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Nanotechnology 22 (2011) (8pp)

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1 Nanotechnology 22 (2011) 245101 (8pp)
Transport of single cells using an actin bundle–myosin bionanomotor transport system Hideyo Takatsuki, Hideyuki Tanaka, Kevin M Rice, Madhukar B Kolli, Siva K Nalabotu, Kazuhiro Kohama, Parviz Famouri and Eric R Blough Marshall University, Huntington, USA Gunma University Graduate School of Medicine, Japan West Virginia University, Morgantown, USA

2 Introduction Actin are muscle protein localized in the myofibrils; acting along with myosin, it is responsible for contraction and relaxation of muscle. It occurs in globular (G-actin) and fibrous (F-actin) forms. Individual subunits of microfilaments are known as globular actin (G-actin). G-actin subunits assemble into long filamentous polymers called F-actin

3 Nitro-benzoxadiazole
-NBD Green fluorescent protein - GFP Biotinylated liposome (labeled with NBD; green) (a) and E. coli cell (expressing GFP; green) (b) that have been bound to biotin-labeled actin bundle (red) via neutravidin linker (blue).

4 Morphology 150 nm 300 nm microne TEM -ve Staining

5 Motility of liposome on actin filament
Image series (a) U-turn Overlay image(b) Video

6 Motility of liposome on actin bundle
Image series (a) Arrows and arrowheads point to liposomes and bundles Actin bundle Overlay image(b) Video

7 Motility of cell on actin bundle
Arrows and arrowheads point to E.coli cell and bundles. Video

8 Velocity 3.9± 0.2 3.0± 0.2 4.0± 0.2 3.8± 0.2 3.4± 0.1 2.4± 0.1 2.3± 0.1 1.8± 0.1 2.1± 0.1 1.7± 0.1

9 Linearity of translocation,
87± 2 85± 4 77± 4 53± 4 56± 5 39± 3 39± 2 27± 4 48± 4 40± 11

10 Unloading UV reactive chemical linkages in catalytic motors
DNA tethers alone Combination of liposome with MT-Kinesin system Triton X-100 added

11 Conclusion F-actin and actin bundles can be used to transport liposomes over a myosin motor-patterned surface while actin bundles can only have the capacity to transport E. coli cells. Actin bundles have advantageous over F-actin systems for the nanotransport of cargo given that the bundles exhibit greater efficiency of translational movement, higher velocity of translocation and the ability to move larger loads over a greater distance. Triton X-100 could be used as a means of introducing liposome rupture and presumably cargo unloading following the transport of liposomes by the actin–myosin motor platform. thank you





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