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Thomas Jefferson Commercial

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1 Thomas Jefferson Commercial
By Allison Loftis

2 “Hey, why are you so down?” asked Mary.
“You see, I’m just trying to find a person I can rely on and someone who will treat the people constitutionally.” said Adam.

3 “Well, Thomas Jefferson is the guy for you
“Well, Thomas Jefferson is the guy for you. He wrote the Declaration of Independence and he believes in the liberty of the people.” said Mary. “Really? Are you sure?” wondered Adam.

4 “Yes. He’s a Democratic-Republican, and he wants a better America for all of us. Jefferson also fought against tyranny and believes that the government shouldn’t control the people.” explained Mary. “Well you sure convinced me! I’m voting for Thomas Jefferson in the 1800 election!” exclaimed Adam.

5 Vote for Thomas Jefferson for President! We fight for you!
Thank You!

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