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Module 3 Heroes Unit 2 There were few doctors, so he had to work very hard on his own.(writing)

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Presentation on theme: "Module 3 Heroes Unit 2 There were few doctors, so he had to work very hard on his own.(writing)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Module 3 Heroes Unit 2 There were few doctors, so he had to work very hard on his own.(writing)

2 Pre-writing: ( To share 1 or 2 passages)
My Hero---- Yuan Longping

3 Pre-writing: My Father
My name is Erick Batters. My hero is my father, David. He is my hero because he helps me a lot when I am in trouble. He was born in He loved children when he was young, so he became a teacher at the age of 22. He first taught math in Newport Beach, CA and then taught science .He was very friendly to his students and he worked very hard. When I was young,he often found out ways so that he could make my life better and spent more time with me. I love my father very much. So not only great but also common people can be heroes.

4 Who is your hero? Why? What do you know about Yang Liwei? He trained hard so that he could go to the space. What do you think of Yang Liwei? He is a brave man. He is a hero .

5 Discuss: What can we learn from these heroes?

6 While-writing: Choose one of the following heroes and write a short passage about him and try to use "because, so ,so that" to join the sentences. Heroes Facts Lei Feng born in 1940/join the army at 20/die while on duty(因公牺牲) at 22/serve the people and be ready to help others Messi born in 1987/ start playing football at 5/stop growing because of dwarfism at 11/ keep training / FIFA World Player of the Year 2009/Never give up and have a strong will Mo Yan born in 1955/ stop going to school and work in the countryside at the early age / love reading and writing/ write many books and win lots of prizes/ the first Chinese that has won the Nobel Prize

7 While-writing Writing time!

8 Post-writing Sharing time!

9 Homework A: Write a new passage:
在你成长的过程中,你的父母倾注了大量的心血, 请谈谈他们给你的关心、帮助以及你的想法。他们是你心目中的英雄吗?(提示词语供选用) 提示词语: kind and helpful, every day, weekend, help sb. with sth, be strict with, have a talk with, understand, think B: Polish your own passage.

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