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OvidSP for Food & Agriculture 姜雅琴

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1 姜雅琴
OvidSP for Food & Agriculture 姜雅琴 Welcome to this presentation on using OvidSP for Food and Agriculture information.

2 Ovid – Wolters Kluwer (威科集团)
全球五大出版集团之一 营业收入: 35.5 亿欧元(2010) 雇员:19,000 市场:健康医疗、设备、法律、商业、税务、会计、财经、审计、风险管理 40 个国家,欧洲、北美、拉美、亚太 总部: 荷兰阿姆斯特丹

3 The Professional's First Choice
Ovid’s customizable solutions of content, tools, and services make us the #1 choice for scholarly searching The Professional's First Choice Scholarly content represents professional literature from journals, reference books, and bibliographic databases. 3

4 AGRICOLA AGRICOLA 数据库是一个题录文摘型数据库,其内容广泛,涉及美国农业和生命科学等领域。AGRICOLA 提供了1970年至今的重要农业信息,也涵盖了与农业相关的500多万个期刊文章、专题文章、专论、专利、软件、视听材料和技术报告的引文。该数据库中的记录描述了各种出版物的信息源,而这些信息来源包含了农业和相关科学的所有方面,其相关科学如:动物和牲畜科学、昆虫学、植物科学、林学、水产养殖和渔业、耕作和耕种系统、农业经济学以及土地和环境科学。每年该库新增约11万个新纪录。 AGRICOLA 数据库每月更新。

5 AGRIS AGRIS 数据库提供了世界范围内农业科学和技术专著的书目内容。AGRIS 数据库由AGRIS协调中心和联合国食品和农业组织(FAO)收集而成,它带来了国际领域内的农村农业研究方面的内容,涉及了农业诸多方面,如:林业、家畜管理、水生科学和渔业,以及人类营养学。该数据库收入的专著均来自独特的原始资料,如未出版的科学和技术报告、专论、学会论文、政府出版物以及更多出处。每年该库新增约13万个新纪录, 并配有英文、法文和西班牙文的关键词汇。数据信息1975年至今,目前收录近350万笔记录。 AGRIS 数据库每月更新。

6 CABI CABI文摘是由国际农业和生物科学中心编辑的,英文全称是Centre Agriculture Bioscience International,该中心前身为英联邦国际农业局,是一个非盈利的国际农业学组织。CABI文摘数据库是由从150多个国家和地区用50多种文字发表的11000种期刊、书籍、报告,以及其它国际上出版的各种专著中选录的英文文摘组成的,主题包括:农学、林业、园艺、畜牧、兽医、经济、植物保护、生物技术、遗传及育种、除草剂、灌溉、微生物、营养、寄生虫、环境保护、农村发展等等,同时还有旅游、休养及野生动物。数据库信息为1990年至今。 CABI数据库每周更新。

7 What is a database ? Consists of records Each record is made of fields
Fields contain a particular type of information Fields may come from authors (title, abstract, author name) be about the paper location of something (journal, volume, issue page) or may descriptive information added by the producer of the database The fields and records are searchable, but also form the result of a search, as a reference or citation They can often be linked to a full-text source Say: these are the elements inside a database, and how they may be used.

8 Advanced Mode, Keyword Searching
Say: by default when you type in a word or a phrase and perform a search, you are searching the keyword fields within the database (which are subject fields). But you can also, by clicking the box, select to search by mapping to the subject fields (for an individual database), or in the Title or for an Author or the name of a Journal. Notice that the keyword fields always contain the title and abstract and the subjects (within the database) and any other fields which represent subjects.

9 Advanced Mode, Mapping Say: The Mapping feature allows you to take a word or phrase and see a list of subjects which are closely associated with it within the subject structure or controlled vocabulary of the database. Here is a mapping list about Rice (and other words or phrases which could be included in the search ). If you see a list like this you should usually select Explode from the centre of the screen to select all the types of your topic. – and give your search depth If you use the mapping result, it will usually provide a more precise result with depth (on the other hand the result from using keyword will be more general).

10 Mapping 2 Say: Choosing the subject Rice takes you to a display which shows the context of your subject, this is rice and the narrower subjects (deep water, flooded and upland). By selecting Explode the narrower subjects are automatically included. This is usually a good choice because these are types of rice. I have highlighted them in the display to show which are included if I choose explode.

11 Mapping 3 Say: Following the same method for China shows that this is also a complex topic containing different regions. Unlike rice, every record that talks about China or a province of China, contains the subject “China”, therefore explode is not really necessary here (for Geographic Areas) but as a rule I would usually select this option. Related Terms are not selected by explode, they are additional options.

12 Mapping 4 Say: This is the second type of mapping, where one subject means the same as another (they are synonyms) – genetically modified plants are the same as transgenic plants. The section of the thesaurus shows why, any of the Used For entries will be redirected to “transgenic plants”.

13 Mapping 5 Say: This is the mapping screen for Blast Fungus, this is the third type of mapping, here I haven’t matched with a subject from the CAB Thesaurus, but this is a of subjects list which is most frequently associated with Blast Fungus, including perhaps the top choice which may be the name of the organism responsible. Choose one or more search terms, or combinations as required. These subjects are associated to the words or phrases from the thesaurus in a frequency based list.

14 Combine AND – Both or all the subjects present
OR – Either or any of the subjects present NOT – Removes a subject (1 not 2, rice not oryza) ADJ# - Within a number of words – (rice adj6 straw) Truncation or wildcards for keyword searches: * or $ - truncation at the end of a word, ? or # - 1/0 characters or 1 character Say: This brings our completed searches together to form an answer to a topic query – “articles about Blast fungus infestations in rice in China” for example. Number 6 is either blast fungus or the organism, 7 is a combination of all the subjects together. Blue font combinations are avaialable from the Search History menu, the others need to be entered on the command line.

15 Limits Say: Limits are common choices within the database, they are often broad subject areas, parts of populations, types of documents, languages or other common choices. They are used to narrow down results based on a particular criteria. To some extent they also embody the subject focus of the database, and it’s added value.

16 Limits Say: CAB Abstracts Full text comes as part of a CAB subscription.

17 Find Citation Say: Find Citation allows you to search across a group of variables in a single step, look at author/title combinations or journal/vol/is/page combinations. Use Find Citation to locate individual references based on a small amount of information.

18 Search Tools Say: Search Tools provide access to the subject structure of the database, mapping and Thesaurus we have already seen, Permuted Index is a tool allowing you to broaden out your search.

19 Search Fields Say: Search Fields allows you to search or browse one or more (or all) the fields within a database, this is the most extensive search which is available. Use this appraoch for rare subjects, or to look outside the author/subject/title fields.

20 CAB Abstracts Examples
CAB is a broadly based database about agriculture, land-use, plants, animals, crops, pests, diseases, waste and many other related topics. It is one of the largest databases in the Ovid catalog (over 8 million records), and is the most international because of it’s origins. Say: Lets look in detail at some for these databases. CAB Abstracts is probably the most diverse (and largest) databases in food and agriculture. It covers a wide variety of topics including land use and human health in tropical climates. It came out of the Commonwealth Agricultural Bureau, but is now an independent organization.

21 CAB Abstracts Fields CAB Thesaurus terms
Broad Terms – broad categories of subjects, places or organisms Descriptors – subjects Geographic Names - places Organism Descriptors – common and scientific names Non Thesaurus Identifiers – new subjects, keywords, new species Cabicodes – broad subjects areas (to give a context to a search or result) Purple items accessed by the mapping tool. Say: these are probably the most frequently used subject fields, four use the CAB Thesaurus controlled vocabulary, the identifiers allows new subjects, and CABIcodes are used to give a context to a search result. The Broad Terms are added to allow you to find groups of narrower subjects, a little like using Explode. Identifiers are not included in mapping, they are non thesaurus items.

22 CAB Abstracts Subject Fields
Say: here are the fields within an example record. IDs - identifiers are not part of mapping. The letters and numbers in the Cabicodes field are the codes, but there are also attached descriptions.

23 Mapping and Keyword Searching
Search Fields (All) tab Search Fields (in and au) Say: here are some examples, first simple searches using the Mapping tool or keywords, Next there are some topical searches for India from the fields in CAB using the Search Fields tab.

24 Search Tools, Permuted Index tab
Find Citation tab Say: The Search Tools and Search Fields tabs lets us look up our subjects in the thesaurus Index or in the field specific indexes. And we have an example from Find Citation.

25 Search Fields searching subject fields
Keywords and Mapping Say: some other examples – searching for rice (oryza) as an organism and hybrids in descriptors and China as a country . Elephant Training via mapping and keywords.

26 AGRIS Examples AGRIS is a broad based database about agriculture and many other related topics from the Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN. It mainly covers European and ROW publications. It is a multilingual database in French, Spanish and English. No overlap with AGRICOLA Say: This database is produced by the Food and Agriculture part of the UN, it covers agriculture in developed and underdeveloped countries and is best for ROW information (though it’s not as large or diverse as CAB).

27 Mapping Search Fields (All)
Say: some examples looking at mapping to the thesaurus or broader searching in any field.

28 Sample Record Say: here is a sample record, notice that the subjects are machine generated or indexer assigned, and that he database is multilingual. Machine generated indexes look at the way that subjects cluster together (frequency of occurrence).

29 AGRICOLA Examples AGRICOLA is a broad based database about agriculture and many other related topics. It mainly covers US government and north American publications (no overlap with AGRIS). Say: The Agricola database comes from the National Agricultural Library of the US, one of the principal libraries in America. It has recently refocused on it’s own publications and subjects. There is guaranteed to be no overlap between AGRICOLA and AGRIS.

30 Search Fields (meeting report)
Mapping Search Fields (All) Search Fields (meeting report) Say: Some examples from this database.

31 BIOSIS Examples BIOSIS is a broad based database about Life Sciences research and many other related topics. This includes traditional areas of biology, such as botany, zoology and microbiology, experimental, clinical and veterinary medicine, biotechnology, environmental studies, and agriculture. Interdisciplinary fields such as biochemistry, biophysics and bioengineering are also included. Say: Biosis is a detailed Life Sciences research database, you have access to a backfile within Ovid.

32 Search Fields (All and in)
Mapping Search Fields (All and in) Say: some examples, in general I would not use mapping in this database.

33 Databases Together Searching the databases together allows you to find more references about a rare topic, or differing points view or different journal coverage. Use the deduplication options to remove the overlap. Say: searching across groups of databases in a single step, allows you to gather groups or related references and to deduplicate and to set up alerts.

34 Multidatabase Searching
Say: Here is a search across all the databases, note that you can show details by looking at retrieval by database or segment from within Search History

35 Printing, Saving Emailing and Linking
Say: select any documents you want to output by clicking the tickboxes on the left. Then choose the output options on the left. Links appear on the right. CAB Abstract Full Text is offered as a PDF, Ovid Full Text is HTML or PDF, External Full Text varies.

36 Printing, Saving Emailing and Linking
Say: Choosing an output choice takes you to the next screen offering more details.

37 Printing, Saving Emailing and Linking
Say: these links use the database to add links into the user display, this is set up by the administrator.

38 Further Information
In Training and Documentation, OvidSP Producer WebPages. Say: for more information

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