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Follow the directions below to complete the activity.

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1 Follow the directions below to complete the activity.
Relationships Show the relationship between Buck’s changes and the lesson’s that he is learning. Follow the directions below to complete the activity. Open up the Popplet Lite app on the iPad. Name your popplet by clicking on the words my popplet at the top of the screen. Make the name the title of the story and your name. Delete the Welcome Popple by tapping it and then tapping the ‘X’. Answering the following questions in separate popples by double tapping on the screen and then clicking on the popple. Create a graph that shows the relationship between Buck’s changing throughout the novel and the lesson’s learned. Save your popplet by clicking on the export button on the right side of screen. Choose the save jpeg option. your picture to me at This task uses: Common Core/NG Standard(s): CCSS.RL.8.3 Popplet Lite TEACHER NOTES: Name: Jamie Rhoto Address: School: IMMS Grade Level/Subject: 8th grade English Other Information: Novel—The Call of the Wild Changes: Buck becomes aggressive Lesson: Buck learns that some humans cannot be trusted and are violent Buck

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