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The Science of Matter Section 1.2

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1 The Science of Matter Section 1.2

2 Physical Properties Properties that do not involve a change in composition and are easily visible. Examples Color Hardness Size Boiling point Density

3 Physical Change A physical change does not produce a new substance.
Changes in state or phase (melting, freezing, vaporization, condensation, sublimation) are physical changes. Examples of physical changes include crushing a can, melting an ice cube, and tearing paper.

4 States of Matter

5 Volatile A substance that changes to a gas easily at room temperature.
Examples: Rubbing Alcohol Gasoline Naphthalene (moth balls)

6 Density The amount of matter (mass) contained in a unit of volume.
Formula Density = Mass Volume Textbook page 35 Determining Density

7 Density-Practice 1.  A student determines that a piece of an unknown material has a mass of g and a volume of 7.57 cm3.  What is the density of the material? Density = Mass  g = Volume cm3 D = g/cm3   

8 Density-Practice Mercury has a density of 13.5 g/cm3.
If the mass is 50.0 g what is the volume of the mercury? Density = Mass Volume V = 3.70  cm3

9 Density Experiment   

10 Density Experiment

11 Galileo Thermometer

12 Chemical Properties Chemical properties of a substance describe how that substance changes to one or more new substances. They are only observable during a chemical reaction.  For example, you might not know if magnesium is combustible unless you tried to burn it. Example : Bromine with metals Textbook Page 39

13 Chemical Change A chemical change is when one substance changes into other substance. It may occur by reacting different substances or by breaking them down into simpler substances. Examples Burning Digesting food Rusting

14 Signs of a Chemical Change
1) Bubbles of gas appear 2) A precipitate forms 3) A color change occurs 4) The temperature changes 5) Light is emitted

15 Law of Conservation of Mass
In a chemical reaction matter is not created nor destroyed. Also called the Law of Conservation of Matter.

16 Energy The ability to do work.
It is either absorbed or released as a chemical change takes place.

17 Exothermic Reaction A chemical reaction that gives off heat energy.
Thermacare HeatWraps

18 Endothermic Reaction A chemical reaction that absorbs heat energy.


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