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LHC installation status
Installation in the Arc and DS: QRL Cryo-magnets DFBA’s Interconnection Installation in the Straight Sections: Stand-alone cryo-magnets and Low-β DFBM, DFBL, DFBX Power Converters Collimators Beam Instrumentation Injection and Dump RF system Beam pipes, etc … 08 December 2006 Sylvain Weisz - MAC
Global Installation Status in the Arcs and DS
Sector QRL Magnet Interconnection Closure 7-8 Cold tested (partial: S/s A &B) 100% in place Done November 06 8-1 Cold tested In progress (70% done) February 07 4-5 Pressure tested In progress (80% done) January 07 3-4 98% in place In progress (50% done) April 07 5-6 97% in place In progress (20% done) May 07 6-7 87% in place Starts February 07 July 07 2-3 60% in place Starts December 06 1-2 Starts January 07 Starts April 07 August 07 08 December 2006 Sylvain Weisz - MAC
7-8: Arc and DS Interconnection closure achieved on schedule week 45
Pressure test performed November 25-26th: Buckling of inner triplet external heat-exchanger at 12 bar (9 bar differential pressure with B line) Test continued up to 27.5 bar on “stand-alone” and continuous cryostat after isolating the inner triplet All important leaks have been found and repaired in a record time Cool-down preparation is on-going to power test sector 7-8 as close as possible to schedule (March 07), without the inner triplet B DFB circuits E, F C & CM, D Incident at 12 bar Restart of the pressurisation 08 December 2006 Sylvain Weisz - MAC
8-1: Arc and DS Availability and transport of equipment:
All cold elements in place, including DFBAP & DFBAA Racks: QPS (Quench Protection Sys.) , Beam Instrumentation, PC (for correctors) in place; Cryo Instrumentation still to do Advancement of the interconnections Progress suffers from non-conformities Cannot contract to IEG on a lump-sum basis 08 December 2006 Sylvain Weisz - MAC
4-5: Arc and DS Availability and transport of equipment:
All cryo-magnets in place, DFBAI in place, DFBAH transported today Racks: QPS and PC in place; Beam and Cryo Instrumentation still to do Advancement of the interconnections Contractant paid on a lump-sum basis since September 06 Closure in January 07 on schedule 08 December 2006 Sylvain Weisz - MAC
Estimated availability
3-4: Arc and DS Availability and transport of equipment: All cryo-magnets available are in place, still missing are: Racks: QPS (>80%) and PC in place; Beam and Cryo Instrumentation still to do Advancement rate of the interconnections: Element Estimated availability Comments DFBAG 11/01/2007 At pressure & leak tests SSS525 – Q11.R3 31/01/2007 At cold test in SM18 SSS515 – Q10.R3 18/12/2006 At storage before SMI2 SSS514 – Q9.R3 23/01/2007 SSS512 – Q7.R3 12/12/2006 DFBAF Consequence of late delivery of “500 serie” from ACCEL 20 IC/week currently achieved (planning assumption) 08 December 2006 Sylvain Weisz - MAC
Estimated availability
5-6: Arc and DS Availability and transport of equipment: All cryo-magnets available are in place, still missing are: Racks: QPS and PC in place; Beam and Cryo Instrumentation still to do Advancement of the interconnections: Element Estimated availability Comments DFBAJ 09/02/2007 Assembly in progress SSS529 – Q11.R5 16/04/2007 Cold mass arrived Wk 48 SSS373 – Q17.L6 15/12/2006 At cold test in SM18 SSS530 – Q11.L6 DFBAK 01/03/2007 Bus bar bundles missing Late availability of Q11 will delay the interconnect closure Interconnect work started 4 weeks ago with 1 team, 2nd team came 2 wks later 20 IC/wk with 2 teams 08 December 2006 Sylvain Weisz - MAC
Estimated availability
2-3 & 6-7: Arc and DS Transport of cryo-magnets in progress: Up to week 45: interconnect in Sector 7-8 no passage Monday to Thursday Transport dipoles Friday, Saturday and Sunday to Sector 6-7 Transport dipoles Monday to Thursday to Sector 2-3 SSS can be lowered at Point 6, no restriction there Since week 46: passage possible every night through Sector 7-8, until start of cool-down Give full priority to the completion of Sector 6-7 Complete half of Sector 2-3 (point 3 side) to start the interconnection work week 51 Present situation: Sector 2-3: 92 MB and 26 Arc & DS SSS in place, Missing in ½ sector on point 3 side: Alignment on-going, will be Ok to start interconnect on December 18th Sector 6-7: 131 MB and 41 Arc & DS SSS last dipole in Sector 6-7 transported by the end of next week Element Estimated availability Comments DFBAE 25/03/2007 Upcoming delivery SSS509 – Q9.L3 31/01/2007 At cryostating SSS099 – Q19.L3 19/01/2007 At cold test in SM18 MB1415 18/12/2006 At preparation in SMI2 MB1396 17/12/2006 Ready 08 December 2006 Sylvain Weisz - MAC
1-2: Arc & DS QRL pressure test on October 28 Successful
Junction Region in UJ18 (close Pt 1) Step and Fixed Point in UJ22 (close Pt2) QRL pressure test on October 28 Successful 2 weeks of consolidation, sector liberated Week 45 Jack installation in progress (100% in place and aligned, 50% fixed) Jumper preparation in progress (cutting of QRL service module header) Ready to start transport of cryo-magnets in January 07 08 December 2006 Sylvain Weisz - MAC
Global Installation Status in the Long Straight Sections
Functionality Location Installation Status Beam Injection LSS8R Collimators, MSI & MKI in place, bakeout of beam pipe in progress LSS2L TI2 installation starts in April, last insertion to be installed Beam Collimation LSS3 Warm magnet installation just started, collimators available in Feb. 07 LSS7 Services ready, magnet installation in Jan. 07, collimators in Jun. 07 Beam Acceleration LSS4 RF cavities and beam instrumentation in place, vacuum inst. on-going Beam Collision LSS1 Low-β and Matching Section in place on left side, vacuum on-going LSS2 Low-β in place on right side LSS5 Low-β on both sides, Matching Section and vacuum inst. on left side LSS8 Low-β, Matching Section, instrumentation and vacuum on both sides Beam Dump LSS6 MSD inst. on-going, dump line and absorbers in place on both sides 08 December 2006 Sylvain Weisz - MAC
Beam Injection at Point 8
TI8 installed and tested end of 2004 Injection elements in place in main tunnel: Test of MKI injection kicker in progress Installation of beam-pipes and bake-out preparation in progress TDI collimator ready, will be installed next week One “small” problem: need a new recombination chamber, aperture too small TCTH MKI MSI TCDI 08 December 2006 Sylvain Weisz - MAC
RF and Beam Instrumentation at Point 4
RF Cavities and Klystrons: All "stand-alone" magnets in place (LU, D3, D4, Q5, Q6 left & right) All DFBM in place, interconnect in progress Beam monitors and vacuum elements: All beam position monitors in place (BPL in Q5-Q6.R4 installed week 51) Ion profile monitors and wire scanner mechanisms installed at a later stage Bake-out of the straight section starts 08/01/2007 08 December 2006 Sylvain Weisz - MAC
Experimental Insertions at Point 1, 2, 5 & 8
LSS1 Left: Low-β, DFBX, D1(warm), D2 and MS (Q3,Q4&Q5) in place and interconnected Beam pipe installation in progress, bakeout starts next week DFBLA delivery expected on December 22nd LSS2 Right: Low-β triplet in place, installation of DFBX postponed until further notice LSS5 Left & Right: Low-β, DFBX, D1(warm), D2, Q4 in place on both sides, Q5 & Q6 on left side Interconnection and beam pipe installation in progress on left side Work on Low-β stopped, but interconnect already well advanced on left side LSS8 Left & Right: Low-β, DFBX, D1, D2 and MS in place and interconnected All DFBM installed and interconnected Beam pipe and instrumentation in place, NEG activated on left side 75% of low-beta quads in place 08 December 2006 Sylvain Weisz - MAC
Beam Ejection at Point 6 Integration of dump line in main tunnel:
All Stand-alone quads (Q4,Q5) and DFBMM in place on left side Installation of septum magnets (MSD) in progress: Integration of dump line in main tunnel: Modifications of IFS boxes in conflict with dump line to be done in-situ Supporting of dump line above magnet string still to be finalised Round to oval transition for TCDQM masks still to be designed 08 December 2006 Sylvain Weisz - MAC
Installation and tests of the power converters
Power Converter Short Circuit Tests in progress ~100% Power Converters in place, ~2/3 tested 08 December 2006 Sylvain Weisz - MAC
On-going installation of the access control
Personnel and Material Access Devices (PAD and MAD) at surface Underground Sectorisation 08 December 2006 Sylvain Weisz - MAC
LHC Installation Summary
QRL: installation completed and tested in all sectors Cryo-magnets: cold mass production completed on schedule 19 MB and 9 Arc SSS still to cryostat and test done by end of January 07 992 Main Dipoles, 285 Arc SSS, 70 Special SSS and 18 Low-β are in place today Average transport rate of 28 cryo-magnets/week done by end of March 07 DFB: 17 DFBM (74%) and 6 DFBA (37%) are ready Interconnection: on-going in 4 sectors in parallel, at nominal rate Pressure tests of Sector 7-8 successful for Arc, DS and MS ELQA at warm in progress, flushing and cool-down preparation by end of year Expect to start power tests in March 07, but without the low-β quads 08 December 2006 Sylvain Weisz - MAC
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