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Published byMaci Powell Modified over 10 years ago
1 High School AIMS Pre-Test Training Spring 2011
2 Test Coordinator Packet Critical Dates Test Accommodations Guidelines 2010-11 Incident Report Security Agreement Test Administrator Checklist Test Coordinator Packet
3 References TAD – Test Administration Directions TAG – Testing Accommodations Guidelines TCM – Test Coordinator Manual TSA – Test Security Agreement
5 Read the Test Coordinators Manual and the Test Administration Directions Get signed Security Agreements from all individuals handling test materials Train Test Administrators and Test Proctors
6 Responsibilities Inventory test materials upon receipt Monitor testing activities Report any testing concerns or incidents to Cindy (225-5418) Package materials per instructions for return
7 STUDENTS TO BE TESTED AND TEST SCHEDULE Spring 2011 Test Administration
8 Students to Be Tested in HS All Arizona public school students in Grades 9 and above will participate in testing as described in the following slides Students with an IEP who are eligible for AIMS A are excluded from AIMS or Stanford 10 testing TCM p4
9 Not Enrolled Students AIMS testing must be made available upon request at local district schools for: – Home school students – Private school students AIMS testing must be made available for completer students at the school that will issue the student a diploma
10 Test Administration Schedules All AIMS tests and Stanford 10 tests are untimed Times are provided for planning purposes only Students must be allowed to finish testing even if the scheduled time for the test has elapsed There are breaks scheduled within all days of AIMS and Stanford 10 testing - refer to TADs and TCM for details TCM p5 TAD p3
11 AIMS HS High school students test by cohort – Cohort 2010 – 5 th year HS students – Cohort 2011 – Generally 12 th Grade – Cohort 2012 – Generally 11 th Grade – Cohort 2013 – Generally 10 th Grade – Cohort 2014 – Generally 9 th Grade TCM p4 TAD p2
12 AIMS HS When a students cohort and grade are not aligned, the students cohort is used to determine eligibility to participate in AIMS HS. TAD p2
13 AIMS HS Writing, Reading, Mathematics – All students in cohort 2013 are required to test – Students in cohort 2012, 2011, or below must continue testing until graduation requirement met – Students in cohort 2012, 2011, or below may retest until they have earned an Exceeds (Those signed-up have priority) TAD p2
14 AIMS HS Science – All students in Cohort 2013 who did not test on AIMS HS Science in Spring 2010 are required to test – Students in Cohort 2014 who are enrolled in a life science course may participate – Students take AIMS HS Science only once TAD p2
15 Regular Test Date Vs. Make-up Students and parents need to understand there is ONE test date. Make-up day is not an option day… is a day for someone who truly was sick or had an emergency If there are not enough tests for make-ups you will need to prioritize: #1 10 th graders (for AYP) #2 12 th graders who have not passed #3 11 th graders who have not passed #4 Meets to Exceeds for Tuition Waiver for those who signed up #5 For other Meets to Exceeds
16 AIMS HS Test Dates Writing – March 1 (make-up March 8) Reading – March 2 (make-up March 9 ) Mathematics – April 5 (make-up March 12 ) Science – April 6 (no make-up test date) TCM p. 2 TCM p5 TAD p3 Refer to TAD for more detailed information about scheduling testing.
17 AIMS HS Pre-ID Labels HS Writing, Reading, Mathematics labels will be produced for: – Cohort 2013 – All students – Cohort 2012 – All students who have not exceeded in a content area – Cohort 2011 – All students who have not passed in a content area
18 AIMS HS Pre-ID Labels HS Science labels will be produced for: – Cohort 2013 – All students who did not test on science last year – Cohort 2014 – Students selected using the Common Logon Label Selection
19 AIMS HS Pre-ID Labels For HS Writing and HS Reading data was extracted from SAIS on January 7 For HS Mathematics and HS Science data will be extracted from SAIS on February 11 Schools without SAIS enrollment data will not receive Student Pre-ID labels
20 AIMS HS Writing Changes Scoring AIMS Writing prompt – The AIMS Writing prompt response will be scored using a holistic rubric based on 6-traits – The extended response score will account for 60% of the AIMS Writing score.
21 AIMS HS Writing Changes Addition of Multiple Choice Items – Multiple choice items have been added to the AIMS Writing test. – It will take about 30 minutes more to administer AIMS HS Writing. – AIMS Writing multiple choice items will account for 40% of the AIMS Writing score.
22 AIMS HS Writing Changes AIMS Writing Score Reports – To receive an AIMS Writing score students must complete both the prompt response and the multiple choice items. – The prompt response score and the multiple choice scores will be reported.
23 Stanford 10 – Grade 9 Students in Grade 9 in state-funded schools are expected to test. April 5 (same day as AIMS Math) Times: – Reading Comp - 40 mins. – Mathematics - 40 mins. – Language - 35 mins. Data will be extracted from SAIS on February 11 for all Students and Grade 9
25 Test Security Test Administrators and Test Proctors must be employees of the school Test Administrators and Test Proctors must be trained by the Test Coordinator in all correct test administration and test security procedures for Spring 2011 test administration TCM p. 25 TAD p6 TCM p10
26 Test Administrators and Test Proctors must sign a copy of the Spring 2011 AIMS/Stanford 10 Test Security Agreement and adhere to test security procedures Signed Test Security Agreements must be kept for 6 years at school site Return the copy signed by Principal to Cindy during the material check-in
28 Receiving Test Materials – AIMS and Stanford 10 for HS March Testing – HS Writing, HS Reading February 14 to Warehouse February 14 - 15 to school sites April Testing – HS Mathematics, HS Science March 14 - 17 to warehouse March 21 - 22 to school sites
29 Delivery of Test Materials When boxes are received at your site: – Verify that the boxes are addressed to your school. – Count number of boxes received. – Open box 1 ASAP and verify quantity provided on inventory sheet will cover your needs. – Email Cindy immediately if you are in need of more tests.
30 Additional Order Window HS Writing / HS Reading – Closes at 4:00 pm on February 15 HS Mathematics / HS Science – Closes at 4:00 pm on March 23 No additional order window for Form Ts
31 Inventory Test Materials – Before distributing tests, compare number of test materials received with actual number on the inventory packing list. – Note any discrepancies on the inventory list. – Packages sometimes contain 1 more or 1 less than what is stated on package.
32 Inventory Test Materials Maintain an accurate inventory of all materials at each school. Have a sign-in and sign-out procedure in place for accountability of materials. Save all packing lists from the initial order.
33 Inventorying Test Materials Maintain an accurate inventory of all materials at each school Best to have a sign-in and sign-out procedure in place for accountability of materials Test books and answer documents are to be stored in a secure location at all times Test materials can NOT be kept in classrooms over night TCM 13
34 PREPARATION OF TEST ROOM Test Administrator and Proctor
35 Preparation of Test Room Student seating should be arranged so that: – Students cannot easily see the answer documents of others – Test administrators and proctors can walk by each student. – Desks and tables should be cleared of backpacks and unnecessary materials TCM p. 25 TAD p7 TCM p9
36 Preparation of Test Room Materials that can be posted in testing room – AIMS Mathematics Reference Sheets – AIMS Science Reference Sheet – Holistic Rubric Based on 6 Traits Official Scoring Guide All other visual aids that could assist students while testing must be removed or covered completely TCM p. 25 TAD p7 TCM p9
37 Preparation of Test Room Authorized resources: – Dictionaries and thesauri must be available for the prompt section of the AIMS Writing tests – Translation Dictionaries as allowed for ELLs TCM p. 25 TAD p5 TCM p9
38 TEST ADMINISTRATION Test Administrator and Proctor
39 Test Administration AIMS and Stanford 10 are standardized tests. Test Administrators should be given the Test Administration Directions or Directions for Administering at least one day prior to testing Test Administrators must follow the directions and read the script exactly as stated in the Test Administration Directions or in the Directions for Administering TAD p8 TCM p10
40 During Testing Students should be allowed to progress at their own pace Monitoring should consist of: – Supervising the room at all times during testing – Answering student questions that pertain to clarification of test directions – Checking that students are progressing through test properly TAD p9
41 During Testing Students may not have access to any electronic devices including computers, calculators, cell phones, portable music players, etc. You need to remind students to remove their cell phones prior to testing and continue to monitor for this TAD p11
42 During Testing Disruptive students and students suspected of cheating – Stop disruptive behavior or suspected cheating – Allow student to continue to test – Student may be moved to a different location so that others may continue to test undisturbed – Student may be subject to disciplinary procedures after completion of testing – Document as many details as possible and report to School Test Coordinator who will report to District Test Coordinator TAD p11-12
43 During Testing Students who leave the room during testing – Students may be allowed to go to the restroom, if necessary, during testing Only one student may leave at a time Collect students test materials before the student leaves the room and give back upon students return TAD p12
44 During Testing Students who leave school during testing AIMS HS – Student will not be permitted to finish that content area when he/she returns to school – Student may not participate in make-up testing for that same content area TAD p12
45 As students finish testing Students close test book and answer document Place answer document on top of test book Students not allowed to leave until testing session is complete Test Administrator will collect the test materials Once test materials have been collected student can read or do classwork silently No electronic devices are allowed at this point TAD p10
46 End of Testing Session Most students should have time to finish the test during the allotted testing session Students that need additional time must be allowed to finish testing – Test Administrators will follow directions established by Test Coordinator A testing session or HS content area must be completed within the school day TAD – End of each test day
47 End of Testing Session Account for all test books and answer documents at the end of each testing session Missing test books and answer documents must be accounted for prior to dismissing any students This is critical for test administrators to do at the end of each test!!!! TAD p10
48 End of Testing Session Inspect each test book and answer document – Student name on front of test book and answer document – Test books and answer documents in separate stacks – Pre-ID label affixed or demographic data bubbled – Form bubbled on answer document – Complete accommodation bubbles in section K – All marks on scorable materials in No. 2 pencil TCM p15
49 End of Testing Session All test materials must be returned to test coordinator at the end of the testing session. No test materials may be left in a testing room overnight.
50 School Test Coordinator Reporting Testing Incidents Testing incidents that should be reported to Cindy Hurley for review would include, but are not limited to: – Possible cheating – Inappropriate accommodations – Administration errors Testing incidents are to be reported by the School Test Coordinator
51 A copy of the Incident Report Form is in Your Packet. If an incident occurs, then an electronic copy will be sent for test coordinator to fill out and return to Cindy.
52 Testing Incidents-Electronic Devices Do not send in an incident report for only possession of an electronic device. For these situations, handle student discipline per school policies. Do Send an incident report if there is evidence that the student used an electronic device during AIMS testing.
53 ACCOMMODATIONS Test Administrator and Proctor
54 Accommodations All Test Administrators must read and be familiar with Testing Accommodations Guidelines 2010-2011 Included in your packet
55 Standard Accommodations Accommodations may not provide verbal or other clues or suggestions that hint at or give away the correct response to the student Not all accommodations appropriate for instruction are appropriate for use during state testing Verify Students IEP TAG p5
56 Standard Accommodations Standard accommodations available to: – Students with certain injuries – English Language Learners – FEP Year 1 and Year 2 students – Students with an IEP or 504 plan TAG p5
57 Standard Accommodations Standard accommodations available to students while testing on AIMS and Stanford 10 are limited to those listed in the Testing Accommodations: Guidelines for 2010-2011 TAG p5
58 Standard Accommodations It is the responsibility of the Test Administrator to see that: – Students who qualify for testing accommodations receive them. – Students who do not receive accommodations are not affected. – Accommodations are marked on answer document. TAG p5
59 Recording Accommodations Accommodations are listed in the Test Accommodation Guidelines with a number that will correspond to the bubble in the answer document. (Also Test Administration Directions Pgs. 46 -47.) #Standard Accommodation – ELL/FEPContent Areas 4More breaks and/or several shorter sessionsW, R, M, S 5Simplify language in English for the scripted directions or the directions that students read on their own as needed upon student request W, R, M, S 6Read aloud in English the writing prompt, mathematics test items,+ or science test items,+ as needed upon student request W, M, S 7Provide a word-for-word published, paper translation dictionaryW, R, M, S 8Exact oral translation of the scripted directions or the directions that students read on their own as needed upon student request W, R, M, S
For schools that number test books and/or answer documents. Use only these boxes for your numbering. NEW
62 Signature Teacher School District If you have a bar code label, use it Student must write name on line labeled Student Name
63 Pre-ID Labels Test Administrators (or other designated adults) are responsible for affixing Pre-ID labels in the proper location on scorable AIMS and Stanford 10 materials – Pre-ID labels may be applied before or after testing Do Not fill in demographics on back side if a label is used (except for any accommodations used) TCM p. 25TAD p 59
64 Bubbling Demographic Data Test Administrators (or other designated adults) are responsible for bubbling student demographic data on scorable AIMS and Stanford 10 materials for students without Pre-ID labels – Directions for bubbling student demographic data are included in all Test Administration Directions and Directions for Administering – Student demographic data may be bubbled before or after testing TCM p. 25TAD p 59
65 Enrollment Bubble (G) Complete only if the student is not enrolled at the school where the test is administered. This bubble is rarely marked.
66 Recording Accommodations Test administrators must record the use of standard accommodations in section K of the AIMS demographic data grid on the student answer document. Detailed directions for marking the use of standard accommodations are on pages 46-47 of the TAD. TAD p 59
67 Transferring to a Regular Answer Document For students who did not respond directly on a standard answer document (used Braille, large print, or certain accommodations): – Student responses must be transferred to a standard answer document. TCM p16
68 Special Circumstance Test materials contaminated with blood, vomit, or other bodily fluids Contaminated test materials cannot be scored Student responses must be transferred to clean documents Securely destroy contaminated test materials and indicate on Materials Inventory Sheet TCM p16
70 Packing Answer Documents Put all answer documents (used and unused) in the same set of boxes. Used answer documents are those being scored Unused answer documents are those that have a label but were never written in, have been written in but answers were transferred to another answer document because it had a tear, may have had coffee or water spilled on it, etc. Separate used and unused with colored pieces of paper.
71 Separate the used answer documents by test content and cohort – use colored paper in between each stack – Writing and Reading separated by cohort – Math separated by cohort – Science separated by either 2013 or 2012 cohort – Stanford 10 kept separated – For each stack write the number of documents in that stack on the colored sheet separating stacks Packing Used Answer Documents
72 Packing Unused Answer Documents Include Unused Answer Documents in same set of boxes as used answer documents Indicate on top sheet, number of unused answer documents being returned Remember unused answer documents are any answer document not being scored
73 RETURNING MATERIALS Nonscorable Materials
74 AIMS HS Manuals Test Coordinator Manuals and Test Administrator Directions are not returned until after AIMS HS Mathematics and AIMS HS Science It is advisable to have the school test coordinator hold on to manuals and return during Math and Science AIMS There will be no extra manuals available TCM p31
75 Packing Nonscorable Boxes Pack nonscorable materials by document type in the same set of boxes. – Used and unused test books – Used and unused large print and Braille test materials – AIMS HS Test Administration Directions – AIMS HS Test Coordinators Manuals – Unused Pre-ID labels
77 Score Reports – Due Dates HS Reading April 15 – posted to Pearson May 23 – paper copies June 17 – closing date for corrections HS Writing May 13 – posted to Pearson May 23 – paper copies June 17 – closing date for corrections
78 Score Reports – Due Dates HS Mathematics and HS Science May 13 – posted to Pearson (Confidential Roster Reports for all students) May 25 – posted to Pearson (all reports and Student Data File) June 24 – paper copies July 29 – closing date for corrections
79 Score Reports – Due Dates Stanford 10 May 25 – posted to Pearson June 24 – paper copies July 29 – closing date for corrections
81 Test Administrator and Test Proctor Trainings Sample items to be included on agenda Test Security Preparation of test rooms Test administration procedures Correct use of accommodations Use of pre-ID labels and hand bubbling TAD p10
82 Test Administrator and Test Proctor Trainings What to do if... ? – Student needs additional time – Student is caught cheating – Student is sick – There is a fire drill – Student has an injury that makes writing or bubbling difficult TAD p10
83 Causes for Student Receiving No Score #1 Cause…answer document never turned in even though student participated in testing For AIMS Writing student wrote essay on page 2 instead of starting on page 1 For AIMS Writing wrote in a language other than English Used Ink…will not scan Answered only a few items or bubbled in all As or some other pattern
84 Call or email Cindy Hurley with ANY questions or concerns…225-5418. My AIM is to help you make testing run as smoothly as possible!!
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