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Presentation on theme: "Outlines."— Presentation transcript:

1 Outlines

2 To create an outline for your final essay for The Grapes of Wrath
Leson Objective: To create an outline for your final essay for The Grapes of Wrath

3 Purpose of an Outline An outline is like a road map for your writing When you create an outline you need a purpose Purpose is designed to prove your thesis

4 Terms Terms often used to form a purpose: To Prove, to analyze, to create, to determine, to examine, to explore, to show, to describe, to record

5 Look at your thesis first, then go from there
Outlining: Selecting a Heading A good purpose can only be established by a good thesis Look at your thesis first, then go from there

6 Outlining: Correct Outline Form
First level of outline Roman Numerals: I II III IV V The Roman Numerals are your Main Subject Headings

7 Outlining: Correct Outline Form
Second Level are letters and these are your subheadings, meaning supporting topics under main topics A, B, C,

8 Outlining: Correct Outline Form
Third Level: Arabic Numerals: The modern numbers we use today 1-10 These are added Details to your subheadings

9 Outlining: Two Types of Outlines Topic Outline Sentence Outline

10 Outlining: Two Types of Outlines
Topic outline you list or phrase Sentence Outline you write them in a sentence format

11 Outlining: Topic Outline
Example: Topic Outline I. Best Characters 2012 A. Channing Tatum 1. great as the serious character B. Jonah Hill

12 Outlining: Sentence Outline Example:
I. 21 Jump Street was the best comedy of 2012 because of its characters A. Channing Tatum 1. great as the serious character B. Jonah Hill

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