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“Building on a Solid Foundation!”

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1 “Building on a Solid Foundation!”
Nehemiah 1:1-4

2 …They cover the period of time after the Babylonian captivity when Israel had returned to Jerusalem and restored worship in the rebuilt Temple…

3 Nehemiah’s real concern was not the state of the walls, but the spiritual state of his people. After all these years they were still living like exiles. They had gotten use to a life without walls…

4 …This explains why there are more sightseers than builders in churches today…

5 “Do you want to spend the rest of your life selling sugar water or do you want to change the world?”

6 to view three matters necessary to build on a solid foundation
Purpose: to view three matters necessary to build on a solid foundation

7 Three matters are necessary for you and me to build on a solid foundation…

8 I The Building Block of Caring
A. What Really Breaks God’s Heart?

9 Lost souls break the heart of our God… Today, who cries, who weeps for the ruins of lost souls? As one author put it, “Some church people are too…

10 I The Building Block of Caring
A. What Really Breaks God’s Heart? B. Nehemiah was Broken Over Godly Matters

11 When orphanages in Calcutta, India began throwing out babies with birth defects, aids and other diseases, a little nun named Teresa said, “Send me those babies!”

12 When one’s heart breaks for matters that are breaking the heart of God, they find ways to do what is right…

13 II The Building Block of Praying
A. Nehemiah Was a Man of Prayer

14 Hearing the news, Nehemiah fasted… and got on his knees and prayed for a period of four months…

15 II The Building Block of Praying
A. Nehemiah Was a Man of Prayer B. We Must be Committed to Prayer C. We Must be Ever Growing in Prayer

16 Not suggesting prayer is our means of manipulating God… Am saying revival in the past has always come on the heels of God’s people pouring out their hearts to Him…

17 III The Building Block of Daring
A. Nehemiah Left the Comfor- table Way B. We Must Leave Our Comfor- able Way

18 Staying comfortable has never been an option for those whose hearts break at the matters that break the heart of God!

19 Was a monk in the 4th Century… He made his way to Rome just in time for a festival. A great throng of people was making its way to the Coliseum. He followed to see what was taking place… Telemachus

20 The Building Block of Caring… The Building Block of Praying… The Building Block of Daring…

21 Summary and Conclusion:
These are the building blocks of a solid foundation. Without them there will be no Building on a Solid Foundation!

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