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Induction Package Learning Tool T-180
This work has been produced by DGL (Aust) Pty Ltd This induction package has been designed for usage on DGL’s intranet
Before you get started It is important that you complete all sections in this learning tool as it has been designed so that You can abide by the procedures of our organization. You can apply what you have learnt in this package in your day to day activities Both the business units of warehousing and fleet management are covered by this packaged. This packaged covers Employees, Contractors and Drivers in the organisation Hyperlinks referenced in this document will need to be viewed by the inductee Should this package need to be printed, care and attention needs to be taken to remove sections and supply referenced polices forms and procedures. Sections that need to be covered per business unit are covered in the company’s induction criteria and need to be printed prior to completing this package F-340 Inductions Criteria – Warehousing Business Unit F-540 Induction Criteria – Fleet Operation Business Unit. You may have already acquired knowledge in the area identified in this package as you may have completed some specialized training. Or you may have been working within the industry for some time. Should you identify any improvement opportunities in the information contained in this package or have difficulties completing the package please contact National Training and Compliance Manager DGL (Aust) Pty Ltd PO BOX 1594 EAGLE FARM QLD 4009 Ph Fax
1.1 DGL structure DGL (Aust) P/L (DGL) core business is the storage and distribution of Dangerous Goods and Fleet Operations. This extensive network allows DGL to offer a complete logistical solution to current and prospective clients. National Structure: Hyperlink to organizational structure T-140 Hyperlink to organisational structure for ARC contract T-141
1.2 QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM: DGL’s Quality Management System (QMS) incorporates requirements / standards for accreditation in: - ISO 9001 - NHVAS (National Heavy Vehicle Accreditation Scheme) - Major Hazard Facility Regulations - Safety Management System requirements. 1.3 OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH & SAFETY POLICY: DGL aims to ensure the health and safety of all employees, contractors, casuals and visitors at DGL workplaces and external workplaces visited by DGL employees, utilising the concept of shared responsibility. Shared Responsibility is defined as: All persons are responsible for anticipating, preventing and managing OHS issues. Hyperlink to policy Q-100
1.4 ALCOHOL & DRUGS POLICY : DGL endeavours to ensure a workplace environment free from drugs and alcohol for all persons. DGL reserves the right to temporarily suspend any persons from their duties if found / suspected to be under the influence of drugs and alcohol whilst on duty. Hyperlink Q-120 1.5 SMOKE FREE SITE DGL holds a NO SMOKING policy for all DGL sites this also includes any DGL vehicle , inclusive of all company cars Hyperlink to policy Q-170
1.6 HARRASSMENT & DISCRIMINATION: DGL endeavours to conduct business in a manner that ensures fair, equitable and non-discriminatory employment and practices. DGL will discipline any employee found to be harassing, intimidating or discriminating against others in accordance with disciplinary procedures and legislative requirements. DGL supports the standard that assault, whether physical or threatened, is a criminal offence that may result in instant dismissal Hyperlink to policy Q-260 1.7 INCIDENT PREVENTION & REPORTING: Incidents that MUST be reported and investigated include: Injury Illness Accidents Near Misses Non-compliance with set procedures and standards Identified / observed Improvement Opportunities All incidents are reviewed by the site in order to prevent re-occurrence Hyperlink to policy Q-200
1.8 ABSENT FROM WORK: Any persons who are unable to present for work duties on the day are to notify the Site Supervisor / Manager before the start of the shift. 1.9 PPE – GENERAL All persons entering the operations area are to have a high-visibility vest (or uniform), and Visitor Tag if applicable. High-visibility vests and Visitor Tags can be obtained from the Administration Office for the duration of the visit. Steel capped boots are required for all persons working within operational areas. Long sleeved shirts, long legged trousers, safety glasses must be worn at all times. Other specific PPE as per procedures and or specific site requirements.
1.10 PPE – SPECIFIC No persons are to touch / be involved in the clean up of a chemical spill on site PRIOR TO obtaining and reading the relevant MSDS for the product. Chemical spills are to be dealt with as per Chemical Spill Procedure. Only DGL employees trained and competent in the Chemical Spill Procedure are to participate in spill containment / clean up. 1.11 SAFETY: Where a potential or actual breach of safety is observed the Supervisor / Manager is to be notified immediately. Work activities may cease if safety is compromised. A breach of safety can be reported by a visitor, casual, contractor, driver or employee. All reports of this nature are fully investigated to prevent a re-occurrence. Any item to be found to be unsafe and is tagged as per procedure P-130 must not be used. (DGL tag out tool T-160 ) At no time is any safety feature of equipment to be tampered with or bypassed All equipment is to be used in according to the specifications in the operator manual for the machinery “SAFETY COMES FIRST” QUESTIONS about section 1? IF YOU ARE A DGL EMPLOYEE FOR FLEET OPERATIONS PLEASE CLICK HERE IF YOU ARE ALL OTHER EMPLOYEES ARE TO CLICK HERE
2.1 DG Information: Dangerous Goods can be defined as: Substances which by their nature constitute a hazard from explosion, high temperature, or by their corrosion effect.” Dangerous Goods are assigned a Class according to the most significant risk presented by the goods. Dangerous Goods may also be assigned a Subsidiary Risk if the goods present risk in addition to those denoted by the primary class.
Class 2 – Gases Flammable Gas Toxic Gas Non Flammable Non Toxic
Class 3 – Flammable Liquid
Class 4 Flammable Solids Class 4.2 – Flammable Solids Class 4.3 – Flammable Solids
Class 5: Oxidizing Agents Organic Peroxides The new alternative labels for Division 5.2 (model No. 5.2B) should be phased in where possible during the currency of the Australian Dangerous Goods Code 7th Edition. Use of the No 5.2a label will not be permissible in Australia or internationally from 1st January 2011.
Class 6: 6.1 - Toxic Substances Class 6.2 – Infectious Substances
Class 7 – Radioactive Material
Class 8 – Corrosive
Class 9 – Miscellaneous For further information regarding to the classification of Dangerous Goods refer to DG Awareness Package T-950 updated will be hyperlinked) or refer to ADG7 (Australian Dangerous Goods Code For Road & Rail) which is available from the DGL intranet QUESTIONS about section 2?
3.1 LICENCES & CERTIFICATES Copies of all relevant licences and certificates are to be held by the Site Supervisor / Manager. Only trained, certified employees are to operate machinery and equipment. Worksafe Record of Notification of Dangerous Goods Handling and Storage can be found on the noticeboard at each site (where applicable). 3.2 Site Operating Hours Site operating hours are generally 7am – 5pm, Mon – Fri. Variations of these times do occur
3.3 SIGNING IN & OUT All employees, contactors, casuals and visitors are required to Sign In and Sign Out at the Administration Office of the site Note: Alternate arrangements for employees may exist at site level e.g. clock cards. If you temporarily depart the site at any time, you are required to complete the Sign Out and then Sign In again on your return. This is to ensure the safety of any individual is not compromised in the event of an emergency on site. 3.4 SITE RULES & MOVEMENT AROUND SITE: Site rules and movement around the site include: Pedestrians are to keep to the marked path Approach corners cautiously to avoid collision Speed of forklifts is limited to 10kph Seatbelts are to be worn at all times on sit down forklifts.
3.5 SIGNS & NOTICES: Signs and notices are placed at various locations around the site to alert persons to the location of (or presence of) items such as: Emergency Safety Showers and Eyewash Stations Forklifts Storage location of different classes of Dangerous Goods Current site First Aiders and OHS Representatives Emergency Spill Kits and PPE Kits Emergency Assembly / Evacuation Point. 3.6 FIRST AID: Site First Aiders and first aid supplies are available for any injuries or illnesses that occur on site. First Aiders are trained to competency standard Level 2 Senior First Aid.
3.7 HOUSEKEEPING: There is the requirement that all individuals will clean up after themselves and maintain the standard of cleanliness and tidiness as set by DGL, whilst in the workplace. 3.8 REMOVAL OF PROPERTY FROM SITE: No equipment, plant or goods are to be removed from the site, unless with the prior notification and approval of the Site Supervisor / Manager. Removal of damaged goods or product waste is to be organised by the Site Supervisor / Manager or authorised persons only.
3.9 IGNITION SOURCES Smoking or the carrying of matches or cigarette lights is prohibited in any hazardous area as defined in AS/NZS 2430 & AS/ Due to the flammability / ignitability of products stored on site, all sources of ignition are not to be taken onto site or used in such a way to cause spark Sources of ignition include but are not limited to: Mobile phones MP3 Players Torches that are not intrinsically safe as per AS 2430 & AS Rechargeable power tools Portable electrical equipment Pagers Lighters Matches Cameras Scraping of forklift tynes The use on non intrinsically safe machinery with in a hazardous Zone/ Area If you are unsure of any requirements for your site you are on or at please check with the Site Manager to ensure compliance to all relevant laws and regulations relating to Hazardous Entry Requirements Hyperlink to policy Q-160 3.10 Permit to Work Work Permits are required to be completed prior to commencement of some works. A Work Permit is essentially a written set of ‘work instructions’ which are issued prior to non-routine work activities, or routine work activities which are subject to specific restrictions. A Work Permit is issued on the proviso that the assessment of the proposed works has found that the work activity to be conducted can be safely undertaken in an acceptable manner, so far as practicable. Work Permits are issued using P P-250 & T-210
3.11 Chemicals, MSDS & Segregation All dangerous goods and hazardous chemicals stored on site require a Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) that outlines safety precautions for the storage, handling and transport of the product. MSDS’s are required to identify an Australian point of contact for emergencies and be current (within 5 years of issue / revision date). Products are segregated as per Dangerous Goods regulations (Segregation charts are available on QMS: T-200 and T-220). Adherence and vigilance in storage requirements is required for the safety of all persons on site. 3.12 EMERGENCY RESPONSE PLAN (ERP) In event of an emergency on site, the site ERP identifies the roles and responsibilities of key people on site to combat the incident. Refer to your sites ERP & Responsibility Registers Site specific ERP & Responsibility Registers V (RR-V-100) V-200 (RR- V-200) V (RR-V-300) SA Q Q Q Q W N N-200 In event of hearing an alarm the site specific ERP is to be instigated. In the event of an incident on site, no persons are to depart from the assembly area without directly notifying the Chief Warden. QUESTIONS about section 3?
4.1 COMMITTEES Toolbox Meetings are held monthly held on site for all DGL employees. This meeting is an opportunity for all concerns, issues and thoughts to be heard and documented. Minutes of meetings are available on the noticeboard. Occupational Health and Safety Meetings are held at some sites. Minutes of the meeting are available on the noticeboard. Other relevant committees may be held at site level. 4.2 HEALTH ASSESSMENTS Employees who handle Dangerous Goods and/ or Hazardous Substances, or operate equipment / machinery, are to undergo pre-employment and ongoing health monitoring as required. Employees are to undergo relevant health screening with company identified Medical Practitioners.
4.3 TRAINING All employees are to undergo training as per site training schedule. Expressions of interest in attending additional / other types of training courses can be lodged with your immediate Supervisor. DGL encourages and supports training needs and requirements 4.4 UNIFORMS Uniforms are supplied for employees undertaking employment in the warehouse and fleet operations. It is the responsibility of each employee to clean and maintain uniforms to an acceptable standard of cleanliness and presentation. Employees employed in other capacities are required to present to work with clean, tidy attire. Jeans, running shoes (sneakers) and singlets are not acceptable attire. Clothing is not to have any logo’s or markings other than DGL
4.5 PAY DGL employees are paid weekly. Banking details are to be forwarded to Head Office (QLD) at commencement of employment. Subsequent changes to banking arrangements can be made. Payslips are supplied weekly and forwarded to the relevant site where the employee is located. 4.6 EBA / POSITION DESCIPTION Some DGL sites are guided by enterprise bargaining agreements (EBA). Employees will be guided and performance appraised on the terms and conditions as outlined in their job / role Position Description.
4.7 LEAVE All employees accrue leave on a pro rata basis and as set out under the conditions of their employment contract or relevant EBA. Applications for any leave type (eg, annual, sick, unpaid) are to be made in writing and handed to your immediate Supervisor for processing. Applications do not guarantee approval of the leave. Your Supervisor will notify you if the leave has been approved. 4.8 SUPERANNUATION DGL contributes Superannuation payments on the behalf of all employees.
4.9 NHVAS REQUIREMENTS DGL is continually seeking to maintain the criteria and standards required for National Heavy Vehicle Accreditation Scheme (NHVAS) Accreditation. 4.10 NHVAS BFM Standards DGL only has one facility that meets the requirements of Basic Fatigue Management. Should you have obtain certification from previous employment Your Maximum working hours per day s to be no more than 12 hours. QUESTIONS about section 4?
SECTION 5 - DRIVERS 5.1 Vehicle Presentation
All DGL vehicles are to be maintained in a clean condition. This includes the inside cab which should be left at the end of the day as though another driver is using the vehicle the next day 5.2 Driver Manual (Australian) A driver manual is available to all Drivers with our organisation and is supplied and resupplied every time a driver is inducted T-150 5.3 Driver Manual (NZ) A driver manual is available to all Drivers with our organisation and is supplied and resupplied every time a driver is inducted T-930 5.4 Stramit Manual An additional driver manual is available to all Drivers with our organisation working within this contract and is supplied and resupplied every time a driver is inducted T-470
SECTION 5 - DRIVERS 5.5 ARC OHS Manual 5.6 Driver Responsibilities
An additional driver induction is available to all within our organisation working within this contract and is supplied and resupplied every time a driver is inducted T-700, 5.6 Driver Responsibilities Ensure all relevant licences are current and kept up to date Ensure all relevant inductee paperwork is complete DGL will make an appointment for Driver to attend a local accredited Basic Fatigue Management Course if qualification not held & (if required) When driving a vehicle carry out, pre-start check and complete the BFM self assessment T-325 (If applicable)
SECTION 5 - DRIVERS 5.7 Delivery Paperwork Common misconceptions:
Delivery Paperwork is an essential part of the Driver’s duties. Drivers are required to ensure that they have completed paperwork correctly and accurately. Delivery dockets must be handed in to the Supervisor. Any additional paperwork associated with the delivery of products/materials must be stapled with the delivery dockets. All docket instructions must be followed. If the instructions are not practical, contact the Supervisor immediately for further information. Common misconceptions: It does not matter if I have forgotten a customer’s delivery information. Yes, it does. Paperwork is a critical function of the driver. Costing charge arise from your comments. I don’t have to worry about the accuracy of the documents. Someone will correct my mistakes in the office. Yes, you do. Accuracy is vital, important items such as overtime could be missed if mistakes are made. I don’t have to worry if have I lost my delivery paperwork, as paperwork can be reprinted. Yes, you do. Delivery paperwork is crucial for proof of delivery. Serious back charges could result from paperwork that has been misplaced or lost.
SECTION 5 - DRIVERS 5.8 Customer Engagement 5.9 Delivery of Material
There are a number of things to consider when at the customer’s site. Greeting the customer Driver presentation The customer may not always be right, but never argue with them. 5.9 Delivery of Material Drivers must use a safe and common sense approach to the delivery of product to a customer. Drivers must ensure that they do not leave the premises by reversing there vehicles onto a main thoroughfare. Note: If you are delivering to a site where you think there is a chance damage to property may occur, ask the customer to fill out the Permission to Enter Site / Assist in Manual Loading or Unloading Form (F-470). Ensure that the customer signs for the material/product received. Any shortage of product should be reported to the Supervisor and noted on the delivery paperwork.
SECTION 5 - DRIVERS 5.10 Pickup of Material 5.11 End of Day Procedure
Whenever picking up goods / materials, the following are to be checked: Correct quantity Correct product Correct paperwork No damages to product If discrepancies exist, contact the Supervisor 5.11 End of Day Procedure Hand in all paperwork relating to the day’s deliveries, including your daily driver’s run sheet. Hand to the Supervisor completed paperwork relevant to NHVAS. Hand to the Supervisor completed paperwork relevant to BFM (if applicable)
SECTION 5 - DRIVERS 5.14 Crane legs on Vehcile mounted cranes
Our employees are required as part of the their prestart each day to check that the crane leg alarms are working prior to commencing work, if they are not then the truck is not to be used until the repair has been made and they are operational. The check is done one crane leg at a time. Anyone who is found operating a truck and the alarms are not fully operational will be removed from the business Any Manager who instructs or knowingly allows a vehicle to operate without these fully operational will be removed from the business. Willing using the equipment is a breach of our cardinal rules
SECTION 5 - DRIVERS 5.12 Driving of Vehicles
All vehicles are to be driven with the following in mind: Within legal speed limits and state regulations Not operating if under the influence of a drugs or alcohol With fuel efficiency in mind No clutch coasting, riding gears, over-revving Not using weight restricted streets Driving defensively Seat belts must be worn whilst driving All material is properly secured and restrained Road-rage will not be tolerated in any form. Disciplinary action will result from cases where road-rage has been proven. 5.13 Further information for Drivers Two-Way Radio Time Sheet Vehicle Fault Report and Repair Book and Interception Report (NHVAS) A Camera Any specialised equipment (eg Vehicle Mounted Crane) Refuelling, Oil and Water Points Toll Cards and Fuel Cards (eg. Shell) Depot site induction eg. access and egress points Emergency phone numbers What to do in an event of a Motor Accident P / Personal Injury P-230
SECTION 5 - DRIVERS QUESTIONS about section 5?
Important point for accidents for personal injuries Take photographs of all damage, injury, signage, vehicles involved including registration numbers from all angles until film runs out. PPE and Emergency / Safety Equipment for vehicles Driver Responsibilities – eg. daily checks (F-220) , Fit for Duty self assessment (T-325) if applicable for BFM & the sign off of the Driver Run Sheet (F-230) Drivers Health Tips (T-440) Other relevant instructions as per site requirements A load of dangerous goods can not stored or held in transit at any fleet management site(eg Stramit) without the written permission of the sites management Drivers are to remain outside of exclusions zones during unloading and unloading operations by gantry cranes, cranes and forklifts. The usage of Ocky straps or bungie cords is forbidden in all DGL equipment QUESTIONS about section 5?
CARDINAL RULES At DGL safety is our number one priority and the following behaviour is inconsistent with our safety beliefs and will not be tolerated. Any employee or contractor of this organisation found in breach of these rules will be liable for dismissal at first offence. Deliberately acting in a manner with intent to cause harm to self, others, equipment or the environment. Knowingly violate procedures which has a potential to cause harm or damage to people, plant, property or the environment. Allowing anyone to work in a life threatening environment.
CARDINAL RULES cntd Failure to follow all danger tag and isolation procedures or interfering with any safety devices. Not wearing Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) as specified by DGL. Not immediately reporting to DGL management teams any event classified as either :- Operational Incident, Accident and Damages, Personal Injury or Near Miss.
Test your knowledge Through the following slides you will be asked an number of questions to show that you have understood the content of this learning tool Please record your answer on a sheet of paper. For example for Question 1 you have four possible answers, therefore record either a b c d. You will be required to submit the answers to the DGL HSEQ unit 2/25/2019
Question 1 If an employee is found/suspected of been under the influence of drugs or alcohol what rights do DGL have? a) Serve instant dismissal b) give letter of warning c) temporarily suspend any persons d) give a verbal warning
Question 2 What can happen if you break the Cardinal rules?
a) First offence, receive a written warning. b) Liable to be dismissed at first offence. c) Receive a verbal warning d) Sent home for the day, without pay.
Question 3 What the Basic Standard of PPE required to be worn by DGL?
a) safety vest/apparel, visitor’s tag (if required), safety boots long sleeved shirt and shorts. b)safety vest/apparel, safety glasses, safety boots. c) safety vest/apparel, visitor’s tag (if required), safety boots long sleeved shirt, long trousers, safety glasses. d) safety vests/apparel, safety glasses, covered footwear
Question 4 What type of incident must be reported?
a) accident and damages, faulty forklifts, operational incidents. b) operational incidents, annual leave, personal injury or near miss c)personal injury or near miss, not wearing PPE, accident and damages. d) operational incidents, accident and damages, personal injury or near miss.
Question 5 When do DGL employees get paid? a) monthly b) weekly
c) fornightly d) when requested
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