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Tuesday, November 22, 2011 Bellringer

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1 Tuesday, November 22, 2011 Bellringer
PLEASE DO NOT TOUCH ANYTHING ON YOUR TABLE! Copy the “I can” statement from the board and fill out your agenda. Remember CHAMPs expectations! Thank you! CHAMPs C: 0 (when the bell rings) H: quietly ask a neighbor; after bell, raise hand A: independent work M: 0 (after bell rings) P: silently completing bellringer

2 Data Table Sneaker Starting Friction (N)
Sideways-stopping Friction (N) Forward-stopping Friction (N) Ms. Edgington Ms. Folsom Ms. Drake

3 Procedure Masses of all shoes in your group need to be the same. (Add washers if necessary.) Tape paperclips in appropriate spots. Measure frictional force. Record force in data table. Answer Analyze and Conclude questions #6, 7, 3. C: 1.5 H: Read the instructions, ask your group members, raise your hand A: small group work M: limited to your group’s area P: collaborating, using materials appropriately

4 Ender Write a scientific claim that can be supported by your group’s evidence (data) regarding the force required to overcome friction. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The force required to overcome friction _______ _______________________________________.

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