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The reactions of disulfide bond formation

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1 The reactions of disulfide bond formation
Oxidation SH SH S S Reduction S S SH Isomerisation SH S S

2 Thiolates are good nucleophiles Thiols are poor nucleophiles
=> pKa of Cys is critical in disulfide bond formation

3 PDI domain structure a b b’ a’ c x The minimum requirement to catalyse thiol-disulfide exchange is the a or a’ domain. These have an active site -Trp-Cys-Gly-His-Cys- b’ domain is involved in substrate binding b domain function may be primarily structural

4 Activity assay If your mutant protein has a different activity from the wild-type, either the rate of reaction or KM (or both) for one (or more) of these steps has changed

5 Charge state of active site required for PDI activity
- S SH pKa of Cys 53 < 5.5 pKa of Cys 56 > 10.0 pKa of “normal” Cysteine thiol is 8.3 Effects step 3 (thiolate needed) Thiolate needed for step 4 but thiolate reverses step 1

6 Dichotomy We require Cys56 to be protonated most of the time (high pKa), but at one point in the catalytic cycle, during reoxidation we require it to be deprotonated i.e. a shift in pKa from a high value to a low value

7 Motion of Arginine 120 side chain into the active site locale modulates the pKa of Cys56

8 PDI Cys pKa dependent Activity assay
If your mutant protein has a different activity from the wild-type, either the rate of reaction or KM (or both) for one (or more) of these steps has changed

9 The reaction of PDI and glutathione
”Mimics” steps 1 and 2 of peptide substrate reaction (GSH replaces peptide substrate). Both rates depend on [GSH], so difficult to say which step you are observing

10 The reaction of PDI and glutathione
Direct equivalent to steps 3 and 4 of peptide substrate reaction 1st step depends on [GSSG], the 2nd does not, so easy to say which step you are observing

11 Group mutants together: make correlations
Less active Step 3 effected Structure changed Behave like wt More active Step 4 effected Less active KM effected

12 Group mutants together: make correlations
Explain HOW and WHY the activity is effected Less active Step 3 effected Structure changed Behave like wt More active Step 4 effected Less active KM effected

13 For large report: CD spectra Denaturation curve Activity measurement figure Stopped-flow data table Then the paper style report for the data being distributed (no structural effects of mutations) Your construct

14 X Group mutants together: make correlations
Explain HOW and WHY the activity is effected X Less active Step 3 effected Structure changed Behave like wt More active Step 4 effected Less active KM effected

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