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Network Resource Information Model and Connectivity Management Architecture, A Hands On Experience Report Tina 2000 Lyle Bertz Sprint PCS 2/25/2019.

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Presentation on theme: "Network Resource Information Model and Connectivity Management Architecture, A Hands On Experience Report Tina 2000 Lyle Bertz Sprint PCS 2/25/2019."— Presentation transcript:

1 Network Resource Information Model and Connectivity Management Architecture, A Hands On Experience Report Tina 2000 Lyle Bertz Sprint PCS 2/25/2019

2 NRIM v 3.0 & Sprint Although Sprint uses the NRIM actively in various implementations and has for a few years, it has not been without problems: Hard to implement Training time is difficult Extremely difficult to implement a CMA (idl creep) Missing fundamental relationships... 2/25/2019

3 Some of the Missing Pieces
Lack relationships between Hardware and logical (NRIM) Software and logical (NRIM) Software and hardware Terminology like “edges” Lack of alignment between G.803 and NRIM; if one builds a standards compliant one, do they just dump the NRIM? 2/25/2019

4 Resource Information Model 4.0
New version of NRIM Addresses some connectionless technology Provides a strong meta-model for Layered Network inter-relationships Ties hardware, software and logical representation together Some realignment done with the ITU-T recommendations 2/25/2019

5 Protocol Meta-model Models Encapsulation, Translation, Transport and Signaling Provides a tracking for the protocols Drives relationships between layered networks 2/25/2019

6 Protocol Meta-Model 2/25/2019

7 Meta-Model Example IP:StreamProtocol IP:LNW AAL5: Internetworking
Function ATM:LNW ATM:StreamProtocol 2/25/2019

8 Realignment with some ITU-T concepts
All connections in RIM inherit from Transport Entity (but it may be bi-directional; a departure from the ITU models) Reference Points (Points of Reference in the network; not TINA RPs) all also used Edge renamed to Subnetwork Termination Point (SNTP) 2/25/2019

9 The TINANetworkElement (TNE)
Integrates hardware, software and logical (NRIM) viewpoints Allows for modeling of various levels of knowledge of an element Unmanaged Network Element (like the NRIM CPE) Hardware/software knowledge only & unmanaged Managed Network Element hardware/software knowledge & management control 2/25/2019

10 Impacts on the CMA Requires Binding Managers to be formalized. Binding Managers perform the following: control & management of reference points manage inter-layered network relationships (e.g. Interwork/Internetwork functions) Object Locators are also needed transform URIs to URLs resolve URLs to “routable” addresses 2/25/2019

11 Issues Lack of clear definition on how to define instances of the protocol meta-model when instantiating an interface. Example, if I start an IP Layered Network Coordinator, how to I specify the “standard” IP Stream Protocol instance ODL does not cover this; OIF & OQL do, but OIF is for database loading OQL is for queries 2/25/2019

12 Issues (cont.) RIM uses CIM 2.0 for the hardware and root model but the current spec is at 2.2 No CMA fully defined yet. An implementation does exist from Sprint and is going into production, but this is not an officially endorsed TINA effort nor specification. 2/25/2019

13 Next Steps Upgrade RIM to include CIM 2.2 physical model
Resolve how to couple meta-model instances with interfaces/objects (maybe enhancements to TINA ODL?) Provide a standardized CMA 2/25/2019

14 The End 2/25/2019

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