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A Comparison Between Star-CD and Saturne for the T3A flat Plate

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1 A Comparison Between Star-CD and Saturne for the T3A flat Plate
Discoveries made while in initial stages of coding the Walters and Leylek Model The nearest model in Saturne to Walters and Leylek model is the SST model. Before altering the code the SST model was tested in comparison with that in Star-CD

2 Difference in U-Velocity
Above is the U-velocity for Saturne minus U-velocity for Star-CD, normalised by the maximum U-velocity

3 Difference in V-Velocity
Above is the V-velocity for Saturne minus V-velocity for Star-CD, normalised by the maximum V-velocity

4 Difference in Pressure
Above is the relative Pressure for Saturne minus relative Pressure for Star-CD, normalised by the maximum relative pressure

5 Difference in Omega Above is the specific dissipation rate for Saturne minus specific dissipation rate for Star-CD, normalised by the maximum specific dissipation rate

6 Difference in TKE Above is the turbulent kinetic energy for Saturne minus turbulent kinetic energy for Star-CD, normalised by the maximum turbulent kinetic energy

7 Difference in S2 Above is the mean strain rate squared for Saturne minus mean strain rate squared for Star-CD, normalised by the maximum mean strain rate squared

8 As you can see the differences are mainly very small.
However the following page shows the skin friction coefficient along the plate. The line labelled Star-CD old is my older simulation with MARS and Star-CD is the same simulation but using CD. Both converged to the same tolerance.


10 Summary The difference contours are sufficiently small to be assured that there are no problems with the underlying code The anomaly in the skin friction coefficient is interesting but not something to be concerned with at the moment The skin friction coefficient result is a positive one for Saturne

11 Current Work Currently creating a new subroutine “turbkl.F” which has a basis of the turbkw.F routine Have altered the viscosity appropriately Will require extra help in the addition of the Laminar kinetic energy variable The form of the model is shown on the following page

12 Walters and Leylek Model

13 The turbulent viscosity in the production term is a function of C_mu but not in the dissipation term:

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