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Empowering Individuals

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1 Empowering Individuals
By Caraleah Dunham

2 Empowerment is the process of enhancing the capacity of individuals or groups to make their own choices and transform those choices into desired actions and outcomes. In management terms, empowerment could also mean the act of giving power and authority to a person to perform their designed task.

3 Taking account of the individual.
“ Recognising an individuals rights is a legal requirement in the UK and in many other countries. Individuals have a right to Health and Social care support if they need it. They also have a right to support that is underpinned by values such as respect, dignity and confidentiality.” It is important that you recognise that attending to likes and dislikes is a way of empowerment by recognising . It is important to remember that the care worker is there to support the individual and not the other way around.


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