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The Law Lesson 15.

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1 The Law Lesson 15

2 Theme Nothing the Lord ever taught contradicted the OT. The ceremonial laws of the OT have been fulfilled by Christ, we are not responsible.

3 Theme Many of the laws of the OT are moral, we are still responsible to follow those laws.

4 A. Christ Builds on Its Foundation (Mt. 5:17)
I. The OT’s Importance A. Christ Builds on Its Foundation (Mt. 5:17) 1. The Lord asserted that He had not come to destroy the Law & the prophets, but to complete them.

5 I. The OT’s Importance B. It is Reliable (Mt. 5:18) 1. The OT will be preserved until all its laws & prophecies are proved true. 2. Preserved to the jot & tittle.

6 C. It is to be obeyed (Mt. 5:19)
I. The OT’s Importance C. It is to be obeyed (Mt. 5:19) 1. Anyone who breaks the least of the OT & teaches others to do so is least in the kingdom of heaven. 2. A clear stamp of approval.

7 D. It must be properly under- stood (Mt. 5:19-20)
I. The OT’s Importance D. It must be properly under- stood (Mt. 5:19-20) 1. Better than the Pharisees 2. Impossible

8 A. On Murder (Mt. 5:21-26) II. Christ & the OT
1. The 6th command prohibits only murder. 2. Before every violent act is a wicked thought. 3. Harsh words - jeopardy. 4. No worship if contentions.

9 II. Christ & the OT B. On Adultery (Mt. 5:27-32) 1. A man can look at a women and commit adultery with her in his heart. 2. Divorce - don’t a. marriage is taken too lightly b. remarriage is adultery

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