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Economic Challenges Unemployment.

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Presentation on theme: "Economic Challenges Unemployment."— Presentation transcript:

1 Economic Challenges Unemployment

2 Unemployment What’s a good definition for Unemployment?
A condition in which a willing worker is lacking a job (and looking for one). In America, we further define it this way: Willing Worker: someone age 16 or older Lacking a job: and actively seeking one

3 Four Types of Unemployment
Frictional Unemployment Unemployment that occurs because people are taking time to find a job

4 Four Types of Unemployment
Frictional Unemployment (cont) This includes: People who quit one job and are looking for another job People who have been out of the work force for a while and are trying to reenter People just graduating from High School or College and looking for their first job

5 Four Types of Unemployment
Frictional Unemployment (cont) This DOES NOT include people who are NOT looking for work.

6 Four Types of Unemployment
2. Seasonal Unemployment - Unemployment that occurs as a result of a business closing down or slowing down for part of the year - Examples: Migrant Farm Workers Ski Instructors

7 Four Types of Unemployment
3. Structural Unemployment - Caused when workers skills don’t match available jobs - Five Causes A. New Technology: The car caused many horse related jobs to no longer be needed.

8 Four Types of Unemployment
3. Structural Unemployment B. New Resources: Petroleum replaced many animal fat products, in particular whale-oil C. Changes in Demand: More people wear tennis shoes today than traditional shoes

9 Four Types of Unemployment
3. Structural Unemployment D. Globalization: Cheaper labor in other countries moves some businesses away E. Lack of Education: People lacking basic job skills are often quickly fired.

10 Four Types of Unemployment
4. Cyclical Unemployment: Unemployment caused by economic downturns

11 Measuring Unemployment
To get the unemployment rate: Take the number of people unemployed Divide by the total number of people in the workforce (employed + unemployed) Multiply by 100

12 Measuring Unemployment
If there are currently 7.7 million people unemployed And million people employed What is the unemployment rate? (7.7 ÷ ( )) x 100 = (7.7 ÷ 148.2) x 100 = .052 x 100 = 5.2%

13 Full Employment In a Market Economy can Unemployment ever reach 0% ?
Frictional, Seasonal and Structural Unemployment are GOOD things. Only Cyclical Unemployment is BAD Full Employment: when Cyclical Unemployment is 0%

14 Full Employment Underemployment: people working for jobs that they are overqualified for. Discouraged Workers: people who have given up trying to find a job Are Discouraged Workers counted in the unemployment rate? No. Only people looking for jobs

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