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Presentation on theme: "ANNUAL PERFORMANCE PLAN"— Presentation transcript:


2 Contents Revision of the strategic plan Strategic thrust Mandate
Alignment to DAC priorities APP snapshot Overview of 2018/19 budget KPIs for Administration Administration budget KPIs for Business Development Business Development budget KPIS for Public Engagement Public Engagement budget Critical Success Factors Approved macro structure Challenges

3 Annual Performance Plan 2018/2019

Following two years of poor performance by the entity, Council decided to prematurely develop a new strategic plan; The whole intention was to stem the downward spiral in the entity’s performance, which culminated in the entity receiving an adverse audit outcome in 2016/17 financial year; As a consequence of the revised strategic plan for the remainder of the planning cycle, completely new performance indicators were developed for 2018/19 and beyond; It is for this reason that all the performance indicators are shown as new indicators in the Annual Performance Plan.

Develop, promote and preserve the arts and African heritage. Vision The icon of arts in South Africa Values Artistic freedom State of the art of the quality Impartial but in good taste Africa first

6 Mandate PACOFS is an entity of the National Department of Arts and Culture. It derives its mandate from the following legislation: Cultural Institutions Act 1998 (Act No. 119 of 1998); White Paper of Arts, Culture and Heritage; Culture Promotion Act, 1983 (Act No. 35 of 1983); The Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996.

7 Alignment with DAC Priorities
PACOFS has aligned its KPI’s and targets with the following key priorities of the Department of Arts and Culture. Nation Building and Social Cohesion; Focusing on Africa; Promotion of all languages; Ensuring that MGE benefits the previously disadvantaged artists; Community Arts Development; Skills audit and training; Improving reporting and compliance.

8 APP snapshot 6 goals from the Strategic Plan
Strategic Outcome 6 corresponding goal statements for each Strategic Outcome Strategic Oriented Goal 17 strategic objectives Strategic Objective 20 KPIs Key Performance Indicator Annual projections for 2018/2019; 2019/2020and 2020/2021 Annual Targets 2018/2019 quarterly targets Quarterly Targets

9 Overview of 2018/19 budget Total operating Budget for 2018/19 is R million, consisting of a Government grant of R million and a budgeted own revenue of R2.734 million; This represents a 4% decrease from the 2017/18 budget; Staff costs constitute 53.7% of the allocated grant and 50.6% of the total budget; Only R21 million is available for allocation to operations and core business; There is a separate R7.7 million allocation for infrastructure in 2018/19.

10 Overview of 2018/2019 budget Programme Audited outcomes
Adjusted appropriation Medium-term expenditure estimate R’000 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21 Administration 31 531 31 977 29 044 28 427 26 814 28 351 29 861 Business Development 12 172 9 436 10 562 10 128 10 618 11 202 11 818 Public Engagement 9 053 4 745 9 362 11 534 10 624 11 427 12 039 Total 52 756 46 158 46 346 50 089 48 056 50 980 53 718 Economic classification Current payments Compensation of employees 26 474 22 437 22 637 24 085 24 319 25 531 26 309 Goods and services 22 423 20 595 21 315 23 904 21 737 23 549 25 109 Of which Agency and support 332 548 1 227 177 178 179 188 Communication 497 441 512 590 589 601 636 Computer Services 281 67 159 316 312 330 348 Consultants 587 364 272 273 274 289 Lease payments 151 122 120 172 168 186 176 Repairs & Maintenance 917 956 543 1 000 800 1 300 700 Training & development 111 71 100 125 126 133 Travel and subsistence 329 333 1 375 381 368 384 410 Others 16 689 23 227 20 871 21 230 18 923 20 169 22 229 Depreciation and Impairment 3 859 3 126 2 394 2 100 2 000 1 900 2 300 55 597

11 KPIs for Administration
Strategic Goal: Organisation transformation to high performance Annual Target 2018/19 Quarterly Performance Targets Strategic Objective Key Performance Indicators Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Ensure good corporate governance. 1 Approved new organizational structure First draft organizational structure developed and stakeholders consulted Second draft organizational structure submitted to Council New organizational structure approved - 2 Unqualified audit outcome achieved and audit action plan implemented Unqualified audit outcome achieved and action plan implemented Unqualified audit outcome achieved and audit action plan developed Audit action plan implemented Change staff perceptions and commitment to PACOFS 3 Number of staff engagement surveys developed and implemented 1 staff engagement survey and Intervention plan developed and implemented 1 staff engagement survey developed and implemented Intervention plan developed Intervention plan implemented Intervention plan developed and implemented Develop relevant skills and competencies within PACOFS 4 Approved skills audit and training report Approved skills audit and training report Skills audit conducted Staff training conducted Skills audit and Staff training report Map and implement a business improvement programme 5 Approved departmental business process manuals implemented Approved departmental business process manuals implemented Departmental business process drafted Departmental business process manuals consulted Departmental business process manuals approved and implemented Departmental business process manuals implemented Align information technology infrastructure and applications to support operations and business processes 6 Approved ICT governance framework implemented ICT governance framework approved and implemented ICT governance framework developed ICT governance framework consulted ICT governance framework approved 7 Approved ICT strategy implemented 1st draft ICT strategy developed and consulted ICT strategy approved

12 Administration budget
Programme Audited outcomes Adjusted appropriation Medium-term expenditure estimate R’000 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21 Administration 31 531 31 977 29 044 28 427 26 814 28 351 29 861 Total Economic classification Current payments 20 044 Compensation of employees 13 458 14 307 12 372 13 114 12 844 13 482 13 598 Goods and services 14 214 14 545 14 278 13 213 11 970 12 969 13 963 Of which Agency and support 332 548 1 227 177 178 179 188 Communication 309 353 349 308 310 311 328 Computer Services 281 67 159 316 312 330 348 Consultants 587 364 590 272 273 274 289 Lease payments 151 122 120 172 168 186 176 Repairs & Maintenance 917 956 543 1 000 800 1 300 700 Training & development 111 71 100 125 126 133 Travel and subsistence 182 175 1 261 201 202 203 214 Depreciation and Impairment 3 859 3 126 2 394 2 100 2 000 1 900 2 300

13 KPIs for Business Development
Strategic Goal 3: Artistic programming Strategic Objective Key Performance Indicators Annual Target 2018/19 Quarterly Performance Targets Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Produce artistic programmes 8 Number of artistic programmes of excellence staged 12 artistic programmes of excellence staged 3 artistic programmes of excellence staged 3 artistic programmes of excellence staged 3 artistic programmes of excellence staged 9 Number of flagship programmes staged 1 flagship programme staged 1 flagship programme staged Significantly raise the standard and extent of the whole system of delivery (customer experience) – where good is never good enough 10 Number of training workshops conducted for arts practitioners 4 training workshops conducted for arts practitioners 1 training workshop conducted for arts practitioners 1 training workshop conducted for arts practitioners

14 KPIs for Business Development
Strategic Goal 4: Talent Development and Promotion of the Arts Strategic Objective Key Performance Indicators Annual Target 2018/19 Quarterly Performance Targets Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Identify talent in the Free State across all disciplines through auditioning, mentoring, training, placement programme and talent pool identification 11 Number of mentorship and placement programmes for local artists developed and implemented 1 mentorship and placement programme for local artists developed and implemented 1 auditioning programme 1 mentorship workshop 1 training workshop 1 placement programme Conduct development showcases 12 Number of developmental productions showcased 26 developmental productions showcased 6 developmental productions showcased developmental productions showcased 7 developmental productions showcased

15 KPIs for Business Development
Strategic Goal 5: Partnering, funding and sponsorship Strategic Objective Key Performance Indicators Annual Target 2018/19 Quarterly Performance Targets Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Create a value adding proposition to potential business partners and sponsors 13 Number of business partners / sponsors engaged 2 business partners / sponsors engaged 1 business partner/ sponsor engaged 1 business partner / sponsor

16 KPIs for Business Development
Strategic Goal 6: Optimsing PACOFS’ facilities Strategic Objective Key Performance Indicators Annual Target 2018/19 Quarterly Performance Targets Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Maintain technical and operational excellence of facilities 14 Number of scheduled maintenances conducted 4 scheduled maintenances conducted 1 scheduled maintenance conducted 15 Number of skills transfer programmes implemented to build a professionally qualified production team 4 skills transfer programmes implemented 1 skills transfer programme implemented

17 Business Development budget
Programme Audited outcomes Adjusted appropriation Medium-term expenditure estimate R’000 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21 Business Development 12 172 9 436 10 562 10 128 10 618 11 202 11 818 Total Economic classification Current payments Compensation of employees 5 377 3 734 4 178 4 471 4 650 4 883 5 151 Goods and services 6 795 5 702 6 374 5 657 5 968 6 319 6 667 Of which Communication 135 69 99 196 197 207 218 Lease payment 23 32 33 Travel and subsistence 140 157 100 165 166 167 176 Projects & other related activities 6 497 5 476 6 175 5 264 5 573 5 913 6 240

18 KPIs for Public Engagement
Strategic Outcome 1: Improve Social Interaction Strategic Objective Key Performance Indicators Annual Target 2018/19 Quarterly Performance Targets Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 3 Quarter 4 Conduct market research to understand what audiences want 16 Number of market research conducted 1 market research conducted - 17 Number of stakeholder surveys conducted 4 surveys conducted 1 stakeholder survey conducted Innovatively and significantly raise PACOFS visibility and use its facilities to retain customers 18 Number of programmes of events in all potential venues marketed 4 programmes of events marketed 1 programme of events marketed Explore and develop partnering opportunities with schools, religious institutions and businesses 19 Number of schools visited 16 schools visited 4 school visits 4 school visits 4 school visits 20 Number of businesses/media engaged 4 businesses / media engaged business / media engaged 1 business / media engaged 1 business / media engaged business / media engaged

19 Public Engagement budget
Programme Audited outcomes Adjusted appropriatio n Medium-term expenditure estimate R’000 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21 Public Engagement 9 053 4 745 9 362 11 534 10 624 11 427 12 039 Total Economic classification Current payments Compensation of employees 7 639 4 396 6 087 6 500 6 825 7 166 7 560 Goods and services 1 414 349 663 5 034 3 799 4 261 4 479 Of which Communication 53 20 64 86 83 90 Projects & other related activities 428 328 94 3 928 2 916 2 846 3 669 Travel and subsistence 7 14 15 Repairs & Maintenance 917 - 491 1 000 800 1 300 700

20 Critical success factors
Appointment of the CEO; Organisational restructuring and renewal; Training and skills development; Development of a fundraising strategy; Review policies and develop business processes.

21 Approved macro structure

22 Challenges & Interventions
Inadequate commitment and poor performance Conduct  climate survey & address morale issues; Implement the performance management policy Limited budget Execute programmes and projects through partnerships and collaborations; Market productions to at least breakeven; Source long term sponsorships. Inadequate marketing affecting patronage numbers Develop and implement an effective marketing strategy. Delays in the finalisation of capital works projects Settle all litigations relating to the capital works projects.

23 Thank you


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