved 127 LCs and most of the CSOs are equipped with operative PCs Partially achieved –companies registered on Siyaya companies registered opportunities opportunities registered 7 324 opportunities filled Achieved 1 031 Number of PEA’s on APSO database 950 (92%) of PEA’s registered
KRA 1. Contribute to employment creation 29
SUB-PROGRAMME OUTPUT PERFORMANCE MEASURES ACTUAL STATUS TARGET (YEAR 1) 6. Employer services provided 6.3 Number of applications received and number of recommendations for migrant corporate work-permits provided within 15 days of receipt 6.4 Number of companies and workers in distressed sectors provided with assistance within 5 Working days of receipt Achieved Total 161 applications (corporate and general); 101 applications approved and 60 applications disapproved. 19 companies were assisted through the DoL/ DHET training lay-off scheme. 6 351 workers benefitted from the
KRA 1. Contribute to employment creation 30
SUB-PROGRAMME OUTPUT PERFORMANCE MEASURES ACTUAL STATUS TARGET (YEAR 1) 7. Designated groups special services 70% (amended to 30%) of all subsidized people with disabilities placed in employment Achieved 50% of people placed Total subsidy for the 2010/11 financial year – R Total transfer during Q3 – R (Q1 – Q3) Total number of people registered – 1020 Total number of people placed – 511
KRA 1. Contribute to employment creation 31
SUB-PROGRAMME OUTPUT PERFORMANCE MEASURES ACTUAL STATUS TARGET (YEAR 1) Sheltered Employment Factories (SEF) for designated groups 1. Special employment opportunities provided to eligible people with disabilities from all racial groups 1.1 SEF Legal status and Business Case finalised 1.2 30% increase Gov procurement and other markets for goods 1.3 All SEF Factories successfully managed to be viable and sustainable Enterprises 1.4 50% of number people in SEF trained and placed in mainstream economy Not Achieved 10% increase in sales from govt depts In Progress This has improved utilisation rate to 60%
KRA 1. Contribute to employment creation 32
SUB-PROGRAMME OUTPUT PERFORMANCE MEASURES ACTUAL STATUS TARGET (YEAR 1) Productivity South Africa 1. Products and services of assisted companies world class and competitive; and Jobs saved in distressed companies 2. Productivity and competitiveness awareness is high and embraced in SA companies assisted to become world class competitive future forums established at companies with turnaround solutions 2.1 One Print and electronic campaign and 80 media articles Published Monthly electronic newsletters published In progress 120 companies 83 future forums established Achieved 75 articles published Not Achieved
KRA 1. Contribute to employment creation 33
SUB-PROGRAMME OUTPUT PERFORMANCE MEASURES ACTUAL STATUS TARGET (YEAR 1) Productivity South Africa 1. Capacitated SMMEs contribute to sustainable employment creation SMME managers assisted to manage matters related to intellectual property jobs saved through social plan interventions 1.3 Two studies on competiveness indicators for South Africa and public sector productivity performance and services delivery completed Achieved 2 245 SMME managers trained Partially Achieved 8, 226 jobs saved
Major Challenges & Corrective Measures 34
Challenges: Inadequate human and IT resources for PES. Corrective Measures: Provincial strategy needs to be developed to deal with the inadequate human and IT resources. SITA support solicited by the DoL Challenges: Inadequate funding. Concept of the centre of excellence still to be explored. Corrective Measure: SEF to focus on increased sales and the finalization of the Business Case. The centre of excellence concept will soon be piloted. Challenges: Delay in the transfer of funds to Productivity SA due to transfer of NSF to DHET. This delayed the PSA programmes. Corrective Measure: There is an acceleration plan to implement once funds are secured.
Labour Policy and Labour Market Programmes
(LP & LMP)
KRA 1. Contribute to employment creation 36
SUB-PROGRAMME OUTPUT PERFORMANCE MEASURES ACTUAL STATUS TARGET (YEAR 1) 1. Research Policy and Planning 1. Worker co-operative strategy developed 2. Quarterly Ministerial briefing reports produced on key labour market issues 3. Executive Dashboard project complete and installed 1.1 Develop legislative framework and implement strategy 2.1 4 quarterly labour market trends reports submitted to Minister and DG 3.1 Executive Dashboard enhanced In Progress Achieved Partially
2. Employment Equity KRA 2: Promote Equity in the Labour Market 37
SUB-PROGRAMME OUTPUT PERFORMANCE MEASURES ACTUAL STATUS TARGET (YEAR 1) 2. Employment Equity 1. EEA and its regulations amended 2. Code of good practice and technical assistance guideline on HIV and AIDS reviewed and 3. Companies listed on the JSE DG reviewed for substantive compliance 1.1 EEA amendment Bill published for public comment 2.1 Review and amend the code of good practice on key aspects of HIV and AIDS and employment HIV and AIDS code 3.1 Follow ups conducted on 60 JSE listed companies reviewed Achieved In progress Partially 25 companies followed up for income Didderential assessments and their EE plans.
3. Employment Standards KRA 3: Protection of Vulnerable Workers 38
SUB-PROGRAMME OUTPUT PERFORMANCE MEASURES ACTUAL STATUS TARGET (YEAR 1) 3. Employment Standards 1. BCEA amended 2. Wage differentials investigated 3. Review existing sectoral Determinations 4. Publish sectoral Determinations 1.1 BCEA Amendment Bill published for public comment 2.1 Amend norms and benchmarks for proportionate income differentials 3.1Farmworkers,domestic,wholesale and retail, hospitality, civil eng, learnerships, private security and forestry. 4.1 Unskilled workers Achieved Not Achieved Partially Achieved Research in the Taxi Sector finalised, contract cleaning: notice issued. Meeting with ABSA for feasibility of a Provident Fund for Domestic Workers. Investigations finalised in Civil Eng and Leanership Sectors In progress
KRA 3: Protection of Vulnerable Workers 39
SUB-PROGRAMME OUTPUT PERFORMANCE MEASURES ACTUAL STATUS TARGET (YEAR 1) 3. Employment Standards 1. Amend ministerial determinations 2. Amend and publish OHS regulations 3. Civil society strengthened 1.1 Expanded Public Works Programme 2.1 Regulations on hazardous work for children published 3.1 8 civil society organisations involved in the world of work funded Achieved
4. International Labour Matters
KRA 4: Strengthening multilateral and bilateral relations SUB-PROGRAMME OUTPUT PERFORMANCE MEASURES ACTUAL STATUS TARGET (YEAR 1) 4. International Labour Matters 1. Participation in the ILO governing body and the ILC 2. Implementation of bilateral and multi lateral relations 1.1 Participation in the ILO governing body and the ILC ensured 2.1 Review the implementation of MOUs with Zimbabwe, Namibia, Lesotho and Mozambique 2.2 Implementation of signed MOU with China, Cuba, Namibia 2.3 AU, ARLAC, AULSAC, participate effectively on all labour matters. 2.4 Finalise all arrangements pertaining to the hosting of the SADC Employment and Labour Sector Achieved In Progress DoL Inspectors visited Cuba. Meeting with China on the MOU. Not Achieved
KRA 6: Promote Sound Labour Relations 41
SUB-PROGRAMME OUTPUT PERFORMANCE MEASURES ACTUAL STATUS TARGET (YEAR 1) 5. Labour Relations 1. Extend collective agreements and register new labour organisations within 90 days. 1.1 At least 20 collective agreements published within 60 days of receipt 1.2 Decision to register new labour organisations taken within 90 days of receipt of competent applications. Achieved KRA 9: Monitor the Impact of Legislation 6. Labour Market Information Statistics 1. Quarterly ministerial briefing reports produced on key labour market issues. 1.1 4 quarterly labour market trend reports based on UIF/LFS/ESSA
Major Challenges & Corrective Measures 42
Challenges: The AU Labour and Social Affairs Commission postponed to 2011 for several reasons including professional capacity. Corrective Measure: AULSAC is envisaged to meet in April 2011. Challenges: Investigation of Wage Differentials could not be achieved as planned due to unreliability of statistics – a flawed reporting susytem. Corrective Measure: Raw data was submitted to the Labour Market Information Systems in DoL for investigation and recommendations.
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