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Reminders: Huber High Tide August 7-August 11 Notes:

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1 Reminders: Huber High Tide August 7-August 11 Notes:
*Please remember to turn in all Media Center forms. We will have Media on Tuesday! **We MUST have all Medical, Technology and Family Partnership forms by Monday 8/7/17. Please visit the UA website to print these forms. They can be found under important forms/summer packet. Notes: Learning this week: Phonics: Review of short i sound, consonant letters p, f Language Arts: Begin Reader’s Workshop rotations; building our stamina in reading Math: I can count on to 10. Social Studies: Maps and Landforms Handwriting: We will begin using our handwriting books! Character: Compassion Upcoming Events: August 8- UA Show Case 5:30-8:00pm-I hope to see you there. ***August 15- First Grade Curriculum Night 6:00-7:00 pm August 16- Picture day! (Please wear your school uniform) Spelling Words: if, is, him, rip, fit, pin, slip, grin, flip, six *Challenge words: what, look, like Lunch Location: We will eat in our room this week beginning at 11:25. Your child can not buy ice cream this week. High Frequency Words: for what have he look too Ask your child: What is the secret student? How many children long and wide is our Classroom? Did you earn a brag tag today? Reminders: -Many students still need headphones for the listening center. Please send them in asap! -Homework will begin this WEEK! We will have our first spelling test on Friday August 11. -Spelling homework option: Password: ua111 ©KinderAlphabet2014

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