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Support for the cluster development in Bulgaria

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1 Support for the cluster development in Bulgaria
Operational Programme „Innovations and competitiveness“

2 Cluster support for the period 2014-2020 (1)
*PRIORITY AXIS 1. Innovations, entrepreneurship and production capacity Technology development and innovations (TG 1 of the CSF); Entrepreneurship (TG 3 of the CSF); Capacity for SME growth (TG 3 of the CSF); *PRIORITY AXIS 2: Energy and resource efficiency Energy technologies and energy efficiency (TG 4 of the CSF); Resource efficiency (TG 6 of the CSF);

3 Cluster support for the period 2014-2020 (2)
The clusters will be supported under the OPIC, because of their potential for technology transfer, dissemination of innovations, resource sharing and market expansion, which makes them a powerful instrument for raising the entrepreneurship of the Bulgarian economy; OPIC will purposefully support clusters, according to their needs and according to their stage of development; Horizontal approach for clusters support under OPIC – no sector restrictions.

4 Cluster support for the period 2014-2020 (3)
Encouraging the development of existing clusters and supporting new - in case of a justified need; Prior analysis and classification of clusters in different categories, depending on the stage of development (developed, developing and newly established); For each defined category will be proposed concrete measures and an indicative allocation of certain financial resources; High, medium and low-tech industries and knowledge-intensive services will be given priority during the evaluation;

5 Thank you for the attention!
Miryana Dragomirova Chief expert “European funds for competitiveness” DG Ministry of economy and energy Sofia, № 21 "6-ti septemvri" Str. Telephone:

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