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Gases and Pressure Section 11.1.

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1 Gases and Pressure Section 11.1

2 Vocabulary _____________: the force per unit area on a surface
__________________: the force per unit area exerted against a surface by the weight of the air above that surface.

3 Measuring Pressure Figure 3- page 363
_______________: device used to measure atmospheric pressure First introduced by Evangelista __________ during the early 1600s. Discovered that ____________________ supports a column of mercury about _____ _____above the surface of Hg in a dish

4 Units of Pressure There are several units for pressure
____________, also called ________in honor of __________ Average atmospheric pressure at sea level at 0°C is __________, or _________ Atmospheres: ___________is defined as being exactly equivalent to ___________

5 More about Units The SI unit of measurement for pressure is the ___________. _______________is the pressure exerted by a force of _____________acting on an area of ____________________ Usually expressed as ______________ _________= ________________

6 STP ___________= standard temperature and pressure
STP has conditions of exactly ______and _________of pressure.

7 Dalton’s Law of Partial Pressures
The pressure of each __________gas in a mixture of gases is called the ________ pressure of that gas. _________________states that the total pressure of a gas mixture is the sum of the partial pressures of the component gases ______________________________

8 Problem 1 A mixture of O2, CO2, and N2 has a total pressure of 0.97 atm. What is the partial pressure of O2 if the partial pressure of CO2 is 0.70 atm and the partial pressure of N2 is 0.12 atm?

9 Problem 2 Find the total pressure for a mixture that contains four gases with partial pressure of 5.00 kPa, 4.56 kPa, 3.02 kPa, and kPa

10 Water Displacement Gas can be collected by water ____________, but some water _______ will be present The _____pressure will be the ____of the ______pressures of the gas collected and partial pressure of water _________ The partial pressure of water vapor is found on a table (dependent on temperature).

11 Gas Collected by Water Displacement
Pgas = Patm – Pwater vapor

12 Problem 3 O2(g),from the decomposition of KClO3, was collected by water displacement. The barometric (atmospheric) pressure and the temperature during the experiment were 97.5 kPa and 20.0° C. What was the partial pressure of the O2 collected?

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