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1 PHY 3903 version 2003 Gary W. Slater 10.oct.2003 613-562-5800 x6775 MCD 222week #6.

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2 1 PHY 3903 version 2003 Gary W. Slater 10.oct.2003 613-562-5800 x6775 MCD 222week #6

3 2 n Writing = 40% –your topic = 5% –PRL format = 20% –seminar = 15% n Physique = 10% –Biographies=3% –Abstract=3% –scholarship$=4% %%% Approx. %%% n Maple = 50% –6 weeks –5 assignments –1 longer problem/project –Assigments minus worst one above 50% = 40% –projet = 10%

4 3 Schedule n Vendredi/Friday 14:30-16:30/16:45 n CUBE 202 + Vanier 061 n ~ alternating: Maple/other n marker: Brent Doiron n 2003: List=21!

5 4 Schedule n Vendredi/Friday 17 octobre = NO CLASSES n Vendredi/Friday 24 octobre = ABSENT n Project weeks! –I will post the project-assignment next week –You will have ~2 weeks –Due Oct 31 n Nov 7 is the last non-seminar class –i.e., 2 classes to go after this one!

6 5 Schedule October 24 Absent October 31 Non-Maple=fin Maple 5 + Project November 7 Maple6=fin November 14, 21, 28 Séminaires!!!!!

7 6 Séminaires n Seminar: 8+2 min + 3 min Q transparencies -or- PowerPoint n Will take place in the last 3 weeks of the semester 14, 21, 28 novembre n Le département sera invité n Vous devez préparer le texte de 4 pages format PRL pour le séminaire, et je les metterai sur le site W 3

8 7 Les séminaires 8+2+3 minutes 14 novembre Gascon: Video speed electronic paper Lefebvre: Leffet Casimir Bertrand: C60 Kelly: Space travel Zhang: Wolframs Computational Equivalence Parent: Dark matter Cienak: Strong nuclearforce

9 8 Les séminaires 8+2+3 minutes 21 novembre Stone: Fractals Kamran: Cosmologie M Lalonde: Sonoluminescence Meunier: Matérialisme scientifique OByrne: Superfluidity Vachon: Astronomie expérimentale Miranda: Quantum Cryptography

10 9 Les séminaires 8+2+3 minutes 28 novembre J Lalonde: SNO Pinet: Parallel computing & HPC Corrigan: The anthropic principle Comeau: Particle accelerators Dumouchel: Thermonuclear synthesis DEca: String Theory Wong: Quantum dots

11 10 PLAN: Maple 9Maple n Getting started ( Chapters 1-4) n Polynomials ( Chapters 5-7, 13, 14) n Functions ( Chapter 8) n Calculus ( Chapters 9-11, 17) n List, set, array ( Chapter 12) n Linear Algebra ( Chapters 18, 19) n Solving equations ( Chapter 16) n Graphics ( Chapter 15)

12 11 30 october – 1 november

13 12

14 13 Assignment/Devoir Non-Maple #3 ( 17 oct, 5pm, on paper) n Write a NSERC scholarship application You either register with them and do this on-line, or you print the pdf form 200 and fill it (it must be readable). Must be completed (all sections), even if you write little Do not forget the free pages Must be somewhat convincing

15 14 PGS Masters and Doctoral Check List: Form 200 Outline of proposed research (1 page) Awards, Contributions and Statement (2 pages) Support letters for location of tenure (if applicable) All official academic transcripts (undergraduate and graduate) Appendix 1, Report on the Applicant, in a sealed envelope (two required) Appendix 2, Departmental/University Evaluation Signed cover page

16 15 Physics as a profession 1. Science et vérité 2. La recherche et sa société 3. M. Sc. & Ph. D. 4. Information 5. Publishing 6. Éthique 7. Journalism, etc. 8. Presentation Figs, tables, fits… 9. Séminaires Slides, plan, … 10. $ Grants, costs… 11. Canada granting agencies… 12. Physicist ?

17 16 12. Physicist ??! Federal Government policy on Innovation: +5% grad students every year for next 10 years Indirect costs of research Doubling the budget of the granting councils Universities: Will need 30 000 – 40 000 profs over the next 10 years Graduate students: They are the ones that make university research work They are important for teaching

18 17 When & How? Scholarship applications Automne de votre dernière année au B Sc Finding supervisor BEFORE you apply for the scholarship! Criteria Personal life Reputation of the University Sujet de recherche (théorie, exptl, simulations) Reputation of the professor Equipment and research group CAN YOU WORK WITH THIS PERSON???? Talk to their students. Talk to them. Ask questions. Talk to us.

19 18 Why? Personal Satisfaction Un défi pour vous-même Deeper knowledge Teaching, writing and research force you to ask fundamental questions and test your understanding Contribution to knowledge Research means finding something new Also means telling the world about it

20 19 Why? Good investment Unemployment rates are lower with higher degrees Salaries are higher Chances of promotion are higher Chances of doing something really interesting greatly improved Reality Nous sommes dans lère du savoir International Nothing is more international than research

21 20 Why a physicist? Memory Physics is possibly the less memory-intensive science Fundamental The most fundamental science Interdisciplinary Puisque les lois fondamentales de la Nature sont établies par la physique, cest peut-être la science avec le plus de potentiel pour la recherche interdisciplinaire FUN: be part of a unique group!

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