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Finding Trends and Check Assumptions

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1 Finding Trends and Check Assumptions
Day 17

2 Quiz on Video and Article From Day 18

3 Unit 2: Lesson 8 - Finding Trends with Visualizations
When you post information to a social network, watch a video online, or simply search for information on a search engine, some of that data is collected, and you reveal what topics are currently on your mind. When a topic is quickly growing in popularity it is often said to be trending, but there are many different trends or patterns we might find in this data, including historical trends.

4 Unit 2: Lesson 8 - Finding Trends with Visualizations
Google Trends Worksheet- Exploring Trends

5 Unit 2: Lesson 8 - Finding Trends with Visualizations
It’s exciting to be able to look at so much data in such a concise way, and it certainly feels like we’ve seen a lot of good stories here. As we start thinking more about how we use data, however, we’ll need to make sure that the assumptions we’re making about our data are correct.

6 Unit 2: Lesson 9 - Check Your Assumptions
Analyzing and interpreting data will typically require some assumptions to be made about the accuracy of the data and the cause of the relationships observed within it. When decisions are made based on a collection of data, they will often rest just as much on that set of assumptions about the data as the data itself. Learning to validate and clearly call out assumptions being made when interpreting data is an important part of both analyzing and communicating about data.

7 Unit 2: Lesson 9 - Check Your Assumptions
Worksheet- Digital Divide and Checking Assumptions Video- Google Flu Trends Overview

8 Review Finish Unit 2 Lessons Journal Check Next Class
Google Trends Quiz Next Class

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