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An Experimental Overview

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1 An Experimental Overview
Pentaquarks: An Experimental Overview Curtis A. Meyer Based, in part, on work carried out with Alex Dzierba and Adam Szczepaniak Before 2003 …. searches for flavor exotic baryons showed no evidence for such states. Since 2003 …. Hadronic Physics has been very interesting. Pentaquarks

2 Spectacular Development
1997: Diakonov, Petrov and Polykov use a chiral soliton model to predict a decuplet of pentaquark baryons. The lightest has S=+1 and a mass of 1530 MeV and expected to be narrow. Zeit. Phys. A359, 305 (1997). +! K+n 2003: T. Nakano et al.  n ! K+K-n on a Carbon target. Phys. Rev. Lett. 91, , (2003) The Dam Breaks …. Pentaquarks

3 Positive Sightings + Experiment 0c 5 +  C12! K-K+n + LEPS SVD
Reaction searched + Claim Decay Experiment 0c 5 publication + pA! pK0SX  C12! K-K+n + LEPS SVD K+n K0Sp PRL 91 (2003) hep-ex/  d! K+K- np  p! +K-K+n +  A! K0SpX + CLAS BC at CERN & FNAL hep-ex/ K+n K0Sp PRL 91 (2003) , PRL 92 (2004)  p! K0SK+n + ep! e’pK0SX + SAPHIR HERMES (quasi-real photoproduction) K+n K0Sp Phys.Lett B572 (2003) 127 Phys.Lett.B585(2004) 213 + ep! e’pK0SX + pp! +K0Sp COSY ZEUS K0Sp Phys.Lett.B595 (2004) 127 K0Sp Phys.Lett.B592(2004)7 K+Xe! K0SX’ + pp!  X 5 DIANA NA49 K0Sp Phys.Atom.Nucl.66(2003)1715 PRL 92(2004)042003 p+C3H8! K0SpX + ep! e’pD*-X 0c JINR H1 K0Sp hep-ex/ Phys.Lett.B588(2004)17 Pentaquarks (Table by Alex Dzierba)

4 The Data 5.2 Reported Significance 4.6 4.8 5.2 7.8 5- - 50 4.4
5- - 50 4.4 6.7 ~5 4.2 ~5 4.6 5.6 4.3 ~5.5 0c Pentaquarks

5 Summary of Results + 5-- 50 c0 Na49: Mass: 1862 MeV
Width < Resolution c0 H1: Mass : MeV Width ~10 MeV A narrow structure whose width is less than experimental resolution Old data constrain <1MeV Pentaquarks

6 Statistics Experiment Signal Background Significance Publ. 1 2 3
Spring  Spring SPAHIR  CLAS (d)  CLAS (p)  DIANA    HERMES  COSY  ZEUS  SVD  NOMAD  NA  NA  H  Pentaquarks

7 Zeus Result Interesting Result ~6000  ~200 (1520) 230 +
Phys. Lett. B591 (2004) 7. Fragmentation, Q2>20GeV2 Mass=1465 Width=15 368 Events ~6000  ~200 (1520) 230 + What does  look like? (many !) Interesting Result fragmentation is a good source of +!  ? Observe: + mass=1.521 GeV width=6.1 MeV 230 Events on 1080 Background No Signal for: 5 , 0c Pentaquarks (U.Karshon, Pentaquark-04)

8 Negative Reports CDF ALEPH HyperCP DELPHI SELEX L3 FOCUS WA89 E690
ZEUS BES HERA-B BELLE SPHINX BaBar PHENIX COMPASS + Hadronic Z decays + c0 c0 hep-ex/ , 5 Submitted to Phys. Lett. B 5 (+,K+,p)Cu ! PX + Hadronic Z decays + hep-ex/ hep-ex/ (,p,)p! PX + + Quark Confinement 2004 hep-ex/  p! PX + -N! PX c0 hep-ex/ 5 hep-ex/ 5 pp! PX + ep! PX c0 QNP2004 - 5 hep-ex/ 5 e+e-! J/ ((2S) + pA! PX + PRD 70 (2004) PRL 93 (2004) 5 KN! PX + pC(N)!  K X + c0 hep-ep/ EPJ A21 (2004) 455 e+e-! U (4S) + AuAu! PX + hep-ex/ 5 J.Phys.G 30 (2004) S1201 + 5 Pentaquarks (Table by Alex Dzierba)

9 NA49 5(1860) fixed target experiment at CERN - spectrometer
158 GeV/c proton beam width is below detector resolution Pentaquarks

10 Null Results 5(1860) HERA-B Pentaquarks

11 ALEPH and ZEUS also null result
5(1860) ALEPH and ZEUS also null result CDF FOCUS Pentaquarks

12 H1 at HERA Pentaquarks

13 Null Results ZEUS CDF FOCUS Pentaquarks

14 Negative Results +(1540) HERA-B ALEPH BaBar CDF HyperCP SPHINX BELLE
pC! pK0SX +(1540) SPHINX BELLE (1520) ALEPH BaBar e+e-! (p K0)X pKS HyperCP CDF (1520) K*(892) +? Pentaquarks

15 Bubble Chamber No signals in the Dalitz Plots Pentaquarks
(Taken from the PDG, 2004)

16 Scattering Data K+n P-wave Phase Shifts 1MeV wide resonance at 1540

17 The Numbers Some Negative Results Positive Results
Experiment s b  (1520)  ____________________________________________ Spring Spring SAPHIR CLAS(d) CLAS(p) DIANA HERMES COSY ZEUS * SVD NOMAD ________________________________________ s b  D* NA H Experiment  (1520)  ____________________________________ E ALEPH CDF BaBar HERA-B SPHINX HYPERCP COMPASS BELLE  (1530) D D* ________________________________________________________ E ALEPH CDF BaBar HERA-B ZEUS WA FOCUS _____________________________________ * Estimate from cross section Pentaquarks

18 Low Energy Experiments
Kinematic Reflections +(1540) a2(1320)! K+K- Produce a spin-2 or spin-3 resonance that decays to K+K- . Have non-uniform populations of |m|=0,1,2,… Produces a broad enhancement near 1.5 (1020) a2(1320) CLAS Pentaquarks

19 Kinematic Reflection? The CLAS  d ! p n K+K- Data
Mass (K-n) Mass (K+K-) Mass (K+n) Solid lines are predicted using K+K- resonances Pentaquarks (Dzierba, et al.)

20 Statistical Fluctuation
You need to understand your background to claim a new discovery! CLAS Published Simple Physics Background Naïve Background Chance of the Background Fluctuating into the observed signal Dzierba Background Pentaquarks

21 Games Use Dzierba Background Generate 40 random spectra 3 are Fake
1 is CLAS Pentaquarks

22 Severe Cuts  p! +K+K-(n) missing Uncut Spectrum
Mass (K+ n)  p! +K+K-(n) missing Uncut Spectrum Mass (K+ n) Mass (K- K+ n) After Cuts Design cuts to remove diagrams (b), (c) and (d) j t!-j < 0.28 GeV2 cos *K+ < 0.6 CLAS: Phys. Rev. Lett. 92, ,(2004) Pentaquarks

23 Monte Carlo Study  p !  a2/f2 Y12 a2 or f2 ! K+K- j YML( cos, ) j2
Raw j t!-j < 0.28 GeV2 and cos *K+ < 0.6 Pentaquarks (Alex Dzierba)

24 Ghost Tracks  (p>2GeV/c)! p-
Mass(+-)  (p>2GeV/c)! p- - p + Select KS Mass(pKS) “Create a +” It is easy to manufacture narrow peaks in the data near 1.5GeV that appear to decay to p KS . Pentaquarks (M. Longo QNP 2004)

25 5 Pentaquark c Pentaquark One low statistics report by NA49
RIP One low statistics report by NA49 Nine negative results. Null results in both similar and different production mechanisms. 1-2 orders of magnitude more data in known resonances. c Pentaquark One low statistics report by H1 Five negative results. Null results in both the same and different production mechanisms. Factor of 10 to 1000 times for data in known resonances. RIP Pentaquarks

26 + Pentaquark 11 low-statistics reports near 1500 MeV
Low-energy reports suffer from some combination of the following: (a) Fermi motion effects. (b) Severe cuts whose effects may not have been adequately studied. (c) Insufficiently constrained reactions. (d) Kinematic reflections. 15 new high-statistics searches in a number of reactions with excellent resolution that have come up empty. Bubble chamber data from decades ago show no evidence. KN scattering data severely limit this The Zeus result is interesting. It suggests that fragmentation is a good way to produce the +. Not really consistent with ALEPH, BaBar, BELLE, CDF, … What does H1 have to say on this? Pentaquarks

27 PDG 2004 Pentaquarks

28 Conclusions The possible existence of pentaquarks is still very much
Pentaquark Stock Value Jan. Jun. Dec. 2004 The possible existence of pentaquarks is still very much an experimental question, and the data do not look very convincing. If they exist, they not only have exotic quantum numbers, but very exotic production and decay modes. I hope that the issue can be settled soon – but I am not buying stock. Pentaquarks

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