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The Market Revolution Focus Questions:

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1 The Market Revolution Focus Questions:
What were the main elements of the market revolution? How did the market revolution spark social change and encourage growth in the Untied States? What were some of the major changes in transportation that became available during the market revolution? Identify some of the major cities that developed in the United States during the market revolution. Identify some of the new immigrants who came to the United States and their characteristics. The purpose of the focus questions is to help students find larger themes and structures to bring the historical evidence, events, and examples together for a connected thematic purpose. As we go through each portion of this lecture, you may want to keep in mind how the information relates to this larger thematic question. Here are some suggestions: write the focus question in the left or right margin on your notes and as we go through, either mark areas of your notes for you to come back to later and think about the connection OR as you review your notes later (to fill in anything else you remember from the lecture or your thoughts during the lecture or additional information from the readings), write small phrases from the lecture and readings that connect that information to each focus question AND/OR are examples that work together to answer the focus question.

2 The Market Revolution Post-War America The “American System”
Madison’s Proposals Building of factories Improvements in Transportation Improving the Banking System Implementing Tariffs

3 Agriculture: “King cotton”
The Cotton Engine (“Gin”) Eli Whitney

4 Internal Improvements: Roads

5 River Transportation

6 Erie Canal

7 Ocean transport

8 Railroads

9 Communication Samuel Morse (Morse Code)

10 The growth of industry

11 Major American Port Cities by 1860
New York Boston Philadelphia New Orleans Baltimore

12 Major American Cities (Inland)
Pittsburg Buffalo Chicago St. Louis Detroit Cincinnati

13 Immigration ●Push/Pull factors

14 The Irish

15 Irish American influence in Popular Culture

16 The Germans

17 Notable Germans

18 Other Immigrant Groups



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