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Data availability in the Candidate Countries: results and conclusions

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1 Data availability in the Candidate Countries: results and conclusions
Special MGSC Meeting on the Compliance Database 27 June 2003 Bratislava, Slovak Republic Programme Secretariat for the Phare Multi-Beneficiary Statistical Co-operation Programme

2 Data availability study
Objectives, approach, organisation Processing of the responses Presentation of the results Limitations of the DA study Major conclusions and figures What’s next?

3 Objectives and approach
- a quick quantitative study on DA in the CCs and gaps identification, - by product: update of the Ediflow list. Approach and organisation: - a questionnaire based on Ediflow list, pilot test, dedicated meeting, collection and processing, tables by statistical domain and by country (group), second round of collection.

4 Processing of the responses
Treatment of individual responses: - Correction of obvious logical errors, - Classification of items: applicable, not applicable, not applicable before a specific date, not relevant, new, modified,unclear, not answered. - Problems encountered, - Possible bias due to interpretation of of items (CC) and responses (PS).

5 Presentation of the results
Report with annexes, Overall response table, Country tables on data availability, Aggregate tables by statistical module, sub/sector and domain by country/groups of countries, Aggregate tables by statistical domain and country/groups of countries.

6 Limitations of the study
Only quantitative information Ediflow list as a reference Methodological information still needed Different number of data sets for CCs Arbitrary classification of items by the CCs Automatic processing requiring rigid classification of data sets

7 Major conclusions Objectives of the study achieved
Second round of collection considerably improved the completeness and quality of responses Overall situation of DA in the CCs good The study is a starting point for detailed inventory of data flow to Eurostat More work still needed

8 Major figures For all CCs: Overall response - 94.47%
Overall data availability % Data availability in the ACC % Data already sent to Eurostat % Possible to identify gaps and strong areas by CC and by statistical domain Detailed information could be obtained from CC response sheets

9 What’s next? Analysis and action plans(Eurostat)
Dissemination of the results to the CCs (Eurostat) Continuation of work on Ediflow (CC LCs) Use of results at the national level (CCs) Integration of the required data sets description into the CDB (PS)

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