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Physical Processes Learning Goal 2: Describe how internal and external physical processes create landforms and shape patterns in the physical environment.

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Presentation on theme: "Physical Processes Learning Goal 2: Describe how internal and external physical processes create landforms and shape patterns in the physical environment."— Presentation transcript:

1 Physical Processes Learning Goal 2: Describe how internal and external physical processes create landforms and shape patterns in the physical environment. CRITERIA FOR SUCCESS: Describe the physical processes that affect the environment. Examine the physical processes that affect the lithosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere, and biosphere. Describe the characteristics of different landforms and the physical processes that cause their development.

2 Internal Physical Processes
Internal processes are events that occur within (under) the earth’s surface, specifically plate tectonics. Volcanoes, mountains, rift valleys, and islands are the result of these processes.

3 Tectonic forces The earth’s crust (lithosphere) is made up of tectonic plates that move over the hot flexible layer of the upper mantle. As the plates move they shape the physical features of the earth. Tectonic plates are large slabs of ? And they?

4 Tectonic Forces: Types of Boundaries
Convergent- Collision (Slam Together) Convergent-Subduction (one under the other) Divergent (Go away from each other) Transforming/Faulting (slide past each other)



7 External Physical Processes
External processes are those that occur outside the earth’s crust including… Weather Weathering vs. Erosion Soil building

8 Weather Weather is the condition of the atmosphere (temperature and precipitation) at a particular location and time. Weather is short term!

9 Weathering vs. Erosion Weathering breaks down rock.
Erosion then occurs when weathered material is moved by the action of wind, water, and ice. Material (soil, rocks, etc) is moved by one of these agents to another location. Follow up questions for video…

Weathering breaks down rock. EROSION MOVES THE ROCK ACROSS THE EARTH’S SURFACE WATER (BIGGEST FORCE OF EROSION) Running water & Wave action: CANYONS WIND EROSION Moves & deposits sediment: DUNES ICE EROSION Moves & leaves debris behind: Carves out GLACIERS & VALLEYS

11 Soil-Building Process
Soil building is… The collection of a loose mixture of weathered rock, organic matter, air, and water that support plant vegetation. Weathering and erosion are part of the process that builds soil. It is important because different soils support different types of vegetation Soil building: supports vegetation; different soils support different types of plants

12 U1LG2 Activity Picture Carousel

13 The FOUR Spheres The earth’s physical environment can be divided into four categories (made up of?). Lithosphere= Atmosphere= Hydrosphere= Biosphere=

14 Lithosphere The lithosphere is outermost shell of the earth composed of the upper mantle and the crust. It is made up of soil, rocks, landforms, and other surface features. The lithosphere is affected by many process, both internal (plate tectonics) and external (weather, erosion, soil building).

15 Atmosphere The atmosphere is the body of air that surrounds the earth’s surface. The atmosphere is most affected by wind currents. It is affected by external processes.

16 Hydrosphere The hydrosphere is composed of the water on earth including oceans, lake, rivers, and supplies underground. The hydrosphere is affected by ocean currents. It is affected by external processes.

17 Biosphere The biosphere is the world of living things (people, plants, and animals) that occupy the lands and waters of earth. It is affected by internal and external processes.

18 Landforms Landforms are naturally formed features on the surface (lithosphere) of the earth. There are many different types of landforms, both oceanic (water) and continental (land). The major feature that designates different landforms is relief. Relief: The variations in elevation of an area of the earth's surface.

19 PAP Writing Write a story about how physical processes affect the Earth’s spheres. Be sure to identify process as well as sphere that your story is about Be creative!!!

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