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Mike Antoniades Football Coaching Speed Coaching Sport Dimensions Frappier Acceleration Soccer Speed Workshops University Lectures.

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Presentation on theme: "Mike Antoniades Football Coaching Speed Coaching Sport Dimensions Frappier Acceleration Soccer Speed Workshops University Lectures."— Presentation transcript:

1 How to develop Soccer Players - Soccer Speed Mike Antoniades Performance Coach

2 Mike Antoniades Football Coaching Speed Coaching Sport Dimensions Frappier Acceleration Soccer Speed Workshops University Lectures

3 Who are You? Football Coaches? Fitness Coaches? Age Groups? Academies?

4 Who do we work with? Professional athletes from football, rugby, track & field: Chelsea FC, Chelsea Academy, Stoke City, Ipswich Town, Crystal Palace, Blackburn, QPR, Wolves, Bath Rugby, WASPS, Harlequins & others USA, Europe Recreational Athletes Non - Athletes

5 Key factors in developing Soccer Players?
The Optimal training Period Who, when, why & how The Neural Stimulus Training the neuromuscular system Motor Development Movement Patterns Soccer Specific Speed Training Quality & Technique

6 Elite level Match Analysis Average During 90 minutes
Changes of Direction , - Km/miles covered - PERCENTAGES Time Standing - Time Walking forward & backward - Time Jumping - Time Jogging - Low speed running - Moderate speed running - High speed running - Full out Sprinting (% & Distance) -

7 Elite level Match Analysis Average During 90 minutes
1400 changes of Direction 12-17km covered Standing % Walking forward & backward - 36% Jumping % Jogging % Low speed running % Moderate speed running % High speed running % Full out Sprinting %

8 Mean Time for activities
Changes of Direction - 1 every 4.5 sec Standing – 7.8 Walking forward & backward - 6.7 Jogging Jumping Low speed running Moderate speed running High speed running Full out Sprinting

9 Optimal Training Period
10,000 hours or 10 years training Central Nervous System Biomechanical system Boys & Girls – puberty Fast-twitch V slow-twitch

10 Training the Neuromuscular system
Positive Movement patterns Motor engrams Quality of movement High velocity movements Fatigue of the CNS Muscle imbalances

11 Quality of Movement Train the movement not the muscle!
Coach the athlete not the drill!

12 Soccer Motor Development
Technique, Speed & Movement Structure of Training Quality & Intensity Research: 300 Soccer Players Aged 9 – 21 10 years + Slower turning left or right Between 0.2 – 0.65 sec

13 Soccer Specific Speed Coaches & Conditioning experts
Biomechanics of Soccer Reaction times Maximum velocity Four components of Soccer Speed

14 Speed is a Skill!! Dispel some Myths Not something you are born with?
Speed is a skill you can develop Athletic development Sport Specific development Can be taught from the age of 7!

15 Coaching Soccer Speed Multidirectional, Explosive, Power sport
Different biomechanics to Other sports Different components of Soccer speed: Quickness Reactive Speed Active Speed Complex Speed

16 Coaching Vs Training Coach to improve! Quality not Quantity!
Correct Bad movement. Coaching Attitude Focus on the positive. Know how we learn.

17 Horizontal & Vertical Training
The Science of Coaching Follow the science, facts and guidelines Horizontal Training General Conditioning Strength Speed Coordination The Art of Coaching Sport Specific i.e. Soccer, knowledge, skill acquisition, Vertical Multi-directional, Soccer Speed, Integrated Training Learning process, Mental Strength

18 Stages of Learning Unconscious Incompetence Conscious Incompetence
Conscious Competence Unconscious Competence

19 Learning Process Motor Patterns 400-500 Hours for Unconscious Comp.
Neural Maps Phantom Limb Phenomenon

20 Coaching Children – U8 to U15
Children are not mini adults Optimal Age for movement training Coordination & Agility Lactate runs

21 Long Term Planning Skill Acquisition Phase Fluency Phase
6 years to 9 years Fluency Phase 10 to 14 years Advanced Development Phase 14 to 16 years Mastery Phase 16 +

22 Athlete Development Chronological Age Biological age Mental/Cognitive
Emotional development Girls & Boys Early Developers - Physical Late Developers - Physical

23 Coaching Soccer Soccer Specific Speed programme
Motor Patterns Neuromuscular system Foundation Movement Development Ages 8 to 12 1st Speed Window – 10 to 12 years Intermediate Speed Development Ages 13 to 15 2nd Speed Window – 13 to 17 years Advanced Speed Development Ages 16 to elite level

24 Coaching Soccer Speed Foundation Movements, Ages 8-12
Stopping, Starting, Planting, Pivoting Running – FW,BW,SD Quick feet Dribbling Opposed movements Distance for Speed work 5 – 10 metres Let them play and have FUN! Small sided games

25 Coaching Soccer Speed Intermediate Speed, Ages 13-15 Foundation Drills
Jumping & Landing Soccer Specific Sprinting Active, Reactive Balance & Coordination Agility & Flexibility Distance for Speed work 5 – 20 metres Small sided games

26 Coaching Soccer Speed Advanced Speed Development, Ages 16+
Jumping & Landing Active, Reactive, Complex Speed Balance & Coordination Functional Strength & Power Distance for Speed work 5 – 40 metres Speed Endurance / Anaerobic Threshold & Skill 3 V 3, 4 V 4 90% of exercises Under Pressure

27 Coaching Points Focus on Quality of Movement Correct bad technique
Foot Placement Correct bad technique No Fatigue during Speed Sessions If Quality deteriorates, STOP the session Work at Maximum Velocity Sets 3 to 5, reps 6 – 8 Work rest ratio 1 : 4 80% with a ball

28 Chelsea Academy Stages Age Players Foundation 7-8 yrs 200
Opportunity yrs 60 Development yrs 30 Preparation yrs 16 Scholarship yrs 20 PROFESSIONAL PLAYERS

29 Chelsea Academy Key Evaluation Components: Technical Tactical Physical
Mental/Psychological Social

30 Changes to Training Over three years Continued Coach education
Football Conditioners Speed Coaches Objectives: 1-2 pro players per year

31 Results Increase in Speed – Quickness & Explosiveness (Five Soccer Specific Tests) 20% - 50% Turning ability Reduction in muscular injuries Reduction in Stress related injuries Speed Soccer Protocol

32 Strength Training Ages 8 to 15 – Gymstick Training
2 X 30 Min sessions per week Balance, Coordination, strength Ages 16 to elite level 2 Gymstick sessions 40 min 1 Strength session

33 Questions?

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