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Monterey Bay Aquarium, 886 Cannery Row, Monterey, CA 93940, USA

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1 Monterey Bay Aquarium, 886 Cannery Row, Monterey, CA 93940, USA
Methodology for estimating length-at-maturity with application to elasmobranchs Henry F. Mollet Monterey Bay Aquarium, 886 Cannery Row, Monterey, CA 93940, USA

2 Introduction N(Z)ormal Cumulative Function (ZCF)
Correlation of parameters, Probits, Logits Elasmobranch examples concentrating on shortfin mako with perspective

3 N(Z)ormal Distribution Function
ZDF ((TL - )/)  = mean TL-at-maturity (MTL)  = Stand. deviation (measure of homogeneity) CV = /  Parameters  and  not correlated

4 N(Z)ormal Cumulative Function
ZCF ((TL - )/) Parameters  = MTL and  = stand. dev. (not correlated) Alternate parameter slope = 1/(2)0.5  CV = 25% in example

5 Logistic (X) vs. ZCF &ZDF (O)

6 Correlation Normal Cumulative
Alternate parameters Mat = ZCF (a + b TL) a = -MTL/ b = 1/ ( b = slope/2) a&b are correlated Logistic Alternate parameters Mat = 1/(1 + exp(a+bTL)) a = -MTL.4. slope b = slope/4 Example corr. (a&b) = corr. (MTL& slope = 0.082)

7 Correlation in VBGF L & k are strongly correlated
Differential equation dM/dt =  M2/3 - M  = anabolic parameter (build-up)  = catabolic parameter (break-down) k =  /3 (Symbol for kappa?) M = ( /)3; L  = q ( /) = q ( /3k)

8 Probit & Logit Fig. 5 from Finney 1964 “Probit Analysis”
y = fraction mature for x cm TL ranges (Cannot use raw data) Probit = ZIF (y) + 5 Next step is to use weighted data & working probits Logit procedure is similar Logit = log (y/(1-y)) + 5

9 Review of Literature Leslie et al Median Body-Weight at Maturity of Female Rats using Max. Likelihood/Probits Welch & Foucher Length-at-maturity of Pacific cod using Max. Likelihood/2-Parameter-Special-Sigmoid. Mollet et al Length at maturity of Shortfin mako using Max. Likelihood/Logistic (Common Sigmoid). Best is Normal Cumulative Function (ZCF) in combination with Max. Likelihood loss function (least squares is ok) . That’s what Francis & Ó Maolagáin 2000 used for NZ rig (M. lenticulatus), however, they called it Probit.

10 Perspective of Shortfin Mako Maturity Data
Mollet et al months gestation, 3-year repro-cycle. Based on available data indicating that life-history parameters of different mako populations are similar. However, we were able to substantiate differences for size-at-maturity and mass. Should not affect gestation and repro-cycle.

11 Mollet, Cliff, Pratt, & Stevens 2000 (Fig
Mollet, Cliff, Pratt, & Stevens 2000 (Fig. 4) WNA (n = 61), SH (n = = 82)

12 Earlier version showing binomial data used in calculations

13 Contour plots of loss function (=residual) for size-at-maturity for shortfin mako

14 Quick & Dirty, Using Smallest Mature & Largest Immature
WNA: MTL ~ ( )/2 = 2.98 m;  ~ ( ) = (correct 0.44 m) SH: MTL ~ ( )/2 = 2.72 m;  ~ ( ) = (correct 0.21 m)

15 Contour plots of loss function (=residual) for separate populations from South Africa and Australia

16 Probit Linear Regression using WNA (eff. n = 24) and SH (eff
Probit Linear Regression using WNA (eff. n = 24) and SH (eff. n = 24) maturity data Cannot use raw data; y = fraction mature for 10 cm TL bins Probit = ZIF (y) + 5 Next step is to use weighted data & working probits Logit procedure is similar Logit = log (y/(1-y) + 5

17 Size-at-maturity of selected female sharks

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