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Presentation on theme: "MOVING UP TO SECONDARY SCHOOL IN SEPTEMBER 2014"— Presentation transcript:

If you wish to provide a handout to accompany this presentation, we suggest that you print the presentation (as a handout with notes, 6 slides per page).

2 More information at
THE SELECTION PROCESS More information at This sets out the process which has changed this year. We have incorporated some of the FAQ questions and answers in this presentation, but for a full list of questions and answers refer parents to the Buckinghamshire County Council Website.

3 What do the secondary transfer tests measure?
Verbal ability includes comprehension and vocabulary Numerical ability includes problem solving and multi-stage items Non-verbal ability includes diagrammatic reasoning The Secondary Transfer Tests measure multiple abilities. Modern research into the nature of ability suggests that people have multiple abilities. The papers test pupils’ ability to think in a range of different contexts.

4 Does my child have to sit the transfer tests?
No, only if they want to attend a grammar school. Will a grammar school suit my child? Yes, if they are comfortable learning at a faster pace and a greater depth Stress that the Secondary Transfer Tests are not compulsory. Think about your child’s ability in school to date. The national expectation for a child in Year 6 is to achieve a Level 4b in their SATs. Most children start at grammar schools having qualified in the Transfer Tests and with above average levels in their SATs. In general many start with two Level 5s and if not then a Level 5 in one of their SATs and at least a Level 4a in the other subject. If a grammar school is not something you would expect your child to attend then you do need to discuss this with your child’s headteacher as it may not be appropriate for your child to take part in the Transfer Testing process. If your child has Special Educational Needs and they are to sit the Transfer Tests then there is more information available later about what you may do. Headteachers are asked to provide a recommendation before they know the outcomes of the test. There are three levels of recommendation: 1. Exceptionally highly recommended 2. Highly recommended 3. Recommended with reservations There is a 4th’recommendation’ - ‘not recommended for grammar school’. and three levels of attitude to work: 1. Self starter, independent worker, consistent and highly motivated 2. Hard working and reliable 3. Output varies There is a 4th level – ‘lacks organisation and requires support’. These are combined together to make the overall recommendation ( e.g. 2:1)

5 Timeline What When Preparation tests 10 September 2013 Transfer tests
Results published 11 October 2013 Preference deadline 31 October 2013 School place offers 3 March 2014 Start secondary school 4 September 2014

6 Familiarisation Booklet (to take home)
Explains: what the question books and answer sheets will look like how the answer sheets should be completed Includes: example questions It will not be looked at in school A copy of the Familiarisation booklet will be provided for all children to take home during the summer term. It will not be looked at in school.

7 Preparation Tests - 10 September
Two tests Exam conditions 35 minutes each CD instructions Each paper - three separately timed topics (Verbal ability/ Numerical reasoning and Non-verbal skills) Not marked Both preparation tests will be sat on the same day with a short gap in between. The exact time of the preparation tests are 35 minutes each plus time for settling the children, collection and distribution of papers and the CD instructions covering the example questions. Total session time is therefore likely to be 50 – 55 minutes for each test. Within each test session the time is broken up into sections for each topic and each preparation test will have elements of the three types of question (verbal, maths, non-verbal). The preparation tests will not be marked either by parents or the pupil or the school (no marking key is provided). They are provided to enable children to experience of the sound of the CD and give some understanding of the look and format of the tests so when they do the Transfer Tests they will know what to expect. The instructions are given on CD and once each section is complete they are not returned to. The questions included will be of a comparable level of difficulty but the real test questions will be different. The preparation tests and answer sheets will be returned securely to the LA for pulping.

8 What if my child misses the Preparation?
Talk to Headteacher to reschedule Transfer Tests should be delayed until the preparation tests are completed Results may be delayed – so… …list both grammar and upper school preferences on your application If your child misses the preparation sessions you should liaise with the school. It may mean the Transfer Tests will be delayed and any substantial delay in the Transfer Tests could mean in a delay in the results being released, so parents should ensure both grammar school and upper school preferences are listed if testing is delayed.

9 The Transfer Tests 12 September
Produced by The Centre for Evaluation and Monitoring, University of Durham (CEM) Two test papers Taken on the same day Short 15/20 minute gap between the tests Each test - about an hour The tests are expected to take approximately minutes each, but overall each session will be approximately an hour taking into account the introduction (checking the pupils have the right documents, going through example questions, etc) which means that the total administration time is about 1 hour. The number of questions are not yet known but will be higher than previously.

10 Marking Computer marked (scanned)
One point is given for each correct answer Each pupil will have three raw scores verbal ability numerical ability non-verbal ability A raw score is the total number of marks awarded for correct answers. The marks for the verbal ability sections in the two tests are added together to produce a verbal raw score. The marks for the numerical ability sections in the two tests are added together to produce a numerical raw score. The marks for the non-verbal ability sections in the two tests are added together to produce a non-verbal raw score. The elements are weighted as follows: Verbal – 50% of the STTS (Secondary Transfer Test Score) Numerical – 30% of the STTS Non-verbal – 20% of the STTS

11 Standardisation and Weighting
Three raw scores Each is age standardised Weighted and combined to produce an overall result (STTS) STTS and the three standardised scores will be provided in the results letter Age-standardisation is a statistical process which removes the effects of the different ages of pupils in the same school year and so places them all on an equal footing. The weighting of the three sections will be decided when the results of the March trial are known. For example one way of achieving a STTS of 121 if the weighting were 50% verbal, 30% numerical and 20% non-verbal is: Pupil’s verbal standardised score of 140 x 50% = 70 Pupil’s numerical standardised score of 120 x 30% = 36 Pupil’s non-verbal standardised score of 75 x 20% = 15 Pupil’s STTS = = 121

12 Qualifying Score STTS of 121 or more

13 Range of scores Standardised scores in previous years between 69 to 141 With new tests range of scores will be wider 40 to 180+ The same percentage of pupils will qualify as in previous years STTS may, in future be as high as about 180 and as low as about 40. This greater spread of scores will give better differentiation between pupils, particularly around the qualifying score of 121. An important implication of this is that the only score that will equate directly to previous tests is 121. No other score will equate directly, thus, for example an ‘old’ score of 110 will in future be a ‘new’ score of about 98. None of this undermines the fact that the standardisation process puts all pupils on the same scale regardless of their chronological age at the time of testing. Even though the ‘old’ score was 110 and the new score is 98 this does not mean either score indicates the child is more or less able than the other – YOU CANNOT DIRECTLY COMPARE OLD AND NEW SCORES EXCEPT AT THE POINT OF 121.

14 What happens if my child is unwell and misses the tests?
Able to sit the tests later Parent told date in advance Children should NOT sit the tests when unwell* * (even if they want to!) Children missing school on the day the tests are taken will have an opportunity to take the tests in school at a later stage. The headteacher will liaise with you to give you notice of the test date for your child.

15 Special Arrangements Adjusted tests for children with disabilities
Apply via headteacher Discuss NOW! Application must be completed as soon as possible The updated guidelines and form to request adjustments are available on SchoolsWeb – please ensure that where adjustments are requested the child’s parent has a copy of the guidelines. The LA will coordinate this information for the grammar schools and a Special Access Panel made up from appropriate professionals will make the decisions on behalf of the schools. Please also note the deadlines for submitting adjustment requests. No additional Special Access Panel meetings will be scheduled and late requests will not be considered.

16 Results - 11 October Sent by letter Handed out at end of school day
STTS plus 3 element scores Confirms whether qualified for entry to grammar school You will be told the overall score and the scores for the three elements that make up the final score The letter is addressed to you not your child Its contents are confidential and should not be used as a comparison between children

17 How many children qualify?
Approx 30% of children score 121 or more At the end of the process and following Selection Reviews, 34% qualify for grammar school There is no intention to alter the number of pupils qualifying for admission to grammar schools

18 What do I do if I think my child might not have done as well in the tests as I had hoped?
At the time, collect evidence, for example a doctor’s letter Once you have the test results, talk to your child’s headteacher

19 What can I do if my child does not qualify?
Ask for a Selection Review Procedure in the results letter in October Selection Review Panel sits November-January Review outcomes included in 3 March allocation Can still appeal later The Selection Review process is currently being reviewed following the first year of usage. Any proposed changes and timings will be advised later in the process. Parents have a choice as to either ask for a selection review which will happen in the autumn term or to wait until after 1 March and just appeal. The advantages of going to review – you will know the decision before 1 March and if qualified will be qualified for ANY grammar school and you will be considered for all your preference Buckinghamshire grammar schools in the first round of allocations. For 2013 entry, 221 cases were agreed at review (over 25% were successful) and, of those subsequently going to appeal for particular grammar schools over 35 were also successful having been unsuccessful at review. This route does however mean parents need to show that in their child’s case the review panel decision was not ‘fair consistent or objective’ and if they are successful can then put their full academic case to the panel who will consider it.

20 Non-qualified appeal Possible to go straight to appeal
Appeal still heard after 3 March You would have to prove academic potential AND why a place should be offered above number Most schools will already be full by then Some parents just went to appeal and to date less than 5 have been successful.

21 Whether a qualified child will be offered a grammar school place depends on:
Preference order Grammar school admission rules A place being available This slide records the situation for any child irrespective of whether they live in the county or elsewhere. Grammar school admission rules give priority to pupils in the catchment area of the grammar school – so we would always recommend that you include a catchment grammar school amongst your preferences.

Timelines, Preferences and Offers The following slides are just a brief overview of the more detailed information that will be available on the website and in the Moving up to Secondary School Guide during August.

23 Apply on time: 31 October – deadline KEY MESSAGE:
****Applying in time is one of the most important things a parent can do for their child.****

24 If not, go to your own LA’s website.
How to apply ONLINE: If you live in Buckinghamshire visit the council’s website between 5 September and 31 October 2013 If not, go to your own LA’s website.

25 Applying on-line All you need is an email address
reminders will be sent Resubmit if you make changes 31 October deadline Offer ed on 3 March Accept the place online Technical Note: The initial application and the acceptance needs to be made on a PC or phone that does not use Safari or Chrome as the browser, but after that s can be read on any phone/tablet/PC You can make the application at a home or at a library or at work (Note to Headteacher: can you support parents by providing them with access to a PC at your school so they can do this at school? )

26 More information: ‘Moving up to Secondary School’ leaflet
Schools’ websites In August more information in the Guide available at:

27 Making an application You will be able to:
List up to 6 schools, including grammar, upper and out of county schools Put the schools in the order you prefer them Give reasons why you have listed these schools This year, for the first time you will know the outcome of the transfer test before submitting your preferences by the deadline of 31 October, so if your child is not tested or has not qualified you do not need to include grammar school preferences. If the testing outcome is clear-cut then you need only include those schools for which you are qualified. However, if you have not qualified but want to ask for a Selection Review or wish to pursue an appeal later then you should continue to include grammar preferences for use in the event that your child is subsequently deemed qualified.

28 Do your homework! Does your child need to sit or pass a test to be considered for a place at the school? Do you have priority of admission? Do you need to complete a supplementary form? Do you live in-catchment? (Check this on the website) How will your child get to school? For example - The Highcrest Academy’s banding test – parents in the Wycombe area need to be aware of their rules. All schools give priority to children who are looked after or who are now adopted but prior to being adopted were looked after. If this applies to you - check the small print! Some schools give priority to pupils in receipt of pupil premium. Many schools give priority if your child has an older sibling attending the school already. Some schools require you to complete a supplementary form to provide extra information to help them apply their admission rules.

29 School Transport Transport given to the nearest secondary school if:
Over three miles away, or Under three miles but the route is an ‘unsafe walking route’ Check on which school is the nearest school to you All secondary schools are treated equally (grammar/upper/comprehensive/free) Discretionary bus tickets can be purchased It is difficult to summarise this in one slide, parents should read the School Transport Policy and Guidance on the website at: On the website there is a Nearest School Checker which will give routed distances to up to 10 of the nearest schools to your home.

30 The offer process – Step 1
Local authorities share offer information All admission authorities apply their admission rules to all the children with the school as a preference Each school preference is treated separately The schools are not told where they are placed on the preference list by the parent The schools tell the ranking order to their council

31 The offer process – Step 2
Where more than one offer can be made to the same child the highest preference is offered The lower preference is declined The lower preference is offered to another child Spare places are offered to nearest children without a school place offered

32 Important notes Only qualified children are offered grammar school places Think carefully about the order you put the preferences in Try to include a local school that you have a good chance of being offered Appeal qualifiers are only added to that grammar school’s waiting list once all of the qualification appeals for that school are completed.

33 Offer Day – 3 March 2014 Online applicants Offer emails sent 3 March
Can log on and accept the school place online Postal applicants Offer letters posted 3 March All applicants Can ask to go on the waiting list, Can register an appeal Have 14 days to accept the offer. Usually 1 March but this year it is the on 3 March, the first working day after 1 March which will be a Saturday

34 An Example Tom has three preferences. His mum lists them as
1. High Town School 2. Leafy Lane School 3. Long Avenue School The next 5 slides explain how children move up waiting lists and can eventually be offered their preferences. You may not feel the need to go through this in great detail. If you do want to explain everything in detail there is a story board you can use to explain the process.

35 Step 1 Some children’s names appear on more than one list (and also for other schools in the area)

36 Step 2 Some children can be offered higher preferences (either at the three schools listed or at other schools in the area). (To clarify the sheet, first preferences are put in bold, crossed out names have other higher offers that can be made

37 Step 3

38 Step 4

39 Step 5

40 Admission Appeals You can ask for an appeal if your child was not offered a place at your preferred school This includes where your preference is a grammar school and your child has not qualified You can appeal for a place at any school that you have been refused. This includes grammar schools when your child has not qualified, in which case the panel will first look to see if there is evidence to show your child should be qualified. In all appeals you will need to make a case for why your child should be offered a place above the school’s admission number (the number of places available in Year 7). If your child’s case was considered at Selection Review and was not successful then you can still appeal. Firstly the panel will consider if the review process was carried out in a fair, consistent and objective way. If they find this is not the case then they will consider whether there is academic evidence to show that your child should be qualified. If successful then again you may have to make the case as to why a place should be offered above number.

41 About Appeals Three independent people
Not paid by the Admission Authority or council With no connection to the school You can put your case in person The panel is made up of three. None will be connected to the school involved in the appeal or with the decision not to offer your child a place. You usually need to attend the appeal hearing and put your case in person, although it can be held in your absence.

42 Finally – remember! Apply by 31 October 2013
Apply online at or on your home LA’s website List schools in true preference order Be realistic, understand the rules Consider transport arrangements Visit the schools Don’t rely on the opinions of others

43 Where to get help Web: Call: Admissions & Transport Team on


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